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The Shy One

You can run away with me

---Addison's POV-----

My eyes lit up. First day at my new school and I already am invited to someone's house! He seems totally cool for a kid a grade older than me. Mikey seems like a really shy person, I mean he can't even look me in the eyes! I was just about to pull out my sketchbook when I saw a short girl with straight brown hair bounce up to Frank and hug him. She was beautiful.

"Hello beautiful," Frank cooed to her making her giggle. He looked over at me, "Addison this is my girlfriend Jennifer."

She smiled at me, "Call me Jenn, no one calls me Jennifer anymore."

The rest of the day I kept watching the clock begging for time to go faster. Finally, the bell rang and I was free. Jenn ran up to me as soon as I was spotted and Frank and Mikey were following behind her.

"Ready to go?" She said laughing. Well she was a hyper one.

She took my hand and led me the entire way to their house and oh my god. Their house was massive! It was a three story house with massive black iron gates in front of it. They led me through the gate and I almost fainted when I saw the car in front of the driveway. It was a tour bus. But not just a tour bus! The bus for the band My Chemical Romance! My all time favorite band ever! Everyone must've saw my shocked face because Frank put a hand on my shoulder.

"What's your last name?" I asked Mikey in amazement.

He looked down at his feet, "W-way."

My face instantly became cherry red. Oh my god. I was standing in front of a bassist ledgend.




dark_harmony dark_harmony


Kitbear23 Kitbear23

omg what happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


more more more i know im very demanding but i needz more