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Follow My Voice

Will The Snakes Start To Sing?

Frank's POV

Chewing at my dinner, I couldn't help but remember the hurtful words Gerard had said to me. Most of the time, I'm not bothered by such comments, or anything really. It's the fact that it came from someone I cared about that stung. I sigh, stabbing my fork through a green bean. I wish he could just forgive me instead of bashing out on me like I was doing his brother any real harm.

It just occurred to me that I'm alone, in my dining room, eating leftovers. Gerard was lucky to have a brother, and even luckier to have one like Mikey. I consider Mikey my kid brother, and I know it annoys the shit out of Gerard, but I can't help it. The Ways are great people, who are understanding and kind and loving, and so are my parents. Hell, they act alike too. There's one dominate thing that sets them apart.

Mister and Miss Way were always there. They were there for their sons, and they were there for me. My parents, I like to think of them as busy citizens. The bitter truth is that they don't really care for me. They love me, and they talk about me like I'm the best person on the planet, and they send letters once in a while. But that's as far as it goes for an Iero.

I'm not complaining. Mister and Miss Way had financial issues, and had to let go of one of their sons. And. well, Gerard volunteered.

Now that they're back in shape when it comes to money, they tried to take Gerard back. The new family didn't want to, and Gerard had chosen to stay with the family. Gerard's new family is a whole bunch of crazy religious people who hate my guts. End of story.

The phone rang, and I answered it in the nick of time. "Hello?"

"Hey Frank." Mikey's voice, obviously. "What's up?"

"Hey. Listen, remember Gerard was in your house on that day?"

He coughed. "Frank, I-I don't want to remember that day..."

"He saw us, and he's really upset..."

"Well, I haven't seen Gerard in ages, I don't know how to sort things out here."

"Gerard said a lot of things that really hurt."

" I know Gerard can be a brat sometimes," he admitted.

"Can he hate me that much?" I asked, more to myself than him. Before I knew it, my head started to ache. My chest hurt. Everything hurt. Gerard was a great friend of mine, and I could have lost him today. I hope I can sort things out.


new chapter c:


And more, and more, and MORE??? X

More please? X

oh, asshole!gerard is always so fun to write.