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The Only Hope For Me Is You.


“I feel like death,” Frank groaned as he opened his eyes.

The light that entered the room nearly burned out his pupils. It was blinding and unforgiving as the sun's beams poured across Frank's face. He threw his arm over his head to block out the rays until he felt brave enough to try and conquer getting up again. This time, he was a little more successful. He rubbed his eyes, seeing the galaxy behind his lids for a split second, only to open them to a room he was unfamiliar with. He looked around to see where he was. The room was large and cluttered with clothes everywhere. There was an old TV in front of the couch which he was laying on. He saw another couch next to the first. The more he woke up the more he realized he clearly wasn't in his room. He also felt a weight across his abdomen. He looked down and saw that there was an arm across his body, and then he felt the body that was spooned with his own. He twisted his head to see who was behind him. Gerard, peacefully asleep, was cuddling with Frank.

Frank's stomach twisted and turned when he realized that he had been spooning with Gerard all night. He looked down and realized all of his clothes were on, as well as Gerard's, so he felt better. He carefully removed Gerard's arm from his body and got off the couch quietly. He sat on the smaller couch next to him and pulled out his phone. He saw that he had confirmed with his mother that he was going to be sleeping at a friend's house. He saw that he was texting Aurora also. He told her that he was drunk and partying with Gerard, but other then that he didn't really say anything. He sighed, both out of relief and out of frustration. He didn't remember much from last night at all.

“Gerard?” Frank whispered.

There was no answer, just a stir on the same couch. Frank got up, tripping over his shoes that were on the floor next to where he had. He fell on the floor corrupting the dust that had be settled into the ground. The commotion woke Gerard up suddenly. He squeezed his eyes shut due to the sun, just as Frank had done, before slowly peeking through his lid.
“You alright?” he said, his voice harsh and groggy from just waking up.

“Uh, yeah.. sorry,” Frank said, “I tripped.”
Gerard lazily smiled, “It's okay. I feel like shit.”
“Me too, man. God... how much did we drink last night?” Frank wondered.
“A lot,” Gerard answered, “Like a lot.”
“Bert is uh... a character.” Frank said.
Gerard chuckled, “Yeah, definitely. He likes to have fun.”

Gerard stretched on the couch, raising his hands above his head and stretching his legs at the same time. Frank saw a small peak of Gerard's stomach. It was just as pale as Frank would expect, but he definitely wasn't as chubby as Frank anticipated. He wasn't flesh and bones, he had a little bit of meat to him, but Frank found it somewhat intriguing. He found himself curious to see the rest of his body. He wanted to know what he looked like under all the layers of clothing Gerard piled on.

As if Gerard could read Frank's thoughts he pulled his shirt down hiding the glimpse of flesh Frank had been looking at. Subtly Frank looked away, hoping he wasn't caught staring.

“Did you sleep okay?” Gerard asked.
Frank's stomach jumped in his throat at this question, “Um, yeah, I guess.”
“You kept me warm,” Gerard said nonchalantly, “You insisted on it.”
Frank nervously laughed, “I get kind of..”
“Become less guarded.” Gerard interrupted, “It's good, though.”
“I wasn't like.. I don't know. I become kind of.. slutty some times.” Frank admitted.
Gerard laughed, “Only if you call kissing both Bert and I a slut.”
“I kissed you guys?” Frank asked.
Gerard nodded and yawned, “Yeah, but we played truth or dare. You don't remember anything?”
“I kind of remember that now that you mention it.” Frank said, “I”m sorry.”
“It was fun,” Gerard shrugged. “Did you throw up yet?”
Frank shook his head, “No, but I feel like my head is going to explode.”
“Let's go get some coffee,” Gerard replied.

Frank followed Gerard's lead as he walked upstairs. He started brewing coffee for the two of them. Mikey walked downstairs right as Frank sat at the dinner table.

“Oh, hey... Frank.” Mikey said, “Morning, Gee.”
“Morning, Mikes, how are you doin'?” Gerard said casually, even though it was clear that Mikey was eyeballing Frank.
“I'm good, what about you?” Mikey said, still looking at his brother with questioning eyes.
“Hung over,” Gerard said, “What some coffee?”
“No, thanks.” Mikey said.

- - -

“Did you have sex with him, Gerard?” Mikey interrogated as Gerard shook the water of of his hair from his shower.
Gerard almost choked, “What? No, Mikey what the hell.”
Mikey laughed, “I'm just wondering.”
“He's straight, bro.” Gerard said grabbing a shirt.

Gerard never walked around shirtless unless it was in front of his brother. Being extremely self-conscious of his body was a big problem for him. He trusted his brother completely, though, and knew that Mikey didn't care whether or not he had a six pack.

“I beg to differ.” Mikey said, “I see the way he looks at you.”
“Really?” Gerard asked, getting his hopes up slightly, “How do you know?”
“He just sit there and looks at you.. not like... creepy, just, you know, checks you out.” Mikey said in a matter of fact tone.
Gerard shrugged, “I don't think so.”
“So why was he here this morning?” Mikey asked flipping through Gerard's sketch book that was left on the side table by his bed.
Gerard smirked, “We went to a party last night and we got fucked up.”
Mikey laughed, “What happened?”
“It was at Bert Mccracken's house, so you know...” Gerard started and laughed, “It was interesting.”
“Oh, Lord,” Mikey laughed too, “Did he get naked?”
“Doesn't he always get naked?” Gerard asked, “Yes, he back flipped into his pool.”
“Did you catch him having sex with anyone this time?”

Gerard flipped his hair as he laughed, pulling his pajama pants on underneath the towel before removing it so he didn't have to get butt ass naked in front of his brother.

“Um, I don't think so, not this time. I could be wrong, though.” Gerard answered with a shrug.
Mikey smiled and put down Gerard's book, “That's cool I guess. Nothing interesting happened with Frank?”

Gerard tried to hide a smirk that came over his face but failed.

“WHAT HAPPENED!?” Mikey pleaded to know, “Tell me!”
“We just kissed,” Gerard said, “And snuggled after wards when we got home. That's alll.”
“Um... that's all? That's a lot for someone who's 'straight,'” Mikey said quoting with his fingers.
Once again the older brother shrugged, “It was a dare to kiss him, so I did. And, well...” Gerard said and laughed, “He gets affectionate when he's drunk so we cuddled. I wasn't opposed by any means but I wasn't going to take advantage of his openness.”
Mikey stared at his brother while what he said processed, “So does that mean... you would have done something if he wasn't drunk and still willing? Do you have a THING for Frank, Gerard!?”

Gerard, straight faced, looked at his brother. His face was lit up and excited for his brother. He was grinning madly, showing all of his teeth waiting for an answer to be said. Gerard's silence was enough for his brother.

“Aww, Gee, that's cute, you have a crush on him.” Mikey said.
“Mikey, he's straight.” Gerard said and brushed his hair behind his ear as he sat on the bed.
“Gerard, I wouldn't cuddle with a guy no matter how drunk I was,” Mikey explained, “Just keep that in mind.”

Gerard nodded his head, but didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. He remembers last night very clearly, more than he was admitting. He remembers kissing Frank, and remembers Frank kissing him back. He remembered getting a ride to his house by a friend who wasn't drunk like the two of them were, and helping Frank down to his room where they could relax and sleep. Gerard innocently sat Frank on the couch and sat next to him. They talked for a while, nothing too deep, just simple chit chat. Frank became tired and cold, and Gerard offered him a blanket. Frank laid down on the couch and let Gerard tuck him in. Then, he walked over to the other, longer, couch and laid down himself. He turned the TV on and watched something that was on MTV. Gerard looked over at Frank and thought he was sleeping, due to his quietness, but he wasn't. He was texting someone on his phone for a few second before turning it off.

A couple of minutes later Gerard started to drift to sleep. He remembered trying to keep his eyes open, but they kept insisting on drooping closed. Right as he was about to fall into a deep sleep, he felt a weight on the couch. He slowly opened his eyes to see that Frank was sitting at the end of the couch by his feet. Frank asked if he would share the couch with him, that he was cold. Half asleep Gerard agreed and pulled the blanket he was using off of him, inviting Frank to join him. Frank complied and laid with Gerard. He grabbed Gerard's hand, held it in his, and pulled his arm over his body. Frank snuggled into Gerard's other arm using it as a pillow. He told him “goodnight,” and went to sleep as if nothing about the situation was weird. Gerard had butterflies fluttering around his stomach, but he tried to play it cool. He could smell Frank's hair, his clothes, and even the alcohol from earlier. He couldn't help but notice how perfectly they fit on the couch together. It felt so good to have Frank in his arms, even if it was just for one night. He hugged Frank a little tighter before drifting to sleep himself.

“Want to play some Donkey Kong or Super Mario Brothers?” Mikey asked avoiding the previous subject.
“It's on,” Gerard answered with a grin.



GraceMustDie GraceMustDie

Please bring us more of this? I love the feels!! X

OH please update! :(
trippin-on-mcr trippin-on-mcr
  1. please please please keep going

    -this is my all time favorite fic
    -I need to see what happens between frank and gerard
    -please update soon I'm begging you!!!

Mcrlove412 Mcrlove412
This is a emotional rollercoaster. Update sooon please :D