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Did You Come To Stare Or Wash Away The Blood?

Never Fade In The Dark, Just Remember You Will Always Burn As Bright

My Chemical Romance- The Light Behind Your Eyes

Chapter 4- Never Fade In The Dark, Just Remember You Will Always Burn As Bright

"What are we going to do? We can't exactly take them with us, especially not the blond one. She needs medical attention, now. I don't think she'll make it otherwise," I knew that voice, but I couldn't work out how I knew it. I was only half awake and the last thing I could remember was a pair of hazel eyes that looked extremely similar to mine, probably just a coincidence I thought to myself.
"Why doesn't Pedicone take the blond one to the hospital? He the least recognizable of us and I have a feeling that it would be a bad idea for the other one to be found by the authorities," There was a pause as he was speaking. I knew that voice as well and Pedicone... Where had I heard that name before? I was still delirious and I couldn't work it out.
"Guys! She's waking up!!" This voice was a lot closer, right next to me in fact. Shuffling happened all around me and when I opened my eyes slightly I saw four figures standing around me.
"Ow... My head hurts," I muttered as things around me became clearer.
"No shit Sherlock, you did have your head kicked in," Someone muttered. I still couldn't see that well but it was a bit clearer than before. I needed my glasses.
"No need to be rude," I whispered. "Ummm... Do you have my glasses? I can't exactly see without them," I said shamefully, I hated the fact that I had to wear glasses.
"Mikes! Do you still have some glasses somewhere? Her's were broken by the blond whore," The voice came from just behind me, it was similar to the first voice I had heard but it was very different at the same time... were they related? A shape moved away from me, I'm guessing it was 'Mikes', and soon came rushing back. Jamming glasses on my face, they had a thin layer of dust coating them. I quickly cleaned them seeing the men around me for the first time.
I must have been dreaming, I had to have been, it couldn’t have been real.
"I'm dreaming, this isn't real. Can't be real, I'm still lying in the foster home, probably unconscious and they can't be fucked to take me to the hospital. Yeah that's it," I muttered convincing myself. Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro and Frank Iero could not be standing around me. It wasn't possible.
"Hey, are you okay?" Ray asked helping me to sit up. His 'fro was just as awesome in person as it was on TV and in the pictures. I didn’t answer. "I'm Ray, we got rid of those guys and brought you back here," Giving me a reassuring smile he handed me my bass. I quickly unzipped the case to make sure that my bass was still intact, it was fine.
"Thank Tré for that," I said relieved. Frank stifled a giggle. "Shut up Frank!" I snapped, he looked shocked that I knew his name. "Yes I know who you are Frank Anthony Iero Jr. and I don't appreciate being laughed at! That goes to you too Gerard Arthur Way!!" I don't like being laughed at okay? I glared at Ray who smirked and smiled and Mikey who was just sitting there quietly.
A thought suddenly hit me, the blond girl that was beaten up. A sat up straight and looked for her, she wasn't anywhere. I began to panic and tried to stand up but my vision blurred and I started to fall. A strong hand griped onto my arm keeping me stable. Mikey shot me a small smile as he helped me to sit down on the sofa again. He sat beside me and started putting some cream or something on some of the bruises o that had started to appear on my face. I winced every time he pushed too hard.
"Pedicone took her to the hospital it that's who you're looking for. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself while Mikey makes those douchebags didn't cause you any serious damage," Gerard tried to reassure me. "You haven't even told us your name,"
"Elena, Elena Knight," I told them, Mikey and Gerard stiffened as I said that. "What?" silence. "Really guys what?" I asked beginning to become worried. Mikey just shook his head causing some of his dyed blond hair to fall into his face.
"Knight is just a name we haven't heard in a long time, just a girl we knew years ago," Gerard said deflated. "Why don't you tell us more about yourself Elena?" he said going back to the normal upbeat Gerard that all the fans knew and loved, I sensed that there was something going on though. I began telling them a bit about me.
"Well, ummm. I'm 14, I'm an orphan and I play bass. How's that for more about myself?" I attempted to say the last bit in a New Jersey accent. I failed miserably and smiled apologetically at them.
"What happened to your parents?" Frank asked what they were all thinking, the question everyone always wanted to know and my least favourite to answer. I sighed before telling them.
"My mum was killed in a car accident 9 years ago and I never knew my dad. Mum just said that he had to leave," a single tear escaped and began to roll down my face. Mikey pulled me into a hug and I broke down. I didn't care that my heroes were sitting around me, that I was in the My Chemical Romance tour bus. I didn't care that my mascara was probably running or that I was crying into the shirt of my biggest inspiration. All that mattered was that someone actually cared about me in those few minutes. Mikey didn't let me go, the others left the room probably feeling that it was best to give me some space but Mikey never left my side, he was there for me.
"I'm so sorry Elena, I should have been there....



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