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@Jacketslut2Thank you so much for commenting, I will indeed continue :) x
This is so good. Keep writing <3
@insanityThank you for commenting! You're a fab reader <3 x
Thank you for the update <3 youre a great writer!
@gerardfilletUpdated! X@IAmAMonsterUpdated! X
@MCR IS MY LIFE<3 <3 thank you!
@PinchettaI'm so proud of you, this chapter was amazing
@MCR IS MY LIFEI finally updated lol
@ChibiFrerardMe neither lol. X
Sorry I didn't mean to come off as rude!
@ChibiFrerardI know, it's cool. This fic is a SEQUEL to another fic I wrote though which was a one-shot called Destroy Me. x
I have not read this fic yet but a one-shot fic is just one chapter
@MCR IS MY LIFEthank you:D x
1. This is amazing. 2. Dayyyyyyum
@gerardfilletSo glad you like it! :) Is there anything you want to especially see happen in this story? Xx
thank you so much for updating !!! i love this fic <3
@IAmAMonsterThanks for making my morning with your comment! :) xx
Thanks for making my day with this update! <3
@gerardfilletThank you hun! :) updated today xxx
this is such a good fic! Your writing is amazing! pls bring it back <3
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Thank you so much for commenting, I will indeed continue :) x