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Bury Me In

About ten minutes later, they weren't bawling, and they both looked totally embarrassed. They turned to look at me, blushing sheepishly. I felt myself blushing to. Okay maybe I wasn't so good at this friend thing after all.

"What's your name?" Frankie asked me quietly. I could see there was something weighing heavily on his shoulders. I felt it necessary to find out.

"Miracle." I answered kindly. "Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me why you were both bawling your eyes out on my shoulders and what happened to that poor boy in the cot." I commanded, raising my eyebrows at the two of them. They looked at each other.

"Cool name." Frankie sniffed, more tears threatening to spill. Now, honestly, something fucking awful must have happened to that kid for this to happen...

Flashback (Frankie's POV)
"Gee, Mikes, c'mon we've gotta get out of here." I hissed through the darkness of the school. I was being a pussy and hanging back as Gerard got payback on the jocks. He was vandalizing their treasured sports locker room.

It was fun at first, but I swear to god I heard footsteps.

"Alright, we're coming Frank! Chill the fuck out man!" Gee's laughing form appeared out of the darkness of the school. I saw his eye's go wide. "FRANK MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!" He screamed just as something cracked on my back. I screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground.

Something began to repeatedly whack me, causing pain. Someone was then towering over me, taking the blows from whatever was hitting me. I heard a scream in pain.

"MIKES COME HERE!" Gee screamed from above me as I curled around myself. Words began to grow muffled as the ringing in my ears grew intense. I felt myself being dragged away and someone was shaking me. I looked up to see Mikey. My vision and hearing clearing up. My back hurt so bad.

Suddenly, I heard a loud scream in pain. Mikey and I both turned.

"GEE!" Mikey had turned quicker. He jumped up and sprinted over towards where Gee was getting repeatedly hit with a bat, wailing in pain. Someone grabbed Mikey, pinning him to the wall.

"MIKES!" I screamed and Gee turned and saw his brother being held against the wall, getting hit in the stomach over and over. Mikey wailed as Gee sprinted over and jumped on the kids back, ripping his head backwards. The monstrous kid holding Mikey fell backwards, onto Gee.

I dragged myself over and pulled Mikey away, hoping Gee was behind.

I heard screaming, but not Gee's. I saw him punching kids, kicking, and winning for a second. I grinned and cheered for Gee. His moment of fame was short lived however, for someone cracked him in the head with a baseball bat.

His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out. They began to kick him around on the ground, showing no mercy. I screamed and began to stumble over, when wailing sirens and bright lights cut into the parking lot.

The bullies bolted, leaving three broken boys on the ground. Two sporting injuries and one near death.

They took us here in an ambulance. Mikes and I were treated in the ambulance. Miraculously, we didn't have any serious injuries. I had a fractured rib, a messed-up spine, and a lot of lumps, bruises and cuts.

Mikey had three broken ribs, a fractured collarbone and cuts and bruises. Gee was being treated now.

Mikey is Gee's little brother, I'm their best friend.

The incident is my fault though, I had made Mikey and Gee go vandalize, promising it would be fun. And then Gee's hurt because he saved me only to hurt himself.

I screwed up so fucking bad this time. I didn't realize I'd put my two best friends lives in danger. I didn't realize Gee would sacrifice his life for me. I went to far with my pranking and revenge this time. After all, revenge isn't everything... or is it?


I'm a dark person, I'll admit that.
Maybe one more update tonight...


@Sad but Rad
No problem :3 The new update is awesome by the way! And thank you :)

TBPAlterEgo TBPAlterEgo

AWWWW thanks! I'm writing now! @TBPAlterEgo and your username is rad.

Sad but Rad Sad but Rad

This is fantastic! Update soon!

TBPAlterEgo TBPAlterEgo