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The only hope for me is you(On hold)

Filler chapter

When Gerard woke up he was confused, He had arms wrapped around him. He never got cuddled, ever.

And when he did it wasn't even cuddling it was being held in a death grip after being forced to have sex.

Slowly rolling over he was met with the soft features of Franks sleeping face.

Smiling to himself he cuddled into his long-time best friend and tried to force himself to fall back to sleep. When that didn't work he just laid there cuddled into him.

Although his positive demeanor soon changed and he quickly pulled away the last time, when Bob woke up to Gerard cuddling into him, He got thrown off.

Frank frowned at the loss of contact and shifted slightly before opening his eyes. Gerard's breath caught in his throat waiting for Franks next move.

"Why'd you move away?" Franks eyebrows furrowed, Gerard looked down shrugging. Frank frowned and pulled Gerard back into him "Th-The last time... I wa-was cuddling with him, he th-threw me off" Gerard mumbled, Causing Frank to sigh again. "Please stop worrying about him" He pleaded, Gerard, shrugged "It's hard..." He admitted "I know" Frank replied. "Get dressed, we'll get Mikey and Go for breakfast" Frank then said, sitting up, pulling Gerard with him.

Walking out of the room Gerard made his way tot he bathroom to brush his hair and teeth.

Walking back out of the bathroom he made his way to his room and changed into actual clothes.

"You almost done, Gee?" Mikey asked from outside his door "Yeah" Gerard answered, still debating on putting on the eyeliner he had in his hand. Sighing he put it down, not wanting to a repeat of what happened with Bob.

He knows...
He knows Mikey and Frank aren't like that.

But that doesn't stop his fear. He's mentally fucked up because of Bob. Shaking his head he placed the liner back down and walked out, To be face to fa- well chest, with Mikey.

"What were you doing in there?" Mikey mused. Gerard just shrugged. Not really wanting to answer. Frank had walked up behind Mikey and gave Gerard a concerned look, Already knowing what that look was, Gerard shook his head.


Pulling up to the Dennys the three boys stepped out. Despite the fact Gerard's stomach was practically folding in on its self with hunger, he refused to order anything besides coffee.

"Hi, Welcome to Denny's. Name's Jamia and I'll be helping you today. Can I start you gentlemen off with a drink?" Beautiful women greeted the three boys, Gerard felt jealousy burning in his chest at the way Jamia looked at him. Rolling his eyes internally. He knew Frank didn't like him...

"I'll have a Coffee" Mikey smiled, picking up his menu "Uh, Yeah... Same" Gerard mumbled, "How about you, Cutie?" She touched Franks upper arm, and Gerard had to suppress a groan. "I'll have a coffee too, Please," She wrote it down "Okay, Three coffee's coming up. Any cream milk or sugar today?" there was an array of no's from the three boys before she walked away.

As Mikey and Frank looked through the menu, Gerard fiddled with his fingers "Heres your coffees" Jamia said putting down the mugs "Do you know what you all want to eat yet?" She asked, Still eyes Frank suggestively, Practically undressing him with her eyes "I think we need a few more minutes, Please" Mikey smiled "Sure thing"

Soon Frank and Mikey were staring at Gerard, He could feel it. "Why are you staring?" He mumbled, "Why aren't you looking at the menu?" His brother asked "Becuase I'm fine with a coffee" He sighed "Gee you need to eat" Frank said "I'm really not hungry" Gerard laughed slightly, trying to hide the fact he was fucking starving "As long as your sure" Mikey mumbled.

"Have you gentlemen decided yet?" Jamia asked smiling sweetly "Uh yeah, I'll have the 2 egg breakfast please" Mikey ordered, she wrote that down "How bout you sugga?" She smiled at Frank who smiled in return "I'll have the pancakes please" She nodded before walking off.

Each time Jamia came back, her hand was instantly on Frank causing Gerard to roll his eyes each time.

Frank, however. Had no interest in this girl. And he saw the way Gerard would act each time she placed her hand on him.

Just before they left, Jamia had stopped them "Hey, Text me some time" She smirked, causing Gerard's blood to boil. Frank smirked and leaned closer to her "Sorry, You're cute and all. But I like cock" Frank said simply. Gerard just about choked. Mikey Was laughing uncontrollably meanwhile, Jamia's face held shock Frank just shrugged it off.


"That was a little harsh, don't you think?" Gerard laughed once they got to the car "Eh, I don't care. I have my sights set on another person" Gerard frowned knowing it wasn't him.

"They must be a lucky person" Gerard commented, Frank smiled "Yeah... I don't think they like me though" Frank sighed "They would be crazy not to like you" Gerard pointed out, Frank just shrugged "They have a lot going on in their life right now, I wouldn't want to add any extra stress" Frank sighed, Gerard just nodded not knowing what to say.

He knew he would never turn down Frank no matter how fucked up of a mental state he's got. He would Jump at the chance to have Frank.

He laughed at his stupid thought.


"Come on Gee" Frank begged from the shallow end of the pool. Gerard shook his head. Not after what happened last night, He was never getting in a pool again "At least your feet?" Frank coaxed "Frank, please..." Gerard begged, "I ca-can't." Frank sighed knowingly and nodded, Not wanting to pressure his friend.

"That was a real dick move he pulled" Brendon spat from the left of Gerard "I wanted to fucking kill him" He continued "I never got to thank you for calling the cops last night, so, thank you" Gerard smiled "Well I wasn't going to let him get away with that" Brendon said simply "If the cops hadn't of showed up when they did I was sure Frank was about to kill Bob" Ryan pointed out, positioning himself on top of Brendon's lap, Gerard just nodded, Not really wanting to talk about the situation any more than when he had to.

"So did the cop say when the court hearing is?" Mikey asked from over by the barbecue "Uh, no... I'm not su-sure" Gerard said, slightly embarrassed "That's okay, Are you wanting us to come with you?" Frank questioned as he wrapped a towel around his waist. Gerard shrugged "Pr-Probably" he mumbled, shrugging slightly "Then we will be there" Frank smiled "Okay" Gerard nodded. Still not sure about the whole court thing. But he trusted that Frank, Mikey, Brendon, Ray and RYan would not let anything happen to him.



This is beautiful. Thank you for writing such a lovely story!

cKayE cKayE

I love this so MUCH!!!

#103670 #103670

I fluffing love this! ;)

omg just found this today and I FUCKING LOVE IT! thank you so much for writting

Aoismil3 Aoismil3

Poor Gee!...but that’s NOT the way to cope.