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Saving the Fabulous Killjoys (DISCONTINUED)

Chapter 33: No one ever had much nice to say

Pink Insanity

Party's eyes opened. Not glazed. He looked around at all of us and screamed. We all jumped on him instantly. Hugging and patting his back. We were all crying. From Kobra down to Cherri. He was alive. He was safe. I grabbed his shirt and yanked him into a kiss. He was startled, but managed to kiss me back.

"Get a room." Pony mumbled playfully.

Kobra's turn. I cleared the way as he leapfrogged on his brother. Knocking him down completely. Party giggled like a schoolgirl and they began to wrestle. It was really cute. Tears of joy were still streaming down my face. This moment was perfect. I went close to the door, to watch from a safe distance, as the tickle-fight between Party and his brother began. The others were laughing so hard, it hurt my ears. One arm reached out and Jet was in it. Then, pony. Then, Missle Kid. I edged closer, curious. A hand reached out to me. Party's playful eyes.

"Uh... Party. I'm actually not ticklish..."

Too late. He found my weak spot and soon, I fell laughing with the others. Soon, everyone had chosen sides. Missle Kid, Cherri, Kobra and Party vs. Jet, Pony and Me. Jet was pinned down and tickled until he gave up in less than two minutes. Pony was taken down a few seconds after. That left me. Four pairs of hungry eyes looked away from my defeated teammates. I took of running as they chased me around the room. Too fast... to see.... I ran smack into Party and he held me down. There, I was tickled until I cried.

"Stay strong!" Pony cheered, from the ground "don't admit defeat! If she doesn't give up in ten seconds, we win!"

They took the challenge and tickled me harder. I squealed, but refused to admit defeat.

"Three! Two! One! WE WON!"

The guys stopped tickling and began wrestling again. Party still held me. I turned to look at him. There were tears in his eyes.

"Party? What's wrong?"

"I'm just so...."

He pulled me in and began to kiss me violently.


He laughed lightly and then his tongue was in my mouth.

Then, Missle Kid spoke.

"Guys... why does-"

"Missle Kid! Don't look!" Pony screamed, theatrically "It BURNS!"

The squeaking of boots. I opened my eyes slightly to see that the guys had given their backs to us and Pony had covered Missle Kid's eyes.

"Let us know when you're done," Jet said, a smile in his voice.

I saw Kobra nudge him. For a second, all that found be heard was Missle Kid asking questions that she was too young to know the answer to.

It was a few seconds when I noticed Dr. D was gone. Party noticed my pause and instantly shielded me.

"What's going on."

Everyone tensed as soon as he said that.

"Where's Dr. D." I asked.

Pony shook his head.

"He's going to give the medicine to John."

Everyone relaxed and Party laughed. His happiness was contagious, and soon we were joking around again. Pony stood up to get the food for Party and came back looking pale.

"John isn't waking up." He muttered "Dr. D says he's too far gone and if it keeps going like this, he'll..... die."

“Should we even care?” Jet whined “We hardly know the guy anyways.”

"That doesn't mean I'm going to just let him die. No one else is dying. We have to help."

Jet nodded and we walked to the room. Dr. D was nervously checking the machines over and over.

"I don't understand.... why isn't it working?"

Party went over to John.

"I know you can hear me. Stay with us. We can help you get better. You don't have to let go."
Kobra jumped on Party again, and the boys began wrestling.

"Not in here," Dr. D said, a smile in his voice "take your playing somewhere else. I have a patient."

A beam of Sun entered the room, putting in what would've been Fun Ghoul's laugh. I was looking out the window at the city, when I heard one of the boys whisper to Party:

"When are you going to ask her?"

They all began giggling as I pretended not to notice or let them know I was listening.

"C'mon, man. Right now is the perfect time." Jet said, seriously.

Party mumbled something I didn't quite hear.

"You don't need that old thing. She'll take you anyway." Pony chirped.

I turned back to them and they all smiled innocently.

"What's.... going on...."

"Just bothering Party about his haircut." Kobra said smoothly "it IS getting really long."

I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his hair.

"It's nice. I really like your long hair."

He blushed and the guys snickered.

"I'm going to the city to get it cut tomorrow. With the guys." He stuttered.

"Can I come?" I asked innocently.

"Actually.... uh.... I wanted it to be just the guys.... we're gonna... um... all of us are gonna get haircuts, actually."

Pony put his hand on his head, and looked at Party furiously. NOT happening.

"Fine. All except Pony."

"Just be back before Missle Kid starts asking questions."

"We will."

The guys then pushed Party toward me and gave him a thumbs up. I smiled and looked innocent. He was nervous. A moment of silence.

"We should go tell the town you're okay!" Jet said, suddenly "We can go down right now! Its only.... like... 1 or 2 p.m.... yeah, we can go!"

Missle Kid pulled out a pair of jeans and a shirt from the closet and handed them to Party. He went into the bathroom and came back with them on. Then, I helped him put on his jacket. We began to fix his hair.

"It's like they're already married." Pony whispered to Jet "Isn't it CUTE?"

Jet punched Pony in the arm.

"Don't go making me cry. Our little Party.... he's a man now.... Oh God, I wish I had a camera...."

The guys began fake crying while I pretended not to notice. Party's face was beet red.

"Cut it out." He mumbled.

We looked at John again. Nothing had changed in the monitors. I hugged Party and he smiled.

"Are you two lovebirds gonna get a room or are we going out?" Jet called from the hallway.

Cherri took a seat next to John's bed and nodded to Party. Missle Kid jumped into the hall. Party took hold of my waist and we walked out of the room. Down the long hallways. Through the doors. Soon, we were in town.

"HE'S ALIVE!" Jet shouted.

People began to gather in a few seconds to gawk at us. Jet formally introduced us to everyone. A lot of people. A LOT. Party pulled me closer. He seemed out of breath. Kobra told them all to spread out a bit. They did, and Party relaxed. He smiled again. Then, his face turned white.

One woman. One particular woman was looking at him.

"Party.... are you okay?"

I signaled for Kobra to come closer.

"Mom." Party whispered.

The woman came closer and Kobra saw her too. His face also turned white and for one of the first times, I saw emotion. No one notices the scene as the woman worked her way through the crowd and had soon reached us. A small lady with white hair and a gentle smile. Her eyes showed no recognition, though.

"I feel like I know you..." she said, frowning "I'm just not sure from where..."

Kobra ran forward and gave her a hug. She looked startled.

"Its me, mom. Mikey." He said smiling "I missed you so much. I-"

"I had no children."

"You mean you don't.... "

He looked hurt for a moment. Then, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small paper.... a photograph... and showed it to her.

"That's me... that's you.... that's dad.... that's Gerard... Don't you remember?"

Gerard. His name rang clear in my mind. I looked up at Party.

"Is that your name?"

He smiled and looked down at the ground.



"Gerard doesn't exist anymore. That's my personal little secret." He winked "Don't tell HER that."

We went back to looking at Kobra and their mother. She was now looking at the photograph with tears in her eyes.

"Yes... I remember now.... how could I forget my own children.... I'm such a horrible mother!"

Kobra pulled her into a hug. Party trembled. I pushed him towards the woman and he was accepted into the circle.

"Gerard. How much you've grown.... I'm so sorry I had to leave you-"

"No, mom. Don't blame yourself. It was Korse. You don't need to feel guilty."

Slowly, the people went into the industry with Jet. We stayed outside with Party's mom. Gerard's mom. She led us back to her house.

As soon as we went in, Kobra ran down the hall and into a small room. It was empty. He walked around the house, stopping to look at things every few seconds. We went to the kitchen and got handed a cup of coffee each. Party smiled wide and gulped it down like water. I looked down at it with sheer happiness and gratitude. Then, I took small sips until it was finished. In one point, I was pushed into the conversation.

"Mom, this is Pink… Shirley…. We're.... it's sort of.... uh...."

His hand around my waist tightened and he bit his lip. She looked from him to me and back. A laugh.

"I get it. You've never been one with words. So... anything special yet?"

In that moment, Party pushed me on my feet and towards the hall, mumbling something about 'checking what Kobra was up to'. I nodded and he closed the door. Laughing from the other side. I sighed and began to look around. There were no pictures... no toys... nothing. BL/ind had probably gotten rid of them all. I went to the yard, where I found Kobra lying on the grass. I fell to the ground right next to him and looked up at the sky. An endless blue.

"Are you happy?" I asked softly.

He faced me. There was a huge, goofy smile in his face.

"Things are getting better." He breathed "things are actually getting better."

I smiled. He was silent. Then, he spoke.

"Pink... I... I think I might... love you."

He looked at me to see my response. I blinked for a few seconds. That's when I noticed he had gotten closer to me and his hand was resting on mine. I pulled it away and sat up. He mimicked my action.

"Kobra... I think you're confused..."

"That's the thing. I'm not. I've never been more sure about anything."

I tried to stand, but he held me down.

"Kobra. This isn't going to work.... You need to think about what you're doing... it's wrong."

"I don't care." He mumbled.

He was leaning in slowly. No... this was wrong. I didn't think about Kobra in that way.

"You need to stop. Please."

I scooted further away from him.

"You don't love me. You think you do. You don't."

"Pink, I can make you happy. I swear, I can!"

He took hold of both my hands and put them to his lips.

"Kobra.... I don't...."

He looked hurt, nodded and released me in understanding.

"Of course. You don't love me. You love Party. Never mind what I said. It.... was stupid and it's not fair to do this to you."

"Kobra, wait."

He stood up.

"Just.... let’s pretend this never happened, okay?"

He went into the house and I leaned back on the grass.



Sorry I stopped commenting. I've been horribly ill. But I'm back now and hope you'll continue this.

for you, honey bear

*cries tears of fluffy beautiful joy*

So much.keep going


So much.keep going
