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A New Start

Pain without love

As soon as I arrived at school I regretted it. I emptied my bag into my locker aside from the supplies needed for my first 3 classes. Pete left to find Mikey and Bob wasn’t at school today, probably ditched. I closed my locker as soon as the bell rang. Wow I’m slow today. I’m just tired and not in a very pleasant mood.
The halls quickly emptied and a bony hand gripped my shoulder. I sighed as I was dragged off my feet, into the boys restroom by my bag. Theres really no use in fighting it anyways. I was thrown on the ground, smashing my head against the tile.
“Ow!” I yelled sarcastically at my abuser/ abusers. I heard someone snicker
“I’m sorry did I hurt you?” Bert sarcastically asked. I sat up and stared at him.
“Did you need something?” I questioned, beginning to get irritated. Bert grinned down at me and shook his head.
“I thought, by now, you’d know better than to get an attitude with me, babe.” I glared at him. Then received a kick to my jaw. I fell back, not wanting him to hit me again. Well, THAT didn’t work. He sat on my stomach and continued beating me senseless until Jared said he heard someone coming. They nonchalantly walked out, careful not to show their faces. I groaned loudly from pain. By now bruises and cuts will, once again, cover my body. Why do I have a terrible idea that this is going to become a daily routine. I’m spitting blood onto the tiled floor which mixes with the blood gushing from my cuts. Suddenly someone opened the door. I heard quick foot steps and felt hands on my shoulder.
“Are you okay?” I heard a faintly familiar, high voice ask. I glanced up at the sloppy haired boy wearing a concerned expression. His distress grew when I smiled at him and started laughing.
“They ran from a “5’7 16 year old. You’re not even the most intimidating or violent person at the school.” I laughed. He rolled his eyes. “Pete’s more intimidating than you.”
“I asked you a question, meant for your physical well-being but now I’m a bit concerned about you psychological state.” He said raising his eyebrow. I smiled at him.
“I’m fine, everything just hurts like hell.” I groaned. He stood up and helped me clean the blood off my face with wet paper towels. I thanked him and went to my first class. As soon as I arrived I got lectured for being late and assigned detention for 2 hours after school.
I practically slept through all my classes without getting in trouble from the teachers all day. I wasn’t looking forward to detention, it’s boring as hell and a waste of my time. But it’s not like I have anything better to do anyways. I haven’t had much human contact all day besides lunch. I sat, as usual, with Mikey, Pete, Frank, and Lexi. Billie sat with Tre and Mike as usual. I felt Bert and Jared glare at me. I swear it’s like they don’t have anything better to do.
After school I walked to the science room where detention was usually served. The science room was really just a bunch of two-seated lab tables that occasionally contained some sort of activity or work to do. The detention ‘teacher’ was tolerable too. You can do whatever you want besides talk.
I twisted the door knob and was greeted with a full class room. Shocker. The only open seat was next to, guess who. Bert. Of corse, who else would it be with my luck? I told the teacher my name and walked over to the demon seat and scooted as far away from him as the table would let me. The teacher just checks his emails, plays flappy bird (I personally prefer fall out bird) and reads. So he doesn’t give a shit about anything that goes on.
I pulled out my algebra homework and began working on it. I felt his slender arm touch mine, I glanced at him and noticed he silently pulled his chair closer to mine. I scooted closer to the desk and continued my work. Suddenly I felt his hand on my back, it kept creeping lower. I scooted as close to the desk and shrugged his hand off me. I mean, we're in class, theres nothing he can do to me in here besides creep me the hell out.
I glanced at the clock over the door. 3:58. Finally. detention ends at 4 p.m. I slowly stood and walked to the front of the room, to the teachers desk.
"May I use the rest room?" I asked quietly. He glanced up from his book to look at me. "Quickly." He said then continued reading. I walked out the door and quietly closed it. I can't believe that worked. I slowly walked down the hall, taking more time than needed. My phone suddenly buzzed.

From: Frank
Hey Where are you ?

To: Frank
In detention, sorry for not telling you.

The bell sounded and the detention door, now at the end of the hall , slammed open. Kids filed into the hallway. I sped up my pace, desperate to get back home to Pete. I stepped outside and glanced back to see Bert not too far behind, and catching up to me. He tried to grab me but, somehow, I nimbly dodged him and ran. I ran until my breath was shallow and I couldn't see the school anymore. I stopped at a curb, two blocks from my house to catch my breath. I heard a truck pull up and doors slam shut, followed by yelling.
"Hey emo!" a muscular voice shouted. Obviously referring to me considering I was wearing black eyeliner, black skinny jeans, and a black jacket with a plain red and grey shirt underneath and black combat boots, and from my current position, my fringe was in my eyes. Plus I was the only person in the street at the time. I stood up straight only for a fist to connect with my face. The force knocked me over and left me dazed. I put a hand to my face attempting to dull the pain but hands held them back and a weight was dropped on my stomach as one of the jocks from school sat on me to keep me in place. Another punch was thrown, I could feel the blood already running down my face.
The Jock glared down at me, calling me some vulgarity and rude names. I spit the blood that was filling my mouth at his face. I was then being tackled by the three members of the football team. They were too anxious to wait for their turn to punch or kick me. They kept bumping into each other, but it didn’t slow them down. The biggest jock, the one that got the first punch, stepped on my ankle. Pain shot up my right leg and I screamed out in pain. I think the first time was on accident, but he ended up stomping on my ankle again. I felt my ankle dislocate and writhed in agony.
Soon they got bored and drove off again. I sat on the freezing pavement for another hour. The sky darkened with grey clouds and light rain began to fall on me. A cold gust of wind caused me to shiver, pain once again shooting up my body. I groaned loudly. I slowly brought my knees to my chest and curled up in a ball. This small movement even caused me pain. I just sat there and waited for my body to either pass out or die of blood loss and pain. My phone buzzed five times since I left the school. I heard quick foot steps approaching. I was too cold and sore to move in case it was Bert or the Jocks again. I opened my eyes to see the tall dark figure towering over me.
“Holy Shit!” He cursed as he stared down at me in shock. For once I was grateful to see his face.


FINALLY! This website works on my class computer and I can finally update! I'm so sorry it's been so long. I'm terrible for making you wait. I'll try to update more often but I'm just about failing all my classes. As soon as my grades are up, it'll be A LOT easier to update. I'll try to update another chapter tonight but no promises.
I love you guys and you're amazing for waiting for me!


@Hopeless Ruby
Lol thank so much... If I have the time I will thank you

Katy Katy

I think you're the love of my life. Oh god and this story makes me not wanna read(in a good disturbing way) but then you make it so bipolar and random that I have to! This is really weird but you're talented at writing dark, bloody scenes. You should do a murderer story!(DOOOOO IIIIIT)

Hopeless Ruby Hopeless Ruby
Your too sweet! I love you guys so much and thank you!!
Katy Katy
@Katy Hullett
I'll always stay tuned! you're a great writer and clearly love what you do!
and I will always do what I can to help a fellow Killjoy.
beautiful_freak beautiful_freak
thank you so much <3
On an unrelated subject thank you so much for reading my story and staying tuned
Katy Katy