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Silence Is Golden. (Frerard)


Franks' eyes widened at the announcement of his group. He couldn't be in a group with Mikey... He'd kill him. And to be quite honest, Frank didn't want to be killed... He'd much rather stay alive.

From the corner of his eye, he could tell Mikey was staring him down. To say he was scared was an understatement. But along with the sympathy. He couldn't let the fear show.

"Alright. Get with your groups. Choose a book and get to it" The teacher announced. Frank sighed to himself and watched as Ray and Mikey got up to sit with Gerard...

Rolling his eyes in disgust he walked over and flopped down next to Gerard, Watching him flinch.

He, Of course, Smirked. And tried not to let Mikeys look bother him.

"Right. What book are we going to do?" Ray was the first to talk. everyone just shrugged, Aside from Gerard who just sat there looking off into the distance, Completly rigid. "Gee?" Mikey asked He snapped his eyes towards his brother.

"Do you have a suggestion?" Mikey asked He shook his head.

'I don't care' He wrote out and passed it to Mikey. Who frowned. "Well?" Frank asked impatiently "He doesn't care." Mikey replied bitterly. Gerard frowned... Even Mikey was annoyed with him.

Frank got an idea and smirked. Raising his hand he waited for the teacher. "Yes, Frank?" "As far as books go, Does it have to be a novel or could we do a comic book?" He asked hopefully. Gerard smiled slightly at that. Hoping the teacher would agree.

The teacher sighed "Is that what you all want to do? A comic?" Frank looked uneasily at the rest of the group who all agreed "Yeah, they're fine with it" He smiled. "Fine. You may do a comic"

Gerard silently celebrated. Not wanting to bring any attention towards himself. He just wished Frank wasn't such an ass hole. Because unfortunately enough... He has always thought he was cute...

"So what comic are we doing?" Ray questioned... "That's a good question, There all so good!" Frank gushed. Gerard thought it was weird... Seeing this side of Frank... Not at all like
he act's around Bob.

"I didn't even know you liked comics," Mikey said, Suspiciously. Frank looked over at him excitedly "Oh yeah! I love them!" His smile was wide, and if you had just walked in at that moment you would not even be able to tell he's an asshole.

"Anything to do with Deadpool or Batman is my favorite though!" He continued. Gerard couldn't help but smile. Frank noticed and let a small timid smile show towards him "You like comics, right?" Gerard scoffed and nodded.

"He's a man slut for them" Mikey commented, Gerard's face hardened and he kicked his brother from under the table "Ow, Fuck, Sorry!"

Frank let a small laugh slip out.

"So it's settled then? We either do Deadpool or Batman?" Ray questioned, They all agreed.


It was now lunch. Gerard was sitting by his locker, alone. Drawing...

But of course, the peacefulness didn't last long and his book was ripped away from him and thrown across the hall.

"Aye fag!" Bob jeered. Gerard didn't dare look up though. "I'm fucking talking to you" He spat, pulling him up by his hair... "Look at me when I fucking speak retard" tears filled Gerard's eyes.

Bob threw him down and kicked him in his ribs

"Just go kill yourself." Bob spat.

"No one would miss you" another kick.

"People would be better off without you!" Punch to the face...

"Bob, Fucking knock it off! You don't need to beat him half to death. One fucking hit is enough!" he heard Frank yell.

Bob stood up angerly "Listen, Iero. Would you rather be in his position?" He growled, "No, But I'm sure he doesn't want to be in that position either!" Frank shot back. "You're a fucking pussy." Bob snapped, pushing by Frank and walking away...

Gerard sniffled and pushed himself up, reaching for his notebook, which was in Franks' hands now... Great.

"You drew these?" Frank asked, looking up at Gerard, He was on a rather morbid drawing. Of a girl in a long dress laying dead in a coffin with vines surrounding it.

"That's creepy as fuck, dude" Frank commented. Gerard rolled his eyes and ripped his notebook away from Frank. Not bothering continuing on with today. He knew his father was at work by now, until eight. so he had seven hours to himself. Because if he was lucky...

His mother would be passed out right now.

Fate must have been on his side today. Because the house was completely empty. It made him less anxious... But also suspicious... Karma was saving something up... He could feel it.

But he didn't want to dwell on that right now. He'd rather take a nap...




Thank you so much! And ohhh yes Thats a great one!!

Kobra_poison Kobra_poison

Im loving your story.
I have too many to choose from, but Absinthe by IDKHBTFM (or IDKHOW) is awesome. I just went alphabetically

cKayE cKayE


I absolutely agree! It's so good to finally hear new music from him <3

Kobra_poison Kobra_poison

alltime fave song has got to be gees new song, getting down the germs

xoxocass xoxocass

Cant wait :) x


adreamforthedead adreamforthedead