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Saving the Fabulous Killjoys (DISCONTINUED)

Chapter 39: Nothing but a dead scene

Agent Cherri Cola

I saw the guys nearly DRAG Kobra out of the basement. Party wasn't with them. I didn't even ask. I knew what had happened. He hadn’t made it out. Party…. Heads were lowered as we heard the last of the gas being poured out. A soft sound. Then, a loud sound of pain. Kobra…. He fell to his knees and bit his wrist to attempt to stifle the sobs.

“K-Kobra…” I whispered.

All eyes were on him as I kneeled besides him. His wrist had begun to bleed. I put my hand on his shoulder and he bit in deeper. I kissed his forehead, then his cheek. His red eyes darted over to me. He then allowed me to pull his arm away from his mouth. His teeth were bloody and he was sharking.

“Cherri?” He whimpered.

And i kissed him. Almost automatically, his hands went on my waist and his tongue went in my mouth. Dang…. Just like i dreamed it would be… after all this time….

I could distinctly hear Missle Kid crying and soft muttering sounds as Pink came to. I pulled away from Kobra to see a burning in his eyes.

“Where’s P-Party?” Pink croaked.

Blood rushed from my face as I looked down to the basement again.

“The door wouldn’t open.” Mad Gear said “seems 2 hid the key somewhere else-”

Pink stood up and ran. Not towards the basement… she ran away. No one chased her. She was overcome with grief. Of course she’d run. After a few minutes, Jet was going to go get her…. But we saw her coming back. There was something in her hand. She showed it to us; a look of hope in her face.

“I searched 2. He had this key in his hand.”

I looked down at the small key ring that was covered in blood. It contained two keys. Surely, one of those would open Party’s cell. Well, it was worth a try.

I took the key from her hands and ran down.

The gas was unbearable. I groped my way to the cell and inserted it in the lock. It went in quickly, but jammed as I tried to turn it.


No answer. A bundle in the middle of the floor. An unmoving bumble that was quaking with shallow breaths. We called to it; it didn’t answer. Or move.

It took two full minutes to open the door. As soon as It swung open, I grabbed him and Jet rushed over to help me. Mad Gear led us out with the sound of his voice.

The industry was mayhem. Dracs running about, some pointing guns at us, some backing away.

"Weapons away," Pink said in a loud, commanding voice "I officially inherit the industry. You all listen to ME now."

Weapons were immediately lowered. She ordered the guards to bring a cot and they did. Very efficient ... you know... when they're not trying to kill you and all.

They took us to Dr. D, who hooked Party on to machines. He was hardly breathing. Pink called for doctors and they came. They treated us. No major problems... well…. Pony would have problems communicating for a while. His voice might come back. Might…. And Party…. There was a very high chance... that he would die.

Pink screamed at them. She screamed for them to find a way to save him. They immediately began to filter his blood and the air in his lungs. He was twitching from all the poison. Party.... His heart rate was slow... but steady. Ten painful minutes, before the news came.

Party would live.

Screaming all around. Kobra ran straight up to Pink.

"You saved my brother!!" He screamed, in pure joy.

He then kissed Pink full on the lips and pulled away quickly. He turned red and quickly apologized. Pink shook her head and gave him a bonecrushing hug.

And so, we waited. We waited until we could wait no more. Until our stomachs were growling with hunger. That's when we went to the kitchen. Pink and Kobra never moved. They stayed besides Party and I brought them food. We waited some more. An awkward silence as Kobra apologized again and again about the kiss; looking extremely flustered and worried.

It was a full hour before Party stirred. He coughed and groaned. For the what seemed the millionth time, we saw Party come back to life before our eyes. Of course, the screaming, the crying, the hugging…. the kissing.

The questions.

“Pink…” Dr. D said softly “The guard… did you?”

“Yes. I killed him.”

There was a chill in the room. That was when we noticed the blood on her clothes and hands. Also… her eyes were out of focus. How was she even talking to us? Dr. D helped her lie down and she continued talking. She explained what 2 did to Pony (Mad Gear was hugging Pony again. Not for comfort…. just because.) and we all nearly threw up. That bastard.

Pink looked down at Party, who was gazing up at her adoringly. A beep. Party flinched. Dr. D turned up the machine a little bit more. Party lay back on the pillow and closed his eyes. He looked exhausted. And for the first time…. he looked like an adult.

It was then I looked around. It was then I noticed how old we all were. Missile Kid was as tall as Fun Ghoul had been. Kobra wasn’t that little kid I met a lifetime ago. Jet and Pony… so tall… so strong…. Party… truly living up to his name. Me…. I hardly remember where this all started. I guess…. it was destiny that we all ended up together the way we did.

“Do you guys… Do you guys want some coffee?” Pink asked.

Heads snapped up and I swear Party jumped with joy.

“Two sugars, please.” He choked out, a smile in his voice.

We all laughed. Pink nodded and made her way out of the room. Soft humming. I looked over to see Mad Gear softly mumbling something into Pony’s ear. Pony’s eyes were shut and he seemed to be asleep. That was… cute. Missile Kid hopped on Mad Gear and he hugged her too. She seemed to like him. A lot. Mad Gear and Missile Kid….. Nah. That would never catch on.

“We can go steal some candy,” I heard him whisper “I know where we can find some.”

Missile Kid squealed and choke-hugged him. I smiled.

"Party won't be too happy with the idea of you two stealing sweets. She'll get cavities."

Missile Kid pouted and Mad Gear pointed to his pearly-white teeth. I laughed. Kobra looked up from the floor and straight at me. A soft smile.

Pink brought the coffee and we drank and drank. BL/ind has the best coffee ever.

So…. what now?

Party watched Missile Kid jump all around in happiness as she hugged him over and over again. There was no way to be depressed around Missile Kid. The doctors stuttered that we would need to keep Party hooked on the machines for a while. He was alive now… but that could change any moment. The poison had been strong. Nearly killed him… had it not been for Pink.

“Is… Is it really? Is this it?” Missile Kid asked.

Silence as eyes watched Pink. She was running her fingers through Party’s hair and murmuring soft things. She sighed and looked up.

“There are still guards out in the zones… who follow my father’s rules. But that’s a small number. Most of them are under my- well… OUR command.”

A lump in my throat. A moment of silence.

“I do.” Party said suddenly.

Everyone looked up to him. He was looking into Pink’s eyes. She was smiling.

“I do.” She whispered back.

Then, she leaned down to kiss his lips gently.

“I guess that works.” Dr. D said, laughing “Congratulations mister and misses-”

“Way.” Gerard said softly “Misses Shirley Way.”

He took hold of her waist softly.

“I love you.”

Pony made a gagging noise and Mad Gear laughed softly. Pink kissed Party’s forehead and finally, we left the room.

Missile Kid

Just before I went to take a shower, I followed Mad Gear to a storage room (he had asked some of the workers, and they agreed) that was full of confiscated candy. We ate and ate for about 30 minutes before Cherri found us and glared at Mad Gear. Then, she plucked me off the ground and took some of the candy from my hands. I sneaked a few pieces into my pocket and Mad Gear stored the rest.

He winked at me and I giggled.


this originally ended in chapter 41, but i've decided to talk a little more lol. ANNOYING ROCKS. and, btw, i am also writing two other fics. :P

a random pic i found on the web. thought it'd be cute...


Sorry I stopped commenting. I've been horribly ill. But I'm back now and hope you'll continue this.

for you, honey bear

*cries tears of fluffy beautiful joy*

So much.keep going


So much.keep going
