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I am not afraid to walk this world alone.

My fuckin luck

Lyric's Pov....
The door slams open and I stare at the guys. My shirt halfway up scars visible. Why didn't I face the other way? I freeze while Gerard walks slowly toward me. Not thinking I dodge his arm when it came out to touch me. I grab my phone and walk to the couch. Shirt now down I look where we are. Miami Florida, my old best friend Kate friend lives not so far from here. Like three miles really. The bus is in a gas station filling up. Perfect timing. I slip on my converse and open the door. Without looking back I hope down. I know where I am. I text Kate.

Lj- Still in the same house as last year?

LittleMrs.Way (Kate) Yeah. Need a place again? :(

Lj- How ya know? :(

LittleMrs. Way (Kate) - I know you.

Lj- Thanks! Your the best! Oh I meet MCR tell ya later! Meet me in our tree okay!

LittleMrs. Way (Kate)- Fuck no! I aint leaving my comfy bed for Nothin! You know me!.... I groan and face palm.

Lj- What if I buy you coffee from Starbucks?... That will get her, she cant go a day without coffee.

LittleMrs. Way (Kate)- No -_-. Dad took away car again..... I sigh and turn of my phone. Oh well that bitch left me for nothing.
I walk back on the bus, ignore the stares, and go to my bunk. I hop on and snuggle into the covers. Falling into a not so peaceful sleep.
(six hours later)
I jump up screaming. I hit my head on the top of the bus and fall off. Just my luck! I hate nightmares. I have them a lot. The clock reads 5:22. I yawn and put of coffee. After it's done I pure a cup, then another one until the pot has about one cup left. I drank my sixth cup and go to pour another one.
"Fuck no you had six cups!" I scream and drop the coffee cup. It shatters leaving a ring of glass around my bare feet. "Shit Lyric you okay!" I see who it is Gerard. Nodding I pick up shards around me. My hands get cut a little and I stare at the blood. I shrug it of and continue picking up the glass until I move. As soon as I'm out from the ring of glass I run and run smack into Gerard, falling. And again with my luck the thud woke everyone up. They all stare at me. Like really I screamed fell of my bunk that doesn't wake them up but a soft thud dose? Like what the fuck? Sighing I get up and throw my self onto the couch. The guys turn to leave. I want Gerard to stay but that would be to much.
"Gerard?" He turns around, worry in his face. "Thanks" He gose to say something but he stops. I watch his retrating form and lie on the couch, afraid of what sleep will bring.


Question: What do you think of Kate? Is she another Jane or a person who cares?


Loven it!!


I loved that you wrote this!!!! I loved it so much!!!!

@Your bulletproof heart

Okay!!!! So you like? :)


Okay it will happen then!!

I have to read the story! I care XD