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I'm Okay (Trust Me)

Our Lady of Sorrows Pt. 2

(Kara's POV)
I was really curious to find out what all happened after I blacked out, so naturally I had butterflies in my stomach and couldn't eat. Gerard offered to buy me a lunch, but I turned him down. The four of us sat at a bench outside the Our Lady of Sorrows courtroom and munched on stale fries and sipped flat ginger ales. Gerard unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and complained about wanting a beer before Mikey smacked him on the shoulder. "If you hadn't noticed, we're outside of a court right now, you're underage, and I might already get in loads of trouble!" Gerard shrugged him off and laughed, "You're too paranoid, little brother. Besides, you never seem to protest when I bring some home for you."
Mikey blushed and looked mad, but didn't say anything. Gerard put his arm around me. "Don't worry about him. Gets embarrassed easily. Love him to death, though." and then he put his other arm around Mikey while Jack, wanting to follow Gerard's example, put his arm around me as well. "Ooh, this is fun." Jack said with a smile. Mikey checked his watch. "AGH! NO! YOU IDIOTS! THE CASE PICKED UP AGAIN FIVE MINUTES AGO!" He almost yelled, pushing Gee's arm off of him and sprinting to the courtroom immediately followed by Jack, Gerard, and I. We all sat down after making a big scene, all of us dying for breath. Except for Mikey. I think his adrenaline kicked in, I thought, desperately trying not to laugh. Derek's lawyer spewed some crap and after about 3 minutes, Mikey fell off his chair and into the aisle. Well, there goes the adrenaline rush. He hissed a lot of words that I can't repeat under his breath before putting his hand up to let everyone know he was okay and sat back in his chair next to me.
Mikey's chest was heaving and I was starting to get a little worried.
I put my hand on his back. "You okay?" I whispered. He clutched my hand which actually hurt a little. "I'm dyingggg-" He could barely say it. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be worried. "You mean-- are you serious or--" He chuckled a little. "No, I'm exaggerating. I'm just still getting over my virus and oh God I need air." I smiled and pushed his brown hair off his forehead. I've only known the Way brothers and Princess Fro-Fro for a couple days, but I already love them. They're those kinds of people that make you feel like you've known them your whole life. Mikey took his turn to put his arm around me and I waited for Gee's to follow, but it didn't. I turned to see if he had noticed or not and found him sleeping like a little baby. I felt kind of bad, but I had to wake the guy up.
"Gee," I hissed, hitting him. He didn't wake up. Well, it makes sense. He didn't wake up when Mikey was coughing the other day, either. "Gee," That's it. Time to take extra measures. I pinched his nose shut with one hand and sealed his mouth with the other. At first he started kissing my hand, probably having some kind of dream. The sick bastard. Once he ran out of air his hazel eyes shot open and darted to me and I choked on my laughs so as not to make noise. I saw pure, "I'm going to murder you and your family," in his eyes. I was making hiccuping noises from trying not to laugh and Mikey started hitting my back while Gerard and pretty much everyone in our immediate area stared at us.
Gerard closed his eyes and leaned back again and I got the hiccups for real. I tried to make them quiet, but whenever I hiccuped with my mouth closed, it felt way too funny. You know that feeling where it feels like someone is tickling the inside of your throat with rubber gloves? Or am I just really weird? Either way, I couldn't stand that feeling so I slowly stopped closing my mouth when I hiccuped and I was getting death glares from all around me and I could see Gee's lip twitching. "Let's... go get some water..." Mikey helped me up and tried to bring me out of the courtroom. However, as we were about to make our way out the door, Jack called me to the stand. He probably thinks this is funny.
The questions he asked me weren't that big of a deal. I knew he basically only called me to the stand to embarrass me. Which worked, since I was hiccuping really ridiculously. I saw Gee had fallen back asleep, too. "Okay, you can go now." Jack said, smiling like an idiot. I immediately went out of the room to get water and (after Mikey had shaken Gee awake) the two of them followed me. After I had gotten enough water, the three of us went outside to wait for Jack. Gee was laying flat on a bench and Mikey was trying to climb a tree as I sat in the grass and watched the both of them. "Not how I wanted to spend a Saturday, but hey. At least I get to spend some time with you, my precious little Mikes." Mikey laughed as he struggled to get into the higher branches of the tree. "Shut up, asshole. You see me all the time." He seemed awfully happy for being pissed a minute ago. Both of them, actually. The Way Brothers are weird. I heard a familiar voice squeal "Mikeyyyyy~" from behind me. I turned to see Frank and Ray running at us and Frank immediately started climbing to Mikey's level. Ray went over to Gerard and sat on his stomach before laughing at the grunting noise he made. "You guys are ridiculous." Gerard strained.
"You didn't show up to jam time, assholes. Frankie and I had to come looking for you." Ray laughed. Gee pushed him off. "We can just jam when we get home." Mikey said as Frank clung to him. I saw Ray laugh and heard Ring Ding Dong by SHINee start to play behind me. "Damn it, Jack. You're shady as fuck. How do you get past people like that?" I said without turning around. He laughed. "And you never would've known I was behind you if my phone hadn't rung." This guy could seriously get away with murder if he wanted to. We didn't even ask if they deemed him Not Guilty. We saw the looks on the faces of the jurors. They freakin' loved him. Frank hopped down from the tree and was followed by Mikey. "Hey, KareBear can we go to Jack's house? It's cooler than ours." Frank gave me puppy dog eyes. I hate when he calls me KareBear. Jack piped up, "Ya'll seem pretty cool. Connor needs more friends anyway and Kara needs to check in with Jay and Jade." Mikey looked at Jack. "Can you explain everyone you just mentioned?"
"You'll see them."


I took like a reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllyyyyyyyy long break because I just had to watch Hello Baby SHINee edition and it made me feel all silly so my writing got funnier. Or not funnier, but what the boys and the OCs did got stupider and sillier. Yes, I did think it would make Jack funnier if he like SHINee, but I did also secretly just want him to have the same interests as me. But it's mainly for humour purposes.



Battery After Battery After

Oh my gosh I can't it's so perfect Marina and Diamonds and Neon Trees too.

LovelyPunk LovelyPunk

Yes okie dokie it's official we will be best friends for lifeeee

Battery After Battery After

@Jade Thomas
Oh my gosh your now my best friend ILY

LovelyPunk LovelyPunk

@Jade Thomas
Oh my gosh your now my best friend ILY

LovelyPunk LovelyPunk