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Writing Advice

I want to write fanfiction for this website. I have an idea for a story too. But I have no freaking clue how to write the band in character. Any advice?

Ali6132 Ali6132

Well... none of us personally know the band so really, none of us can know for sure what their characters actually are to write about them thinking "this is what they're like" or to read about them and think "wow this author nailed their character!"

Like, no one knows. They're multi-layered beings and I don't think it matters if you get their character spot on. I mean, think about all the fics you've read where the characters have been nothing like the real life guys (or, so we would assume), like when they're terrible people, or enjoy making people miserable, or riddled with psychological problems.

So I say that as long as you're writing a believable character in their own right, then it'll be good. A character with motives and emotions and flaws and such. A character you can get a feel for. That'll be a good read.

And I mean, you just add in little things about the real life guys that fit into your story. Like, maybe you'll mention that Gerard speaks out of the corner of his mouth, or that he bites his nails. Maybe you could listen to some interviews and try to gain an understanding of the way he speaks, words and phrases he often uses. Stuff like that.

Good luck! :)