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Well I hope that you do the same, aww sugar...

Chapter 14

-Someone told me you had a fight with Gerard... again.- said Linda

-Well it wasn't exactly a fight, it was more of a "moment".- replied Alice awkwardly.

-You should ignore him, I don't know. Just close your mouth and keep walking. After sometime he'll get bored and he'll leave you alone.

-I just can't, Linda. you know me...

-Okay, but remember what happened with Cole and Logan, Alice. Don't play the same game as Gerard.

With both guys she couldn't even passed through the 3rd date, when they realized she was hated by none other than Gerard Way, and they didn't want to be against him. She still remembered the tears of anger and frustration and it was all his fault. But anyways she didn't want a guy who couldn't stand up against people, she was way over that.

Sometimes I could strangle him, Linda.

She was drying her hair after the long and hot shower she took in her dorm. She had all her muscles relaxed, she felt great... But... what was that noise? music? was it a party? At this hours and inside the academy?! It couldn't be, parties weren't allowed... that fucking guy, he was the only one who would dare to do such a thing, and midweek!, but of course he just had to take out his checkbook and everyone would follow his wishes...

Since the first day, the Way god did everything he pleased, her (Alice) like the rest of the other students had to share a dorm with three other people (in her case 3 girls) and follow every other rule strictly. But THAT guy has a room for himself, completely remodeled just for him, because he could get stressed with other people... besides Daddy Way gave generous "contributions" to the school, so he was almost untouchable...But Alice didn't care


-Well, well. I never thought you would come here by own will... what am I saying of course you would... Generally my standards are waaay higher, but I could do an exception.-

-W-what?! Are you out of your mind?! I just came here to tell you to KEEP IT DOWN Some of us ACTUALLY study in here and we're trying to sleep!!

-Ugg... besides boring, you're annoying.- said Gerard now leaning on the door frame, that's when she realize there was no party.

-Just freaking keep it down or I'll call security!

-Come on little kitten, meow. I'm not scared.- he said with a smirk on his face.

-Or I could just kick your ass, KEEP IT DOWN!- and with that she stormed back to her room closing the door. She heard a cynical laugh and then a loud bang when he closed the door of his own room....45 seconds later the music stopped.
She was puzzled. He never satisfied her wishes, he never granted her any kind of peace... then why did he turned off the stereo? She almost wanted to walked through the corridor again and ask him, but she suppressed that thought.

She could barely kept her eyes opened in her history of art class. She had spend quite some time last night mulling over the "Gerard issue", she was now going to get a coffee, she really needed caffeine in her body if she wanted to attend her other classes.

She had the cup between her hands savoring the delicious steaming elixir, chatting with Linda about a fight she had with her boyfriend. To be honest Alice couldn't relate a lot with Linda, she had the strong idea that men didn't do anything right unless you gave them detail instructions on how to do it, so Alice kept rambling about other things in her head...

-Gerard, when are you going to invite me to your room? people say that you have a jacuzzi in there.- said the slutty Maddy.

And then more murmuring began around them, every pathetic girl that followed Gerard's every movement now wanted to enjoy his jacuzzi.

-Yes, Gerard. When are you going yo invite us all? I bet it's awesome!- began Caroline making an annoying high pitch at the end.

And there they were again, they couldn't even sit down and drink a cup of coffee, without this pathetic shows. She felt the rage again, he couldn't just paid a room of 4 all by himself, but he could also have a jacuzzi in there. He knew classmates that had to work at a half time job to study in a school like that! just more reasons to despise him.

-Well we could fit 4 people in it, get another girl and let me know.- Gerard said haughtily and loud enough so people around them could hear.

Alice finished half of her coffee in one gulp, and she got up with Linda to go to class. She glared at him...if looks could kill...



@Killjoy 4 Life oh yes <3

eleyelle eleyelle

Demolition Lovers <3

Left Shark Left Shark

@Blue_Moon72 Thank you, that's so sweet! I'll try to update everyday :3

eleyelle eleyelle

I love this so much my heart like jumped when I saw you updated. I need more!!

Blue_Moon72 Blue_Moon72

@Killjoy 4 Life mhhmm nice :3

eleyelle eleyelle