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When love dies, try try again

When love dies crush on your bestie!?

Frank's POV

" WELL WHY DON'T YOU JUST DATE GERARD BECAUSE THIS THING WE HAVE OR HAD IS OVER NOW," my "girlfriend" screamed at me. I had a headache and didn't feel like keeping up this crap anymore. You see I'm gay and this girl is just a cover up for it so Gerard won't know I acctually knew I was tottaly crushing on him, but he is married he has been for a couple years now. I decided this shit ends now!

"WELL, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WERE JUST A LONG TERM COVER UP, I DON'T LOVE YOU MORE THAN A GOOD FRIEND NEVER HAVE NEVER WILL," I screamed back. She looked really hurt by wat I had told her. " What do you mean," she said more calm. " I mean I'm gay and you were a cover up now take you stuff and get out of my house," yeah I could have been a little less harsh, but like I said I had a headache and I was tired of this shit. She grabed all her stuf box by box putting it in her car and before leaving she said," Goodbye frankie." I waved bye and just smiled when she was gone. You see everytime I wounld do something with Gerard on stage she would get all pissed, so I guess this was the last straw for both of us. I decided to take a nap to get rid of the headache.

I was woken up, feeling alot better now that there was no screaming, to the door bell and cheering outside. I opened the door to a very giddy Gerard. " Why so appy Gee," I asked him. " Well, remember wen I said I wanted to divorce my wife because someting important was affectinig our marrige," He told me smiling really largely.

" Yeah, so," I told him. "It went through today I am now a single and free man,"he said really happy. He was even happier to hear about my break up aperantly he never liked her. I asked him inside and we talked on the couch. Then I don't know what came over me but in the momen of happines I kissed Gerard on the lips. Now don't get me wrong I liked it and I think he liked it too, but stupid me when I pulled away I looked at him terrified and then ran to my room, closed the door, and sat up against it feeling embarressed that I did that.


Well here it is Chapter 1. This is my thrd freard fanction in progress. one on mibba which is at http://www.mibba.com/Stories/Read/483655/This-Is-Our-Rebel-Love-Song/
one on youtube wich is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sfSX1mqA6s and this one. Hope you like it or them if you read or whatch the others!


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