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The Art of Memories


Gerard glanced at his watch. 12:54pm. Crap, he was late. Again. Like the useless human he is. But he has Frank, his saviour. Who of which he could see, standing by the park gate, waiting. Gerard ran his hand through his tangled, red hair. A few strands hung in front of his eyes, but the sudden speed increase towards the dark haired, shorter man stood at the gate blew them away. He licked his dry lips, glancing down at the brown bakery bag. Apple crumble pastry with a sprinkle of icing sugar. Frank’s favourite. The bag had huge round damp patches from where the oil had began to leak through. The pastry was probably cold and soggy. Whatever. Frank would appreciate it. Nothing Gerard ever did was wrong in his eyes. Even now. After all this and he was still at Gerard’s side.

He was facing away from him as Gerard approached. Slouching on one him, his left hand on the rail, steadying himself. His foot tapped gently against the ground, if you listened carefully, you could hear his low hum against the screams of kids in the playground. He was watching the dogs. He always was. Dogs, dogs, dogs. That’s Frank’s thought process throughout the day. Occasionally his head would move a centimetre or two, watching as the brown haired creatures ran from tree to tree, sniffing at the cool air. Gerard snaked his arm around Frank’s waist.
“Hey you,” Gerard spoke, his voice quivering at Frank’s reaction. Which, of course, was a beaming smile and a huge hug, “Everything alright?” Gerard squeaked while being crushed in Frank’s, small, but strong frame.
“It is now,” came his reply. Frank stood back and look up, into Gerard’s eyes. They stayed like this for a moment. Frank’s curious pupils darted from side to side, wondering which of Gerard’s eyes to focus on. He chose the left. Gerard was almost relieved as a startled pigeon flew away, breaking their intense stare.

Gerard shifted awkwardly as he handed Frank the slightly soggy, squashed pastry.
“Hey, my fav- my favourite,” Frank smiled up at Gerard, his chin wobbly slightly. He leaned towards Gerard, resting his head on Gerard’s chest. Gerard stroked his hair, his other hand wrapped around Frank’s body. After a few minutes of this uncomfortable, but somehow, comforting position, Gerard could feel a dampness on his chest. Great. He’d made him cry. The only person Gerard knew who could stay strong and positive in situations. And he was in tears. And it was Gerard’s fault.
Frank pushed himself away from Gerard, “Jake, it’s Jake,” Frank sniffed out, after a lot of ground-staring, “He’s back,”.


Gerard turned the tap off, throwing a dirty pan into the sink. It fell in the water with force, sending scorching water all over his stomach. He cursed under his breath, Felix whining at his feet.
“Oh don’t you start aswell,” Gerard growled. Felix curled his tail under his body and sloped back onto his bed. Well we say his bed, what it really is, is a cushion on the floor, surrounded by a heap of blankets and an old sleeping bag. He ducked my head, sighing. God knew where Frank had gone, but now he was stuck looking after his dog; who, at this moment in time, although very sweet and loving, was also every irritating and annoying. Gerard chucked a chip at him, looking round for any other discarded food as an apology. Nope, it was all gone. Oh well, a chip is going to have to do. Felix wagged his tail, practically inhaling the chip, before rolling over on the floor, panting with excitement. Gerard walked out of the room, flicking off the light switch, Felix at his heels. He walked around the lounge for a bit, looking for inspiration, something to do.

Gerard was only part way through Psycho when he heard the door slam, followed by footsteps. Gerard got up, switching on the lights, to find himself face to face with Frank, who was blinking like an idiot.
“Ow, that’s bright man, keep them off,” Frank’s expression was solid, anger flickered in his eyes. This was going to be a long night.
“Toughen up,” Gerard’s reply was short, his voice was gruff. Frank could smell the nicotine in his breath. Nicotine and beer. He shuddered.
“That’s rich, coming from you,” Frank smirked, he had always been good at putting down the other person, even if he was only 5’4.
“What did you say?”
“Oh you heard me alright,”
Gerard clenched his fists, “You think you’re a big guy, smart. Well you’re a coward. A coward who can’t admit to himself that he’s one,”
Frank laughed, gritting his teeth, “I’m smarter than you. I have a plan, I’ve got everything worked out. Have you? I don’t think you have, have you. Unless this,” he motioned at the smoky room, empty cans crushed on the floor, “is going to help,”
“Alright then, what’s your amazing plan?” Frank chuckled, grabbing two chairs. He sat on one, motion for Gerard to do the same. Eventually he did, after a lot of huffing and sighing.
“One word…,” Frank rolled out the word one, looking right at Gerard as he did. Gerard looked away, a bored expression on his face.
“Yes, well, what is it? We don’t have all night,”


Okay, it's short, not sure whether it's sweet.


Just found this now, and read it all up to date. I love this, and I'm glad you've decided to continue writing it. X

I couldn't remember what was happening so I tried to speed read the beginning and still can't remember. :( BUT just picking up on th e last chapter is suspenseful so I hope you can update again! I hate "breaks" in relationships. );

ms.MCR ms.MCR
Dun dun duuuunnnnnnnnnnn!!?!?!!!!?!!!?!!!?!?!?!
EllsBells EllsBells
Hmm *gnaws at finger nails* i am getting worried here. Great chapter cant wait till you update again!
ms.MCR ms.MCR

ok i have put up the new one now, thankyou for telling me because, as you can tell, i won't have noticed