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25 Reasons Why I Hate You

Because you have no respect for school property.

Frank insisted on leaving to the store on his own, and he made up some bullshit about not wanting to leave the cat alone with Mikey (knowing him, he probably would've put the cat into the toaster or something), and about how he totally forgot to buy cat food, how dumb of him, also the cat needs a litter box and this and that and a cockload of other stuff he's pretty sure don't exist, since he literally made them up on the spot.

In reality, he just really needed time to giggle and grin and fucking be happy, because things were finally looking up. And Mr.Cat is literally a life saver. He walked into that shelter out of boredom but he figured why the Hell not, and it was such an awesome idea, seriously. Actually, scratch 'awesome', he was the purrfect idea. Furfect. Pawfect.

(I'm not fucking sorry in the slightest.)


„Where the fuck did the fucking fuck fucking go?“ Gerard supplies with his colorful vocabulary, lifting Mikey's legs from the couch, and then the coushin underneath that, and then considered asking Mikey to move from the couch in case he's squishing the poor thing or something, but he decides against that since he would probably just end up with a bruise.

„How the fuck should I know, I was in the fucking store!“ Frank says as he looks behind the curtains, looking for Mr.Cat.

„I think he's in the bathroom,“ Mikey says, not moving from the couch, eyes fixated on his phone, texting Pete probably, or God knows. It could be the president, for all that Frank knows. Mikey really seems to know everyone.

„Well, you go get him,“ Frank sticks his tongue out and heads for the kitchen, hearing a sigh but the footsteps are evidence Gerard is, in fact, trudging over to the bathroom to look for the little devil.

„Only you would get me a present that knocks over all the shampoo bottles,“ Gerard sighs as he appears in the kitchen, holding the kitten. Despite his mean words, he's stroking the cat's neck so Frank figures he doesn't hate him that much.

„Only you would accept one,“ Frank grins and puts the cat food into the bowl, then watches as Mr.Cat jumps out of Gerard's arms and devours it.

„Yeah, well, it's from you, so,“ Gerard smiles fondly and walks closer towards Frank, cornering him againt the fridge and wrapping his arms around his waist.

„Oh, so you could say that I'm privileged?“ Frank wiggles his eyebrows, but keeps his arms crossed, wanting to see where Gerard is going with this.

„Mhm, you could say that you are very privileged,“ Gerard leans in and kisses the tip of Frank's nose, which is so fucking dorky, yet insanely adorable. Frank fights the urge to fuck him right there and then, mostly because a cat is in the room and Mikey is in the living room, texting God knows who. “You know, the advantage of being best friends with you back in the day,“ Gerard says as he nuzzles the area behind Frank's ear, „Is that you told me exactly what turns you on.“ And then he kisses Frank's neck, and oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, Frank's brain offers helpfully. He wants to moan so bad, but he bites his lip and lets Gerard work his mouth over his neck, gently nibbling on the scorpion tattoo.

„Hnng,“ Frank wriggles underneath him (think earthworm) and his knees are shaking, God, he's such a fucking 12 year old. „Gerard, if you-“ His warning about hickeys is interrupted by Gerard, the asshole, sucking on his neck and he really can't hold in the moans anymore, screw the cat and screw Mikey, he thinks and moans a deep, breathy moan (Gerard is sure that this is what he'll be jerking off to the next couple of days... or months, or years) whilst Gerard flicks his tongue on the forming hickey.

„I'm sure gonna have fun explaining this to my mum when I come home,“ Frank slumps against the fridge and Gerard grins.

„I bet you will. Now, coffee,“ He pecks Frank on the lips and starts looking for mugs in the cupboard, whilst Frank just sighs again, for probably the 127th time that day.

„Yeah, if you two are done having sex and scarring your furry child in the process, I'd love to get some caffeine in me!“


Frank spends the night with only a brief text message to his mom just before he falls asleep.

Or, rather, he spends the evening, since he wakes up at 2 am. In Gerard's bed. Which is weird because he swears he fell asleep on the couch, and that means Gerard carried him downstairs to the- oh God, Frank is gonna pop a boner if he keeps thinking about that. Mind the fact Gerard is cuddled up next to him, awake and petting Mr.Cat.

„Frankie, baby, who taught you the difference between genders?“ Gerard asks, still stroking the cat and Frank furrows his eyebrow, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in his stomach that he's pretty sure is there simply because Gerard called him baby.

„I am pretty confident that I have taught myself well enough to tell the difference without the assistance of an adult, why?“ Frank stretches and turns around to look Gerard in the eye properly, and now he notices he's slightly smirking.

„Because Mr.Cat has a vagina.“


„We're going to get in so much trouble for this,“ Frank giggles into Gerard's neck as they walk into the school, Frank's arm around Gerard's waist and Gerard's curled around Frank's neck.

„Nah, Mr.Cat is a nice cat,“ Gerard says and they both snicker because that is so far from the truth. So, so far.

They've decided to not re-name the cat, even though it turned out to be a female— Frank got his fairshare of being made fun of by Mikey, but he could have sworn the guy fucking said the cat was a dude.

Gerard's bag started shaking and they both giggled as they made their way through the hall, Frank's head still burried in Gerard's neck and Gerard's nose practically in Frank's hair, because he's a sucker for how Frank smells- especially because this morning he showered in Gerard's shower, so he smells like his shampoo but it's still his scent, somehow. He's also wearing what Gerard is pretty sure is one of his old hoodies, but it's still so fucking huge on Frank, it's adorable. Everyone was staring at them (some out of jealous, some out of hate, some just because they looked so adorable that it was a pretty sight, even for the ones who had no idea who they actually were) but they couldn't give less of a shit, so they headed straight towards the toilets because fuck class, right?

As soon as they were in there, Frank took Mr.Cat into his arms and stroked her fur, sitting down onto the cold bathroom tiles underneath the sink.

„You know Lindsey's gonna come looking for us as soon as she notices we're not in class, right?“ Gerard grins and sits down next to the duo on the floor. Frank just grins back and nods, he's too fucking blissed out for words right now.

„Oh, hey, speaking of Lindsey, how are things going with her and Ville?“ Never too blissed out for gossip, though.


„And who might this pretty little girl be?“ Lindsey asks as soon as she sees the ball of fur curled into Frank's arms, making snoring-like sounds.

„See, Lindsey saw the cat for the first time and even she can tell it's a girl,“ Gerard flashes Frank a shit eating grin and Frank does the mature thing. Ignores him.

„Her name is Mr.Cat,“ he offers no other explanation, but picks Mr.Cat up and hands her over to Lindsey who starts cooing at how cute she is.

„Can I take her to class? I fucking told Fork I'm just going to the toilet, he'll kill me if I don't come back soon. I should have said I wasn't feeling well,“ Lindsey doesn't even wait for approval, she just marches out mumbling to herself.

That leaves Frank and Gerard alone in the bathroom, and they have almost an entire class period to use and abuse. Which is exactly the thing Gerard has in mind when he helps Frank up and then backs him up against one of the sinks, which Frank has no problem jumping onto.

„I'm having a strong sense of Deja Vu,“ Frank gets out before Gerard's mouth is on his, and oh God that is the single best feeling in the entire universe. He opens his mouth and Gerard licks around and Frank can taste everything, because Gerard tastes like coffee and cigarettes and gum and waffles and everything in between, and he can't get fucking enough but what the fuck does Gerard care, because Gerard has Frank's hands pinned behind Frank's back and Frank can't do anything but let Gerard have him where he wants him.

Gerard doesn't let go of Frank's hands and he doesn't seem to be planning on doing that anytime soon, but he does rub his crotch against Frank's and holy fucking shit, not only is Gerard hard- Gerard is fucking big, and Frank is trying so hard not to come inside of his own pants like a horny 14 year old who just had his first kiss, but Gerard is right there and he's making all these noises and his fucking crotch is right against Frank and-

He comes inside of his pants. Literally the most childish thing he could have ever done, but he's being so loud that Gerard literally swallows down his moans and looks down at the wet spot forming on Frank's jeans and grins. It's sort of neruotic looking, but Frank can't even form coherent thoughts, let alone complain about how Gerard is looking at him like he owns him.

„Now, get off that sink before you break it with your fat ass, you cock. Also, there's a pair of sweatpants in my bag, thought you might need them.“

Frank doesn't know what's hotter- the fact that Gerard is suddenly all dominant and demanding and that tone he's using is literally sending Frank to Heaven or the fact that he was counting on the fact he would make Frank orgasm. Either way, his dick isn't complaining.


„Thank fucking God, about fucking time you came back. You left me hanging in that class all by myself! Do you know how hard it is to pretend to be taking notes whilst keeping a kitten entertained? Firstly, Fork almost killed me because he thought it was fucking suspicious that I was sneezing so hard- did I mention I'm allergic to cats? The things I do for you cocksuckers. He wanted to throw me out of class, he said he smelled cats- whatever the fuck that means- and that he will have a „chat“ with my parents. So basically, I was accused. You better have had some interesting sex,“ Lindsey blurts out as soon as Frank and Gerard come within hearing range.

„You can't blame us and our furry little hyperactive love child, we're only trying to get by in this cruel world,“ Frank sticks his tongue out but kisses Lindsey's cheek because she's honestly the bestest friend ever and they all join the group of students that are moving towards the next class like a flock of penguins, and next class is fucking Gym, and Frank doesn't like Gym as it is, let alone after he spent all his energy like that. Or, well, after he let Gerard take all his energy like that.

Lindsey's bag is ruffling and shaking and meowing the entire way (they're just lucky everyone is either too busy to notice or just really can't be bothered to give a fuck), and seriously, how hyperactive can a fucking furball be.


Kitten fluff. Also sink sort-of-sex. You're fucking welcome.

Also cat puns, because how could I not.

In other news, my hair is now purple. I know what you're thinking, that surely affects the story greatly and it is very important information. You're completely right.

Also, can you believe it's already the 15th chapter? This thing is actually ending soon. I'm gonna miss it.



Please finish this!!!! I read this back in January and check back weekly. It's the best.

poundforpound poundforpound


petekey just had to be done, i have no idea. and it's weird bc rogue ships peterick & i'm here like 'cAN I PUT SOME PLATONIC PETEKEY IN THERE' and well, it turned out a little less platonic than it should've been
also the thing w/ bert was necessaryyyyy. you'll see what i'm talking abt later on in the fic. this ain't becoming a gerbert. <3

actualghost actualghost
the pain you feel when you get punched square in the face by the guy you used to call 'baby'.
i'm soooo mad at you for this chapter tbh. BERT. WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS, MILO? i want frank to punch gerard in the face 600 more times at prom.

(but actually tho, why does auxiliary petekey come so easy in frerard? there has to be an explanation for thisss. omg.)


I know right

lovebyanyother lovebyanyother