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Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Just Think Happy Thoughts

Frank’s POV

I watched as the beautiful boy walked away. Then I remembered… In high school, sophomore year. It had been a very short time but the memory was still as clear as day. He had run away without a reason then as well. I called after Gerard, but he just sped up until he was out of sight. He probably didn’t remember me. After all, it was almost three years ago and my appearance had changed since then. So had Gerard’s. He used to have messy black hair which was now short and bleached blonde. I almost didn’t recognize him, but I could never forget those eyes.

He helped me. Something that nobody had bothered to do since I came to this school. I was constantly harassed just because I was different. I guess it made me more vulnerable. Gerard had a new air of confidence surrounding him now, unlike me. The scared boy was now a vampire. I wonder when that happened. HOW it happened…

By now, I had been standing in the hallway for almost thirty minutes and was severely late to class. I decided to wait until the next class period and I cautiously made my way to the library, trying to look like I had permission. I checked in at the desk avoiding the evil glare of Ms. Privino. I never really liked librarians. As I sat down at the table in the back, I pulled out my tattered notebook that I had owned for years. I flipped through the pages, looking through every single torn sheet of paper until I found the drawing.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I had to blow dust off of it because it hadn’t been unfolded in so long. I was a beautifully dark drawing. Two people leaning in for a kiss with blood splattered all over their faces and the rest of the page. It was simple: black, red, and a few streaks of white. For some reason, this drawing had caught my eye among all the other scattered in the hallway. Above the two people were the words, “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge”. I never understood the meaning of the phrase.

I still remember when I picked the drawing up off the floor without the boy noticing. I meant to return it, but never seemed to be able to find him again. Until now. Gerard had the same startled expression across his face just like the last time I had seen him years ago. I wonder why he ran away a second time.

Lost in my thoughts and still entranced by the drawing, I didn’t notice the librarian yelling at me to get to my next class. I shoved all of the papers back into the notebook and carefully refolded the drawing. Once I got to science, somehow being the first in the room, I went to my little seat over in the corner. I promised myself that I would actually talk to Gerard. I felt like I needed to know him. Like I HAVE to know him. And returning the drawing was the perfect, lame excuse to do that.

Gerard’s POV

My mind wouldn’t stay focused in math and I was sort of mad at myself. It was ridiculous. I had seen him, what, twice in three years? And now I was obsessing over him like a teenage girl over her crush. I heard the bell ring and I slowly trudged to my next class, science. I automatically looked for the desk the farthest back, only to see that it was occupied by none other than Frank. Oh. Great. I sat down in the seat next to him, contemplating what to do next. I listened to his heartbeat which seemed to be stuttering. Maybe he was afraid of me… but I couldn’t feel fear coming off him. I suddenly saw a small hand push a yellowing paper onto the corner of my desk. I glanced over at Frank who was looking back timidly. I was expecting a note or something, anything but this. I looked at the familiar piece of artwork done by none other than my own hands. How had he managed to get this?

“Do you remember me?” He asked me softly. How could I not? Fuck. What should I say?

“I-I…I…I” Trailing off, I just sat there staring at Frank like an idiot.

“Are you okay?” He asked me, his eyebrows scrunching together. And as the cliché story goes, the teacher started class, explaining the assignment for the day as Frank and I both turned around to face the front. I knew he deserved an answer, and I would have to give one eventually. Maybe I should just pretend to not remember. But what purpose would that serve? I sighed audibly, causing Frank to glance at me. I ignored him which was hard to do considering he was right next to me, and focused on the worksheet the teacher had handed out. Eventually I gave up on that and tore out a sheet of paper from my notebook scribbling down a single word.


I passed the paper to him, nudging it into his elbow. He unfolded it and I returned to my work, flying through the questions easily as he wrote back what seemed to be a really long reply. I heard the scratching of the pen cease and I looked at him expectantly. He handed the note back to me apprehensively and he looked back at his worksheet. I felt confusion coming off him in waves and before I unfolded the note, I handed him my completed paper. He didn’t look like one to object to cheating.

Surprising. I thought our encounter was inconsequential. For you at least. I’m sorry about not returning that artwork (which is amazing by the way). Thank you for helping me earlier in the hallway. Not many people in this school would bother

I reread the last sentence. Why wouldn’t they? But the again why would they? It’s like some unspoken rule in highschool that it was unnecessary to be kind to others. I thought a little bit before responding to each point of his note in separate sentences.

It meant more than you know... Really, I didn’t even miss the drawing but thanks :) I hope people don’t bully you like that all the time…

I was worried about adding the last part but he answered. We were so caught up in our conversation that our bodies were completely turned to each other, not even bothering to conceal the note passing from the teacher. Just as Frank was handing the paper back, the teacher came and snatched it from his hands.

“Detention,” Mr. Shands said happily before returning to his desk. Oh. Great. Just what I needed to start off the first day with a bang. Frank glanced at me sheepishly. Once the class was over, the rest of the day passed very slowly. I was sitting under a tree in the court yard during lunch trying to scout out some vampires. It was unlikely that there were many others at this school. Most preferred to go to special academies but I had vehemently declined when my parents offered to ship me to one… Unfortunately, Mikey had a different lunch schedule than me, so I didn’t know how his day was going. What the hell? My whole body stiffened as breathed in carefully. Blood.

I could smell it from a mile away and I was hungry. I cursed myself for not feeding before I came to this school. I licked my lips involuntarily, struggling to remain where I was. I breathed in again and the urge overtook me. I darted up and started to follow where the delicious smell was coming from. Once I was out of view of the mingling teenagers, I sped up and rounded a corner of the building, coming into view of what made me leave the courtyard. A boy with shaggy blonde hair was holding a girl, who seemed to just barely be conscious. Blood was dripping down her neck and she had a terrified look plastered on her face, making whimpering sounds. Then the rest of the boy’s appearance caught up with me. Fuck.
I immediately went for his neck throwing him back against the wall in the blink of an eye.

“Mikey!” I yelled at him. Well now I knew how his day had been going. He looked around sort of dazed. Crimson liquid was dripping off the corners of his mouth in a very cliché vampiric way. “What the hell is wrong with you?” I whisper screamed, still aware of the girl lying in a heap on the ground. I shook him. “Snap out of it!” The girl screamed and my attention was diverted. I walked over to where she was, crouching down on my feet. She looked back up at me not saying a word.

She looked like she was the same age as Mikey. The girl was wearing black jeans and a white blouse that was now stained with blood.

“I won’t hurt you,” I said to her, while grabbing her shoulder and bringing her neck close to my mouth. She started to make a whimpering sound again and I shushed her. I licked over the bite marks on her neck, allowing just enough venom to escape, to heal her.
“Please don’t tell anyone,” I told her defeatedly, pulling back. Of course she will. “You don’t understand…” She nodded her head quickly, eyes wide. I took off my hoodie and tossed it at her. The girl got up, running back in the direction of the main building. I turned back to a broken looking Mikey, his head in his hands and his knees brought up to his chest. Oh he was so in for it.


Crap, i almost forgot to update. I was just about to go to bed and i'm afraid my laptop's gonna die. Please comment and rate and subscribe. Thanks so much. But like, come on. I've gotten like 2 comments since i started updating again and it makes me think no one cares that I'm writing this. (im normally not so desperate for comments)

-I Love All the Poison <3

P.s my laptop just died and i had to plug it in. ugh.


Please finish this... if you are still here

#103028 #103028

Love the story already and it's only like chapter 10


Social anxiety man.-.


Uh oh haha I know the pain of social anxiety all too well! Great update!

Chemical_30 Chemical_30