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Well I hope that you do the same, aww sugar...

Chapter 15

Damn those freaking "private" parties, they were known by everyone for the alcohol, the loud music, strippers. Before she came to that school Alice had been so protected by her mother and actually it was also her decision to not get out as much.
That the school was almost too much for her. The parties, the boys, the gossip, the sex scandals... not ever her New Jersey high school was like that, there were just bullies. Manhattan can wake up many things. And Gerard was the living proof of it, always in his dorm with some whatever girl. She never imagined that he could turn out like that, but you never know people...

In the showers, the bathrooms, the hallways, everywhere girls talked about Gerard's jacuzzi. Also there was a small party coming on Friday night, she wasn't so happy about that.
But thankfully Max had already called her to go out and have dinner. She never refused to go out with Max. Max was now his step-brother, Her mom had married again a couple of years ago back in Jersey, with a guy named John. He turned out to have a son named Max about his age from his previous marriage. Alice and Max were good friends since then, and sometimes he came to visit her.

It was Friday night, Alice was looking at herself on the mirror, checking out her outfit. It was going to be a horrible night when she came back, with the hustle of that stupid little Gerard's party.
Linda was with her boyfriend, Dallas and Camille were in the terrace with some boys and Alice was finishing her hair to go out with her step-brother. Alice! boys are not worth it, she always said to her self when she remembered she was alone. Trying to block any other type of feeling.

She took her wallet and went out. Some guys turned around to see her in the halls and began to whistle shouting some vulgar compliments. Alice was about to turn around and answer to them, when suddenly that voice...

-Oh, come on guys. I thought you had better taste, but seriously? the ice queen? this poor insipid thing?... you've have nothing to say?!

But she didn't turn, she was going to follow Linda's advice for once. Still clenching her fists and grinding her teeth she arrived to her brother's car and soon they arrived to the restaurant.

-You seem mad.- said Max after a while.

-Me? not at all... I just wanna have another glass of wine.

-Okaaaayyy... should I still tell mom and dad that you're alright?

- Of course!

After almost eating the entire plate of steak and potatoes, and drinking the whole bottle of wine with it. She was singing in Max's car.

-Ok, Alice. You have to tell me what's wrong.

-Nothing's wrong! I just had dinner with you, I'm happy!

-What's bothering you or who?

-¿Me, annoyed? Who could I be?... If I just practice and study all day... classes and more classes... perfection and just perfection... from that damn academy were everyone hates you if you dare raise your voice to that idiot... what bothers me? Gerard Way and he's an asshole , a famous one!

-Wow, I like it... I mean not the asshole guy.... I like to know that you still stay true to yourself, never surrending.

-Just get to my dorm would you? she said closing her eyes and smiling, leaning on the back of the seat.

-I'll have to take you there, you're wasted!

They arrived to the school and they somehow managed to get through the guards, she guessed they were already too tried, and confused for the people that were getting in and out of Way's party.



@Killjoy 4 Life oh yes <3

eleyelle eleyelle

Demolition Lovers <3

Left Shark Left Shark

@Blue_Moon72 Thank you, that's so sweet! I'll try to update everyday :3

eleyelle eleyelle

I love this so much my heart like jumped when I saw you updated. I need more!!

Blue_Moon72 Blue_Moon72

@Killjoy 4 Life mhhmm nice :3

eleyelle eleyelle