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Between self-harm, anorexia, depression, paranoia, severe social anxiety, and a shitty family situation, I've realized that life kinda sucks sometimes. If you're like me and know all of these sucky things by heart and see how horrible the world can be, you'll know how easy it is to get depressed. Sometimes it seems like there's no reprieve from the bleakness, but there is. I'm on this site and this planet because a band called My Chemical Romance helped me realize this. MCR literally saved my life this summer, and has kept on saving me ever since. I am recovering from my depression and trying to get better, but some days it is hard, and MCR helps get me through. My Chemical Romance is everything to me, without them, I would most certainly not be here.
Along with My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Mayday Parade, Icon For Hire, Black Veil Brides and Get Scared are some of my favorite bands. I love Nightcore (it's a genre, look it up, do your research before criticizing- they're not chipmunks, and yes it's the original artist, it's modified). I'm a complete otaku and cosplay freak, and I'm perfectly happy that way. If you ever need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to message me. All I want to do with my life is help people, like how MCR helped me.

✞ ☪ ♬ ❀ ☠ ~ ⓐⓝⓖⓔⓛ ~ ☠ ❀ ♬ ☪ ✞


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