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You Can Cry All You Want To, I Don't Care

Chapter Seventy Four

The following night Patrick and I get ready before heading out to the bar where the first band of the night is already playing and the bar is packed with sweaty writhing college students, all bouncing around and grinding on each other. Patrick spots his friends and we head over to them, getting drinks from the bar when we get there and we shout to each other over the blaring music before giving up and we are about to head out into the crowd of dancing teens when someone wraps their arm around my waist and I turn to see Bert smiling at me. "You look great" he tells me as he leans in close so I can hear him, his lips brushing my ear and making me shiver. I thank him and tell him where we were heading and he smiles and nods, indicating he wants to come too before sliding his hand down to grip my hand. I turn back to Patrick and he raises his eyebrow at me and smiles, shooting me a little thumbs up and I smile and feel myself blush as we head out to the dance floor. We jump around for the next song, having a great time and once the song ends the band is done and the next one comes on. In the brief moment of silence Bert and I lean in close and make conversation, him asking me out on an actual date but before I can answer the next band is ready and the singer starts talking, introducing their band. "Hey I'm Frank and we're FrnkIero andthe Cellabration." My head snaps around so fast I almost give myself whiplash and my breath catches in my throat when I see it is indeed Frank on that stage, one of his arms completely tattooed now and he looks amazing.

They launch into the first song and immediately the place blows up, the dance floor erupting into a mosh pit and I fight my way to the front for a better view, Bert momentarily forgotten. I am mesmerised by Frank, his voice sounding incredible against the music and he plays his guitar with his whole body, thrashing around on vocal breaks. After the second song Frank takes a few seconds to look out over the crowd and when his eyes meet mine they widen and his mouth drops open before he recovers and shoots me a sly smirk. They launch into the next song and Bert comes up and wraps his arms around my waist, moving with me to the music and when Frank looks down at me again he looks almost disappointed. The band finishes their set and make their way off the stage, Frank throwing me one last look and Bert and I make our way back to the bar, Bert lining up to order us drinks while I step outside for a smoke. I step out into the back alley and lean against the wall, lighting up and inhaling deeply, sighing in relief. A few puffs later the door opens again and two other guys step out, the alley being dark so I can't make out who they are until they step closer and I freeze when I see it's Frank and his bands drummer. "Well well well look at you" he says as he steps over to stand infront of me and pulls a cigarette from his pocket. "Got a light handsome?" He asks, smirking at me and I smile back hesitantly as I pull my lighter out and light his cigarette for him. "Thanks" he says as he blows out his first lung full of smoke. "Hey Spence, this is my ex, Gerard. Gerard, this is Spence." "Nice to meet you" I say as I nod towards him and he smiles and nods back. "How have you been? You look great, I really love your hair" Frank asks as his hand comes up to gently stroke my now vivid red hair and I sigh, thinking about lying before realising he would know so I settle for the truth. "Awful. In the last year I lost my mother and my fiancé and then I had to come to New York alone with nothing and no one on my side." Franks face drops so I quickly speak before he can. "But you seem to be doing great, congratulations on the band, you guys were amazing." "Thanks" Frank says with a sad smile on his face. "I saw you with someone in the crowd, new boyfriend?" I shake my head before adding "Nah, I actually haven't dated anyone since...." I trail off, knowing he'll know what I mean. "How about you? Boyfriend?" Frank smiles and shakes his head. "Nah, haven't really met anyone interesting enough, my ex kinda ruined me for everyone else, apparently my standards are too high." Spence lets out a laugh before saying "No one could ever live up to your standards, your highness." "Well, one person could" Frank jokes back, his eyes drifting in my direction and I shift my feet, feeling just a little uncomfortable. "Well anyway my friends are waiting inside so I better get back in, it's nice to see you again Frank and again, congratulations." Frank and I share an awkward one armed hug and as I pull away he smiles and says "You're not leaving yet are you?" I shake my head "Nah we haven't been here all that long, we'll still be here a while." "Great, maybe I'll see you on the dance floor in a while?" "Maybe" I smile back, waving and going back inside. When I make it back to the bar I see Bert standing with a group of his friends and I make my way over, sending him an apologetic smile. "Sorry, got a little distracted talking." "Oh no worries it's fine" he tells me, offering me a beer which I take a skull almost half before pulling it away from my lips. "Thanks." A few minutes later Patrick comes over and grabs my arm, pulling me out towards the dance floor and I hold my hand out to Bert but he smiles and leans in to say "I'm waiting to see a friend who should be here any minute. As soon as I see him I'll come find you." I smile and nod, turning and letting Patrick lead me into the mess of writhing bodies while the current band plays a fast song and Patrick and I start jumping around, dancing with his other friends. Just as the next song starts someone plasters themselves to my back and their hands slide down to grip tightly at my hips, their crotch grinding into my ass a little and I smile, leaning back into it expecting it to be Bert but when I look down I see tattooed fingers and I spin around quickly, coming face to face with Frank who is smirking at me, a dirty mischievous look in his eyes.



I binge read this and now I'm on thirty seven and I started tearing up and hyperventilating during science class!

That one friend That one friend


Funghoulified Funghoulified

I'm on chapter 10 and holy wow im already in love

Lilla Lilla

I spent every moment from Friday to Sunday morning reading this; I adored it. Broke my heart and made me laugh and I'm addicted. I'm enjoying the sequel, keep up the good work!

Suprise. It's the future come to crush your hopes and dreams.