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There are some weird sights in the desert..

Help her gather all my things

It’s been two months since Johnny and Marilyn joined us with FOB. Well, they’re now Stringent Death (Marilyn) and Cry Baby (Johnny, stolen from the movie I know). Up to date, they’ve been pretty handy about the place. Cry Baby is pretty good at shooting, from all the gangsta films etc he’s done, and Stringent is real good at raids, since most store owners are scared shitless of him. It’s a good job too, as he drinks more coffee than even Party. If you thought he used to be scary in his live shows, wait until you’ve seen him at five in the morning with smoking withdrawal and no caffeine. Alice Cooper would run and hide.
“Oh SNAP you rock and rollers, grab your guns, and get up on outta zone four asap, there’s the yearly check of the zone in one hour! Leave no trace, and be sure to find a new hideout for a few weeks while they try to find us. Last year we had a…….mishap, and I’d not like to repeat that again. DO NOT GET CAUGHT YOU WILL GET GHOSTED!!!!!! Do I need to repeat that?? I’ll see you around, dust mites, here’s a little something to keep you live till next time”
Bullet proof heart started blaring out of our beat up radio. That is, until Kobra ripped it out of the socket, the coffee machine already under his arm. He sure knew where his priorities lay. “Someone wake up Party and Cry Baby, they’ll still be asleep from last night’s raid. Their coffees are on the side, still kinda warm. Start clearing your bedrooms, then we can be outta here in five. Party told me that he and Cry Baby saw this old diner in zone 5 that we can move to. They’ve already checked that zone, which is why they’ve moved onto this one. Are they up? Then let’s go people! Jet, do yours and Ghoul’s room. Ghoul, would you help with the guitars, and then go and help Stringent clear his and Cry Baby’s room, it’s a dump in there! I’ll go and help with mine and party’s room, and then go and move the bikes. I’ll take one, and Straight Jacket will take the other, she can shoot pretty good now. Tangent go clear all your stuff Straight will put it in the trans am for you, then get in the middle seat in the back, it’s the safest, and you can be lookout at the same time. Then someone clear the ‘kitchen’ with me and shout the other boys from their trailer. They can take the pickup.”
We were all stunned by this orderly outburst from Kobra, he was normally the quiet one. But in a few seconds the shock wore off and we went to do our designated jobs. When we had packed up all our belongings into the car; not much, we had about a duffel bags worth each plus the shared necessities such as the all-important coffee machine, we set off, following a now wide awake Party out into the desert.
~~Time Lapse~~
Oh, It was PERFECT!!! I gasped at the rusted old diner, with its sign falling down, with letters missing so it just said ‘Die’. It was huge too, and would have booths to ourselves and with the small gas station round the side of it, it looks like we’ll even have gas for a while. We checked the lock on the door too, and it was unlocked. We hadn’t ran into any dracs either, Party called Dr Death to find out the safest route just after we left. Then again, no route is really safe with him behind the wheel…
“Oh my god can I have this room??” shouted Tangent, her face lighting up with childish delight as she saw the store cupboard next to a large room.
“Sure kiddo, we don’t use it!” came a reply from inside the larger room. We froze up, anticipating an attack, but instead were greeted with a friendly explosion of colour as we looked upon a killjoy grinning at our pointed guns. “Hey, I’m Waterfall Bomb. I moved here about ten minutes ago with a few of my friends. Two Killjoys came in and said hi to us. This is Transmission Hydrogen” A bombardment of pink and purple hit me as Hydrogen who was about my age came bounding up to me and gave me a big hug. I was a HUGE hugger, so this made me smile. We were gonna get on like a house on fire. “This is Feme Fatale, my best friend in the whole wide world, we’re sisters!”
We all laughed when we heard this, and Party introduced us all. I noticed that there was a shitload of coffee around this place, which is good. Also, as we looked around the place, there seemed to be quite a few rooms, as this was also a service station by the look of it. I think there will be enough rooms for one between two, with a curtain divider in each room. There is also running water, even if it is a little unpredictable with the temperature.
Ghoul noticed after a while that there was a soft crying coming from a room right at the end of the hallway. We look in to see a teenager, about sixteen, with bright blue and white streaked hair over one eye. He was crying his eyes out, the sobs shaking his body. But then he must have heard us because he looks round and draws his gun, a plain white one obviously taken off a drac. Then we all hear a small voice from Tangent who is stood next to me holding my hand. “Toxic??”


So, what do you think?? they finally moved to the diner (less cramped) and now someone's arrived from Tangent's past... but where's father?? hahaha I'm not telling you have to wait ;)

thanks for reading guys!!

Kindle x



OMG i love dventure time !!!!

Black Widow Black Widow

@Black Widow

MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *high fives high five from adventure time*

love the chapter
im dressed like a panda
who is the mystery pov

Black Widow Black Widow
@Xxblack roseXx

I wanna kick drac booty so hard that there is no more booty left to kick ;)

I wanna kick some drac booty ;)
Black Widow Black Widow