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its been a little over a year since mcr broke up, and the mcrmy is still going strong....but i have a question..and if you don't like cursing then go away now.......but why the fuck are we still trying to point fingers about whos "fault" it was ......i put quotes around the word fault because by saying fault it implies, that its a mistake.......well guess what, it wasn't a mistake.....even good things come to an end. as hard as it may be, its the truth. and we will carry on. as gerard said
"im bad with goodbyes, so i refuse to let this be one ." maybe there will something bigger and better from them in the future, maybe there wont be. and you know what? im oh-fucking kay with that. because the years we had from the were nothing short of amazing. and dont forget that
we will carry on.

killjoy458 killjoy458

preach it! seriously though you're right, it's no one's fault and it wasn't a mistake, it was a collective decision that they all made. They did what was best for them and I think when it comes down to it that's all that really matters.

mindchemicals mindchemicals

i agree with every word u just said


Exactly, preach it!

Taylor13 Taylor13




okay good I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Lol

killjoy458 killjoy458

I'm mainly sick of people saying "oh it's totally because Frank and Gerard got in a fight and now they hate each other because one of them wanted Frerard to continue!!!1!!!!!1111" or "it's all Sarah's fault for getting with Mikey I h9 her!". They were a band, then didn't want to be in that band because they wanted different things, they're all still best friends. End of.

i think we should stop looking for reasoning entirely, its stupid. we're spending so much time arguing about why we're forgetting that there all human. they have kids . they need to be with them. they couldnt stay together forever.

killjoy458 killjoy458