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Someone Out There Loves You - Comments, page 2

I'm sorry! *hugs*

Again, I'm sorry :(

@We all go to hell
No! It's just what had to happen!

*hugs* sorry!

:( sorry!!

Lyra Lyra


I'm crying

Mcrlove412 Mcrlove412


Ohhhhhh my godddd

Ugh I'm so sad :(

Sorry, I wish I could give you better feedback but the fact that I'm sad and heartbroken after reading this pretty much says it all.

the_girl the_girl

I'm crushed

Yes I hate you. But I love you more. Because you are so brilliant.
Ughhh I knew this was gonna happen, I knew it and I hate that I knew it!!!!! And that I was right. Fucking Gillian, man. She's not gonna leave him alone after just one time either, is she? :(((

the_girl the_girl

Yay! I can't wait :)

the_girl the_girl

I'm writing the next chapter as we speak!

Lyra Lyra

I need an update *pouts*

the_girl the_girl

Noooo it can't be almost over! I demand a sequel

Awwww this chapter was PERFECT (not that the previous ones weren't) - I really hope he can quit but I have a weird feeling that maybe one of his clients is gonna start shit. Oh God why am I so obsessed with drama?! Well either way, I know it's going to be good. Have I told you that I never want this story to end? Sigh, I love it.

the_girl the_girl

Thank you! <3

Ah, and so are you for commenting!


Wow, thank you so much for such a wonderful, awesome comment. You put such a big smile on my face, seriously. The biggest compliment a writer can get is when someone gets emotional over their story, and I'm actually blushing that you think so highly of my writing. I've been there, wanting a story to get dragged out, lol. It might end up being longer than anticipated, so maybe it'll drag on for another chapter or two. I've a another reader tell me this is their favourite Gerard out of all the Gerard's in my stories, which is awesome. He's an ass, but a loveable one all the same.
Thank you for leaving such a wonderful comment, and for signing up just to leave one. I hope tp see your wonderful name pop up again soon!

Lyra Lyra

Ok, I have signed up in this site just so I could comment on this. Because. It. Is. So. Good.
Listen to me when I tell you you're a goddamned good writer. I have been reading fanfiction of many sorts over the last 10 years and writers like you are a rare breed I have only seen like 3 times.
You pretty much almost bring me to tears with this, and I am the kind of person who doesn't even blink through the sinking scene in the titanic.
And the decision of reviewing this was just to express how you deserve SO MUCH MORE recognition than what you had so far, you deserve a whole goddamned book and a legion of 4 million fans.
I am so in love with your writing. I literally quoted your writing.
I get that you don't want to drag it out because most stories lose what's special about them when they start getting dragged out, and I know you will very likely end this with them staying together and gerard quitting his lifestyle but please if you would show us chapters of life after that, because I actually believe that that can be made interesting.
Also, might I just add as an ending note that Gerard's personality is brilliant, and I love you for creating multidimensional characters because that's one of the characteristics that a good writer needs to have. Another one is balance, and yet another is subtlety, and you nailed all of them. But yes I am ridiculously in love with the Gerard you created here and actually he is like 90% pathetically similar to my boyfriend so I love you a little bit more for that too.
Please know that you're BRILLIANT, xxxx

Lauama Lauama

m y bbab ie s

fangoria fangoria

This is so cute ... So cute!!! <3

art_of_killjoy art_of_killjoy

I do love this story very much <3


Aww me too!! and it didn't help that i watched final fantasy 7 prior :( Please keep the book going a little longer!! *goes down on knees dramatically like gerard in helena* pleeeeeaaassseee!!!

This made me cry....but in a good way :))) Excellent chapter. I love this story very much, I wish you would drag it out as much as possible actually!

the_girl the_girl