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Demolition Lovers

Frank's House and Story Time

We pulled into Frank's house ten minutes later and he turned the car off.

"So, um," he stuttered, "This is my mom's house, just so you know."

"Okay," I replied and went to open my door.

"Wait," Frank said. I stopped and looked at him. "Before I tell you my past, I want to know a bit about yours."

I looked into his hazel eyes and felt at home for the first time in seventeen years. "Okay."

We got out of the car and I followed him up the front steps. He entered the house and kicked his shoes off. I did the same as a short women with brown hair rounded the corner.

"Hey, Ma." Frank greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Frankie, I'm going out tonight." she told him then noticed me standing there. "Oh! How rude of me! I'm Linda, Frank's mother." She hugged me. Well okay then.

We pulled away from the hug and said, "I'm Elliot, it's nice to meet you."

Frank gave me a questioning stare as to why I didn't use my first name. I gave him a look.

"Well," Linda said, "I'll leave some money for pizza, I guess. And Frank, behave yourself." she told him.

Frank just chuckled and said, "Will do, Ma."

She left without another word.

"So, um, my room?" Frank asked. I nodded and followed him up the stairs and into a small bedroom. I noticed a guitar in the corner.

"You play?" I asked, looking at the guitar.

"Oh, ya. I write. But let's just jump into this awkward conversation about pasts. Then we can have some fun."

"Right, Where do we start?"

"Ask whatever you want to know." He told me and took a seat on his bed. I remained standing.

"What did you mean when you said I'm Gerard's new target?" I asked him, uncertainly.

"Well, that one is my fault. Let's start with Shannon. Last year Gerard had a girlfriend, Shannon. But she was only going out with him to make me jealous. She was a senior last year, and Gerard couldn't get his head around she wanted a boy younger instead of him, who was in his final year of university. Anyway, I through a party for New Year's at my dad's place and Gerard came with Shannon. Everyone was hammered by ten. Soon enough, Shannon had told Gerard they were through, then came to me and kissed me. Like, hard. I pushed her off, because she was a user and kinda slutty. Eventually she went around telling everyone I was just a virgin who didn't even know what he was doing."

"But- why is Gerard after me?" I questioned.

"Because a few days after we met, I told Mikey ... something... and Gerard heard. Now he's trying to hook up with you to piss me off."

"What did you tell Mikey?" I questioned.

"That, um," he stuttered. "Want some pizza?" He asked and got up. He left the room and came back a few minutes later.

"They'll be half an hour." he told me as I sat down on the edge of his bed. "But, uh, your turn I guess."

"What?" I asked.

"About your past." he informed me and sat on the floor in front of me with his legs crossed.

"Oh, uh, what do you want to know?" I looked into his amazing eyes.

"You didn't tell my mom your first name. Why don't you want people to know who you are?"

"I'm scared they'll think differently of me. Like I'm different from the rest of the world becuase I have a big family."

"Well, you are different." Frank looked into my blue eyes. "I'm just sorry Gerard is pulling you into this."

"Why don't you fight back?" I asked.

"How would I do that?" he questioned.

"If Gerard is trying to get with me, beat him to it. When he's around, we'll hold hands and sit closer together, Show him that it doesn't bother you." I told him.

He thought for a moment. "Yeah, okay." He agreed.

And the fun begins.


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Sorry this chapter was short, I have to play a soccer game soon and didn't have much time to get this up :/

Much love!



Thank you!

come read on 'sydneyiero' ! I got logged out of 'sydiero' so i'm continuing on 'sydneyiero' !
Lots of love, xosyd

SydneyIero SydneyIero

Come to my new account 'sydneyiero' ! I got logged out of 'sydiero' so i'm continuing the story on mthis account! lots of love, xosyd
SydneyIero SydneyIero

I got logged out of 'SydIero' so come follow the story on my new account 'sydneyiero'
lots of love! ~xosyd

SydneyIero SydneyIero

Great story! Hoping more gets addd soon :)