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Sex and violence.


They said I'd be in here for nineteen more years. I've already been stuck in this place for one, I have no idea how I'd make it out for that much longer. The only one who visits me is my dad and he barley does that. I've let everyone down this much that I have no one else. I've even let myself down. All I am now is a sex doll or "the pretty boy." The worst part is I don't do anything to stop it. I've lost every care I ever had, it's like I'm walking around emotionless. As I'd I was just a ghost.

but I wasn't invisible, everyone saw me and the other members here knew that I had no dignity left. we were all in the court yard, guards were everywhere holding their guns. There were a few people around me, one of I shared my cell with.

His name was Daren and his 'friends' were gathered around me. I was stuck in the middle and Daren was right in front if me. Already I knew what was going to happen, he had the same look in his eyes. The two of us knew what would happen once we got back inside, and I never wanted that time to come ever, but for some reason I just stood there.

"Guys, Frank's my bitch now." He snickered, moving his hands around me while his friends all watched. "He's going to do whatever I say now, isn't that right pretty boy?" His face moved in closer. Intimidating me with his inhuman eyes. If I didn't answer yes I'd be best on the spot, so I nodded.

his friends began laughing and poking around at me and a few hands were brushing across my crotch. Hot breath was blown down my neck along with a knee slinging between my legs. A raspy gasp crawled from me and Daren just moved in closer to me.

"Stop acting like a little bitch!" His accented voice ordered, his hand smacking my head before spinning his hands down, planting his dick farther down my throat. The head kept slamming into the back of my throat, causing me to gag uncontrollably.
"would it hurt to look up at me, damn," his voice was dark, but I followed. My eyes watered but I tilted my head to face him. He smirked. "You got some pretty ass eyes, bitch."

He started shoving my head down harder and faster, causing my eyes to water to the point that I was crying, but I never been so happy to hear an officers name before.

"Iero, you got a visiter." A voice from the hall called, throwing Daren off guard and buying me time to hop off him. Quickly I ran to the door, even if I was put in cuffs again, it felt nice to be out of there.

He lead me down the hall, to the visiting room. My eyes moved to all the windows but I recognized no one. I was confused, there was no one here for me, but my officer still lead me around.

we stopped at a window, sitting me down across a woman I had no idea was. But she smiled.

"you have fifteen minutes, Iero."

the lady picked up the phone, and I did too. She spoke first.


"uh yeah."

"It's Linda Way, Gerard's mom."

it it was like this whole world that we lived in stopped. My body froze and nothing seemed to appear possible. My mouth kept blabbering random consonants, but she smiled again.

"I spoke to your dad after I got out of treatment, he told me what... Happened and said I should come talk to you here."


"I'm sorry if I'm taking up your time but I just wanted to ask... How Gerard was like as an adult."

"Oh," my mind still kept trying to piece everything together, my hands swam through my greasy hair when I tried coming up with a accurate answer. Gerard was so many things.

"He had a whole box full of journals, they were at Some boys house but I got to read them.. And you seemed to be very important to him." She added, causing my face to blush from the wave of positive memories coming over me, I began to remember everything we had, the bliss of him. And the answer came to me.

"Gerard was.. Spectacular.. He changed my life."


WOW A DECENT ENDING. Alright, I have a lot of stuff to talk about, but one thing I really want to ask was.

What was your favorite part of the story? A lot of things happened but my favorite was the first night Gerard moved in and how Frank was a little brat.

Another thing:

It is official that I'm re writing this piece and hopefully making it into a full length novel that I can publish, but before I can do that. What point of view should it be in? First or third, I was thinking that if it was first that I'd do both Frank's and Marcus' perspective and switching it off in a creative way. And when the first one goes well I had a sequel well thought out with Frank in prison and Chance or Samson come visit him. But I really want you all to read it and help me construct it.

The first two chapters are posted on Wattpad here,

The story will be dedicated to all of you for all your help and nice thoughts and how you helped this story be complete. but thank you, I love you all and I promise to continue writing for you guys!



This just ripped me to pieces.

Lost_Soul Lost_Soul

Oh no no no! He called him Drew I cannot keep reading I'm about to DIE!

KayKay KayKay

I'm rereading this bc its life

xXLudicrousXx xXLudicrousXx

Wow, im so sad that gerard and drew died (I got a bit confused at the end hospital scene, thinking gerard had survived) but damn that was a good ending, if you write a proper novel for sure I'd read it

@Blood Bunny
I don't know how id make a sequel out of this one but I'm trying to come up with another good story line that doesn't die out O: