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Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off

I back up a step. Hunt? "I don't want to kill anyone" I mumble. Gerard shrugs. "Well you don't have to kill anyone. That's just how Frank and I do it. There are other ways to get blood. Chase gets his from animals. Mikey gets his from a blood bank" "You can get blood from a blood bank?" I ask surprised. "Yeah" Mikey answers. "But it's not as good as fresh blood" Frank mumbles. "I don't give a fuck about 'fresh blood' no one gets hurt my way." Mikey argues. "Except the part where the stab the human with a needle" Gerard adds. "Ew needles" I say "You two are fucking pansies." Chase mumbles.
"Anyway its up to you Lex" Frank says. "Well obviously" I say "I'm not going with you you two" Gerard and Frank nod "And I'm not going with Chase because I was actually a vegetarian when I was a human" Bull. Shit. "So I guess I'll go with Mikey" "Great" he exclaims.
"Well I gotta go" Chase says when we get back to the living room. He has an apartment back in town. "See ya later" Frank mumbles as he leaves"Lexi, you might want to grab a jacket" Mikey says, "It's kinda cold outside." I nod and run up the steps to my room. I don't have many clothes, Just a few things the guys have gotten me. I grab a Pierce The Veil hoodie out of my closet and pull it on over my shirt. I look a myself in the mirror on the back of my door.
Damn, I look terrible. My hair is thin and stringy and I hate it. My nose is too big and crooked, my lips are just ew, and my ears stick out to much. The only thing I really like are my new eyes.
I run my fingers through my hair and head back downstairs and walk over to the boys who were gathered around by the door. "Well we'll be back later guys." Mikey says to Frank and Gerard. We walk out and shut the door behind us.
"Let's walk" Mikey says. I nod and shiver pulling the hood over my head. It was freezing and there was a bit of snow on the ground. Was it really already winter? Let's see, I was Changed in October and it's been two months so it would be December now...
"You lied." I look up. "What?" "Back at the house." Mikey explains. "When you said you were a vegetarian." Ah shit. "How would you know?" I ask. By now we had reached the end of the trees. "Gerard told me" Mikey states. "And how would he know?" Mikey sighs "He could taste it when he drank your blood" "You can tell a person's eating habits by the taste of their blood?" Mikey nods. "Okay fine I lied so what?" I exclaim "Why?" Because I like you a lot and I wanted to hang out with you without a bunch of people being around. "Well um.... I.... Oh look we're here." I say as we reach the building that is the blood bank. Mikey sighs in defeat.
He opens the door for me. I step inside. I had never been inside Newark's blood bank before. It was a small building. There was a small counter about 20 feet in front of me. On the wall behind the counter was two doors. On the wall to the right there was two plastic chairs and a small table with a few magazines on it. On the left wall was a giant happy cheerful poster about how it was okay to donate blood. Ew.
Mikey guides me to the counter and rings a small bell that was sitting upon it. The sound echos around the room and a few seconds later a man steps out from behind one of the doors. "Mikey!" He says cheerfully "Long time no see. How's it going?" "Hey Taylor" Mikey says "Fine, things are going fine..." The guy Taylor, is human, so now I'm confused but I let the guys continue. But of course the human has to notice me. "Who's this?" He asks Mikey. I slowly shift behind him as he explains who I am. Taylor nods. "So have you figured out your power yet?" Shit. I hadn't told anyone that I could tell peoples' emotions yet. "Um well... I don't know"
Mikey stares at me for the longest time. Finally Taylor coughs "So did you two come here to buy something or..." "Oh yeah sorry, you know what to get me and um, a little bit of everything for her" Mikey says. Taylor nods and heads into the back room. He comes back a few minutes later with two bags. Mikey grabs them pays him and pulls me out.


Taylor: Taylor York from Paramore

Xo Kerry oX


@watercooler romance

Well in that case yay!

@Mr. Benzedrine

Haha. It's fine Lexi goes good with Mikey.

@watercooler romance

Man I know right, I'm so mean to my characters.

Awww poor Ray...


aw thank you