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Kiss The Morning Sky Goodbye

Chapter 6

[b]Frank's POV[/b]

“Aww.. I think you've scared him Frank.” Sean said as a low growl escaped his lips. Gerard's eyes widened even more as we stepped closer to him. Soft whimpers escaped his lips as he tried to back away, his hands and feet slipping on the granite flooring until he hit a wall.

Sean chuckled as he bent down to his level. His eyes then flicked down to Gerard's hand that had a bit of blood dripping from it. Gerard let out a small yelp as Sean grabbed his wrist and pulled Gerard's hand to his face. He slowly licked the small line of blood and moaned. “Damn Frankie. How in the fuck did you manage a pure human...at his age?!”

My eyes widened as I looked down at the shaking Gerard. “He's pure?” Sean nodded as he released Gerard's hand, which he cradled to his chest. “Oh hell yes!” I said as a smile spread across my face like wildfire. A pure human in this house..and he's mine? A growl of my own rose up my throat as I knelt down beside Sean. “Hey, Sean...what do you say to...having a little..fun?”

A look of pure horror spread across Gerard's face as Sean chuckled and nodded as he slowly drug his finger across Gerard's jaw, causing him to flinch. I bit my lip and nodded towards Gerard. Sean immediately picked Gerard up and slung him over his shoulder. “N-no! Please! Put me down, I'm sorry!! Please!!”

“I love it when they beg, don't you Frank?” I chuckled and nodded as we walked up the staircase to my room. I kept my distance behind Sean so I could look at the scared look on Gerard's face as he looked up at me. Tears continually fell down his cheeks as he kicked and screamed for Sean to let him go. Too bad...

Once we reached my room, Sean threw him down to the floor and stepped aside before he walked behind me, shutting the door. And audible gulp left Gerard's lips as Sean locked the (ironically called) deadbolt. Yes I had one of those on my bedroom door. Don't want the parents walking in on my....activities.

“Are you afraid of me, human?” Gerard quickly nodded as he sat up and brought his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around them. Soft sobs left his lips as I walked even closer. “Good.” A loud growl left my lips as I picked him up and threw him to the nearest wall. Before his feet even touched the ground, I was over there, pinning him to the wall. I quickly reached above him and shackled his arms above his head. “Hmm..this should be fun...” I whispered in his ear as I backed away. “Sean..bring me my butterfly knife, will you?” I asked looking Gerard straight in the eyes.

“N-no..” Gerard's voice was barely above a whisper as he began pulling on his restraints. Sean's smile widened as he backed away and turned toward my closet where he emerged with a black box containing my ruby red knife. I slowly took it from the box and flipped it open, doing a few tricks with it before I held the blade to Gerard's throat.

“You know..if you were any other human..I'd just kill you without thinking twice about it. But..you're pure, something extremely rare. So why waste something so good?” I asked as I moved the blade down to his chest. I quickly reached my hand out and ripped his shirt open, the buttons scattering all across the floor. “Hmm..but that doesn't mean I can't have fun with you...”

Sean growled behind me as I slowly drug the blade across Gerard's chest, gaining a loud scream from him. I quickly placed my hand over his mouth as I leaned in and slowly licked up the thin line of blood that was trickling down his waist before wrapping my lips around the wound I created.

The moment his blood touched my tongue, I lost it. Never have I ever tasted something so delicious, so..pure. I began sucking even harder, eager to get more of that delicious blood. Gerard whimpered and pulled helplessly on his chains.

After a few minutes, I pulled away from Gerard and looked up at him, blood dripping down my chin. Sean looked at me and bit his lip before he walked over to me. A low growl rose up my throat as he slowly drug my tongue up my neck to the corner of my lips, gathering some of Gerard's blood. He then pressed his lips to mine, instantly slipping his tongue through.

I growled as his tongue began swirling around mine, as he slowly slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He moaned into the kiss as I slipped my hand into his hair and pulled at the raven strands. I bit his lip as I pulled away, tugging it before I chuckled. His eyes locked on mine again as he began to lean closer.

“Before you two go at it..again..I need Gerard.” I growled as Gabriel stood in the doorway with his keys dangling in his hand. He then walked over to Gerard and unlocked his shackles before standing him up. Gerard whimpered slightly as he looked at me and Sean. “I'm taking him for weapons training. We could use a spare gun around the full moon.” He said as he walked out, shutting the door behind him.

“Fuck him for taking away our fun!” Sean said as he crossed his arms over his chest. I turned to face him and smiled as I bit my lip. A chuckle escaped my lips, causing him to quirk an eyebrow. “What's that look for?”

I shrugged and pushed him against the wall, a sharp gasp escaping his lips. “Oh I wouldn't say that all of our fun is gone..” I mumbled before I pressed my lips to his for a moment. He groaned and slipped his hand in my hair as I knelt down in front of him. My face even with his crotch. I placed my hands on his hips as I leaned forward and kissed him through the tight denim, the most beautiful moan leaving his lips.

“Nghh..Frank..” He mumbled out as my hands unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I smiled as they pooled around his ankles, leaving him in his black boxers. Another sharp gasp left his lips as I began massaging him through the thin fabric. He threw his head back and moaned as I slipped my hand into the waistband and pulled them down to pool around his ankles as well. I kissed at the newly exposed skin, nipping and sucking occasionally.

I moaned at the sight before me before I leaned in and kissed around his base, gaining shudders and low moans from him. “Mmm..does this feel good?” I asked as I slowly licked my way from base to tip, dipping my tongue into his slit.

“O-oh fuck!” He screamed as I continued flicking my tongue. I looked up at him and smiled before I wrapped my lips around his tip and hollowed my cheeks. “Nghh..Frankie..” I hummed as I began bobbing my head, taking more and more of him into my mouth as I did so.

His hand gripped onto my hair tightly as I took him all the way in, letting him hit the back of my throat. I let one of my hands slip down to tug at his balls, something I knew that drove him crazy. His knees began to tremble as I began bobbing my head again, my hand pumping him quickly at his base. A steady string of moans and growls were leaving his lips as his breathing became heavier and heavier.

I looked up at him, my eyes looking directly into his as his face contorted into pleasure. A few seconds later, he came straight down my throat, moaning my name as loud as he could. “FRANK!!” A low growl rise up my throat as I took all he had to give me, bobbing my head a few times to help him ride out his orgasm.

Once I licked him clean I pulled his boxers and jeans up as I stood up. He quickly pulled me in for a kiss, slipping his tongue through my lips one again. This is something me and Sean do. We torture a human, drink and fuck...well in this case we didn't. It's not a relationship thing, fuck no. We just get caught up in the moment and our..'animal instincts' take over. Neither of us really care, so there's no problem with it.

“Hmm..wow.” He mumbled as he pecked my lips once again. “That was amazing.” He whispered as he trailed his hand down my stomach, slowly. “Do you want me to ...return the favor?”

I shook my head and backed away, a smirk creeping its way across my face. “Hmm..maybe later. Right now..I'd really love a cigarette.” He chuckled and nodded before he pecked my lips again. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I walked out of my room and down the stairs. The front door was guarded so we carefully sneaked out the back door.

Once outside, I quickly pulled out my cigarettes and my trusty lighter before lighting it and taking a long drag. Sean doing the same. “So..Frank..you plan on keeping this one? I know you said it to him..but you and I know how you get with the humans.” He chuckled as he nudged my shoulder.

I nodded as I exhaled. “Yeah.. He's obedient..pure...not too bad looking for a human. Why waste something like that?” Sean nodded and took another drag before looking up at the full moon.

He was about to open his mouth to say something, but a very loud howl ripped through the air. “Fuck!” I mumbled before standing up. Gunshots began firing as more howls erupted. “Do you see anything?!” I asked as I backed towards the door. “Sean?!” I asked again. When I turned around to see why the fuck he wasn't answering me, I gasped. There, standing in front of him was a werewolf, it's eyes red as his sharp teeth were exposed in hunger.

I slowly began to back away but stopped when the wolf growled and nipped at Sean. “Frank...run.” He whispered before he lunged at the beast. Growls and snarls erupted from the both of them as they rolled around on the ground, Sean getting in the occasional punch. Just as he reached back to grab his knife, the wolf took the chance and threw Sean off of him, into the stone wall.

Just as I was about to run over to Sean and help him. Another werewolf jumped in front of me and growled, flattening his ears against his head as he lowered himself to a jumping pose. All of a sudden, a blood curdling scream echoed off the stone walls. My head snapped over to Sean who was now lying on the ground, the werewolves' teeth buried deep in his shoulder.

“No!” I screamed as I stared in horror as he screamed and writhed around on the ground. I turned and faced the wolf in front of me as I took a deep breath. I then closed my eyes, bracing myself for the attack.

A scream left my lips as two gunshots rung out..and then..silence. I slowly opened my eyes to see the wolf by Sean limp on the ground, as well as the wolf that was in front of me. I then looked to my side and gasped as I saw Gerard holding a smoking gun in the air, pointing towards the wolf's corpse.


Another Chapter ^_^ *does happy dance*
Comments?..views..arguments?..would love to hear them all ^_^


I just started reading this and I know there's like no hope since the lastcomment was 11 months ago but can you update?

GerardsCoffee GerardsCoffee
update soon please
Hey hey hey I think you should continue this fic
Dead Pony Dead Pony
WHOA this is one of the best vamp fica I've ever read and I love it! It's actually different (in a good way xD) like Frank doesn't immediately fall in love and stuff.. I like how it's actually different :P
MCRKilljoy MCRKilljoy
Absolutely love this! Fantastically written, can't wait for more <3