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Bring Me To Life

Chapter 2

Peacefully, I drove up the road towards the cabin without a care in the world, humming one of my own personal songs, mumbling a couple of the words when the rhythm got interesting. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song. After a few miles in my car, I felt the air get heavier, the higher altitude affecting my lungs with every stifled breath I took. By the looks of it, the cabin was at the very top of the hill.

Intrigued, I stepped on the pedal to speed the process, and parked by a healthy oak tree. The scents of the wilderness enthralled me, and I took in account how beautiful the scenery was. The cabin was crafted of fine cedar painted white, logs placed together to form the structure. Windows were nonexistent, with an exception of two on each side of the door. I lifted my bag over my shoulder, giving myself time to sort my keys.

They were all aligned around a circular strap of steel, and jingled when shaken. I searched through perhaps twenty to find one of unique color and texture, the one needed to open the door. Spotting its reddish copper color, I pinched at it, and brought it up to the lock. After my successful attempt at unlocking the door, I immediately dropped my things to the ground.

I feel bad for using an alibi for spending the night here. I don't have a girlfriend, I don't even like girls. Yeah, I'll never get to heaven with a life like mine, I know and I don't care. It makes me who I am, and I'm not ashamed in who I am.

I pushed my bags to the side, and smiled. A few minutes of silence followed, and I felt nice.

Out of no where, I heard a loud wispy hiss from deep inside the house, and froze.

No. That didn't happen. It couldn't have happened.

I let it go for now. I mean, one little mishap isn't the end of the worlfd, right?


I changed chapters because I realized I was basically writing the shining with Gerard as Nicholson and Frank as the old housekeeper and Bob as the psychic man and some kid would come in and be that little kid and agh I needed to make something different. I changed the whole storyline, and I think this'll be better c:



fangoria fangoria

m O RE

fangoria fangoria


thank you so much c:

i <3 all your stories a lottt!!


i <3 all your stories a lottt!!
