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Desolation Row - Comments

tried that at mcdonalds put it in my coke got some strange looks
try putting your finger in ice water it works
Black Widow Black Widow
I can hardly move it and I still have to write this fucking song for music and record it, on bass and guitar so when my finger stops fucking with me I will try
Make that finger better like right NOW!!!! Cause i need a fucking update!!
ms.MCR ms.MCR
But Gee never stops! Anyways liked this chapter!
ms.MCR ms.MCR
Don't we all XD
Uh Mikey I need someone like you in my life.
ms.MCR ms.MCR
I have luckly never had to strip in public but I did have to take my shirt off before, now I think about it the worst thing is my friends are pretty much all guys except my girl friend and most of them are 2-3 years older than me.... It's fine.... I'm more of a sister than a potential partner so not bothered.
Haha, oh my gosh yes i never back down from a dare either! Except mine are never fun like that cause i have pervs for friends. :/
ms.MCR ms.MCR
F*cking Retards actually XD it's latin
Yes it looks smart on you, it looks like maybe, Stupid Retards but i dont know that language.
ms.MCR ms.MCR
The Stupri Retadabits need to learn who there scared of and who's scared of them XD

(Swearing in random languages is more fun than swearing in english, makes you sound more inteligent XD)
Stupid fuckers they'll get whats coming to them.
ms.MCR ms.MCR

I think the best thing is there are 6 of them and when they are all together they act all hard and beat me up but when its one on one they run for there lives... infact better than that there all older than me by at least 6 months one of them is like 17 for christ sakes.
I will never understand the term "anger issues" it is so loosely used but whatever. I think you did a great job of kicking their asses or maybe its because i also have said "anger issues". Oh and about your revenge, scare tactics, nice...
ms.MCR ms.MCR

Thanks XD It is people but more the way I deal with them XD as in I walked out of lesson to beat up a kid who has been bullying a friend XD It was so worth it but apparently I have anger issues and I need therapy. i.e. this guy hates me and made it our to be ten times worse than it was then a few days later him and his mates chased me through town and using my assassin's creed style street running I jumped of 6ft wall and almost broke my ankle, then the idots fallowed me kicked me a few times then ran home to there perants and hed the nerve to say I had pushed them off said 6ft wall and they had used 'self deffence' to get away.... little to much explanation but who gives a shit life sucks, I do plan on getting revenge switch balde style (No I do not plan on murder)
Very very good! Love it so far xx
robintheegreat robintheegreat
Damn the outside world and the 'issues' it plagues us with. I hope you have resolved them. If its your state of mind im here, if its a person ill be the one punching their face in. (Unless its ur parents, in that case ill ask them kindly to leave you the fuck alone)
ms.MCR ms.MCR
just like vampires ;3