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The Only Hope For You Is Me

Chapter 1

Frank woke up, the alarm was ringing. He groaned and hit the snooze button. After five minutes, the alarm rang again. Frank turned it off. He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom down the hall. He took some water from a bucket and splashed it into his face. How he missed taking long showers. They only were allowed to shower once a week. The water supply was enough for them to drink and cook food, but hygiene was not the most important thing. Luckily there was a resistant engineer at the base, who had been employed at a water treatment plant. He was currently working on getting water from the lake nearby.
Frank walked back to his room, which he shared with four other boys. He didn’t like them a lot. They were noisy and felt comfortable at the base. They had already been there for several weeks and had gotten used to the living conditions and their new surroundings. They didn’t seem to mind the few showers and the missing goods. But Frank felt really unhappy. The death of his family had only been two weeks ago and he was having severe troubles dealing with it. He missed his comic books and especially his music. He hadn’t been able to listen to it since the battery of his IPod went completely empty three days ago. Power was scarce at the base and it was not supposed to be used for luxury goods like music.
After he sneaked in the small room, he put on his smelly black clothes and his boots. Gavin and Nick were already up, too. They others were still asleep. “Good Morning”, Nick whispered. Frank shrugged his shoulders and mumbled “Morning”. He didn’t like talking to other people because they usually didn’t like him. He left to go to the big kitchen. It was his turn to help preparing breakfast for the 56 people who lived in the house. The others were divided up between five other houses.


Hi, I'm from Germany. I hope my English is not to bad. Please tell me whether I should continue writing this story.



No problem! Thank you for your replies though!

Luca Luca

Oh junk! Sorry, I didn't see that you had already finished it...

Keep writing of course! You were asking what we wanted to read? Well, maybe you could go more in depth with the disease, like how it killed them, and how it's results effected Gerard/Frank on a deeper level. Just some suggestions though. Thanks :)

Please don't worry about your English! It's better than most of the American writers. :)

Btw, i was @Famouslastsentence but i had to change my name :/

Frerard-Pikey Frerard-Pikey