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Increase the Medication (Share the Vows at the Wake) -continued-


"If this is what you want then fire at will!" The lights went out as the fire jets finished, leaving us in complete darkness. Gerard's throat stung from screaming the lyrics to their songs. He felt someone's cheek on his back, just below his left shoulder blade. He smelled a bit of cigarettes and judging by the way he dragged his head up to Gerard's neck it was Frank. Of course it was Frank.
"Oh I'll give you all my poison baby," he muttered softly into my ear. Gerard let his head fall back onto Frank's shoulder and smiled, even though he knew that nobody could see it in the dark. Being taller than Frank, Gerard had to bend backwards a bit to rest his head there.

Frank could feel Gerard's head drop beside his neck and curved to kiss the vocalist's wet lips. Suddenly a red glow bled through their eyelids which was surprising to Gerard seeing as he didn't remember closing them. The boys pulled their heads apart while still keeping physical contact. 'Frank is so fucking sweaty from the fire that lights his perfect jawline' Gerard observed, he only wished that he looked as good when he was soaked.

When Gerard started to sing again, he snapped back into the show mindset. Him & Frank touched almost constantly for the rest of the show. As the last song began to play, the band was practically bleeding from their fingers or their throats. Mikey started inching offstage near the end. Gerard went to pull him back, abandoning Frank in the process, drawing a sound of disappointment from his lips. "Say goodbye Mikey!" he said his goodbyes & waved, drawing a cheer from the crowd.

Ray leaned in to say, "Goodbye, I love you all! see you next time!" & left with the drummer. Frank gave his farewell & stood at the edge of the stage, not wanting to leave Gerard to join the others yet.

"I fucking love you guys! We are always here for you!" Gerard yelled through the mic, even though it hurt a bit. He held out the microphone over the crowd & they screamed & yelled "See ya later!" or "Bye!" & some "I love you!"s. He set everything away & went to meet Frank by the stairs.

Frank waited patiently for Gerard to come & when he did he practically threw himself at the shorter man, enveloping him in a kiss. without even thinking, Frank opened his mouth, letting the kiss control it's self.
Frank and Gerard heard Ray call out for them and after a moment, the boys broke the kids to see him. "Great show you put on boys! We have a meet n greet, so clean up fast." The band barely had time to wash their faces before going out and hearing a small cheer.

they shook hands with the first few people who asked for signatures and photographs.a few questions, a few compliments, same old same old. This lasted for a little while. Mikey greeted a teenaged girl and shook her hand. "Great show you put on!"
"Thanks" he was handed something to sign and thought he caught a glimpse of a familiar and sickening sight. "Hey, come with me for a sec," Mikey said, leading her by the hand away, to an area without a direct view of people. The girl was confused, delighted, and a bit worried. She hadn't done anything wrong, had she?
"What is it?" She asked, thinking of many reasons. Mikey turned the hand he was holding so the palm was facing up. Her breath caught, realizing what he was looking at and why he had brought her away.
"Why'd you do it?" He asked. She looked to the side, not wanting to look at the pained man in front of her, nor the semi healed cut on her wrist. "Why did you cut?"
"I don't know," she said, even though she did "um it started because I thought if people saw me hurting, they would stop to help." She choked back a sob, "then it became something to focus on that wasn't the internal pain." Mikey reached out to hug her and she accepted. A tight warm pair of arms wrapped around her shaking body and Mikey hoped the shaking wasn't from drug use.
Gerard was wondering where his brother went off to, so he excused himself to follow where he thought Mikey had gone. Gerard came around the corner, asking for his brother loudly before seeing him hugging a teary eyed girl. Mikey ignored his older brother & kept holding the woman in front of him. The girl did take notice & immediately drew back, embarrassed. "I'm sso I'm so s sorry..." She whispered, Gerard saw her tears & automatically made an assumption of why Mikey had brought her here.
"No no, don't be sorry, Honey," he reached out his hand for her to take & when she did, she rotated their hands that he could see the marks. Gerard felt the twinge of memories. Razorblades, Advil, kitchen knives...

Mikey stepped into the bathroom after dinner, not expecting to find his older brother crying & bleeding on the floor of the bathtub. Gerard had skipped dinner, Mikey knew that, but do he could do this?
The girl had tears running down her cheek, "I don't know why I do it, I just-" she covered her face & after a while, in the arms of the two men, she began to calm down.
"Mikey, you go back out, I'll stay here a bit longer" Gerard said to Mikey. Mikey nodded, then before turning to walk away, he planted a comforting kiss on the cheek. "Can I write on your skin?" Gerard asked as he uncapped a sharpie with a squeaky pop.
"Mhmm" Gerard drew a butterfly on her wrist.
"Whenever you want to cut, try taking a marker to color it's wings instead of killing it. Make art."

When she was ready, the pair went back out to where everybody else was. When Frank saw them he ran over, the young woman smiled & accepted a hug from him. Ray asked her if she lived nearby & if she had a ride to which she replied no so he (after consulting the rest of the band) invited her to stay overnight in their cheap hotel, she would take a bit back to her hometown in the morning.

the rest of the meet n greet went without any troubles. The fan was very polite, no matter what. Eventually, they got to their hotel, ready to collapse. The best part of shows in foreign countries: hotels. They entered the doors & went up to the plum lady at the desk, Ray stood up straight, he would be the one to talk to her.


oof I can't access my old account


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