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The world is ugly

New school, Old habits.


I cracked my eyes open to my dimly lit room. The sun just barely peeking over the tall houses.
It reflected beautifully off the freshly fallen show. Casting shadows in its wake.

They sky was an array of pinks and oranges. and it was beautiful.

I peeked over at my clock which read 5:50. Well. Guess I'd better start getting ready.

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the tap for the tub, letting it get nice and steamy.
As I was waiting for that I picked out my outfit which consisted of Pale pink Skinny jeans, Blue converse, and a long sleeved Slipknot shirt.

Once that was taken care of I hopped in the shower, letting the hot water cascade down my body. I scrubbed my hair and body clean and by the time I was done I only had half an hour till Mikey got here.

I quickly got dressed and dried my hair. Deciding to leave it somewhat wavy today.

I did my makeup lightly, with a champagne colored eyeshadow and small wing. I didn't really need to worry about my eyelashes because my momma had let me get the fake extensions.
I finished it off with a nude matte lipstick then made my way down the stairs.

Disappointed I didn't smell coffee I marched into the kitchen "Frank! You said you'd make-" I cut myself off. Because none other then Gerard was standing there. Looking at me Like I'd sprouted a duck beak and started dancing the macarena in a bikini. Sorta like a 'What the fuck are you doing here, freak' Kinda look "Oh! Hey. Jadie. This is Gerard..." He smiled I nodded "Hey, Uh Mikey's out on the porch" He continued. Pointing towards the door.

I walked away without a word.

And sure enough there he was, This time wearing a striped scarf to complete his look "You brought him with you?" I whisper shouted and he shrugged "He wouldn't leave. And then when frank opened the door he got all happy and shit." I nodded and started walking.

"You're not mad at me right?" His voice shook with nervousness "No! God no, I mean it's not your fault everyone just seems to love my brother." I mumbled.


Eventually, we made it to the school, and I was blessed to find that they actually had a coffee stand "Oh thank fuck" I said, quite loudly, as I made my way quickly to the coffee thing.

"Hello, What can I get you" A girl with bright yellow hair smiled "Just a medium black coffee please" I replied, eager to finally get caffeinated.
"There you go, Two dollars please" I handed her the money and turned around. Unfortunately smacking into someone "Watch where the fuck your going loser" I heard, and when I looked up. Of course, it was Gerard.

"Well are you going to move, or are you just going to fucking look at me like a half-wit?" He spat angerly.

I felt my face heat up. Suddenly not wanting my coffee anymore. I tossed it into the garbage as I made my way back to Mikey, trying my hardest not to let my tears fall. "Hey, Yo whats wrong?" He asked as I got up to him, I closed my eyes for a moment. Trying to not let Gerard get to me. "Just normal bullshit is all" I sighed, Hugging my books tighter to me.

I was silent for most of the walk over to where ever his friends were. I wasn't too shocked when everyone saw him and they all got excited. He's a great guy. I, on the other hand, was just another girl passing through.

"And this is Jadie" My head snapped up at the mention of my name "Hi.," I whispered. Feeling uncomfortable. They were all staring at me. But they all smiled which made me feel better "Jadie, this is Ashley, Brendon, Ryan, and Melanie" they all waved with a small smile.

We made small talk until the bell rung for first class and I made my way to Geography which luckily had Brendon and Ashley in it.

"Beware. Mrs. Campble is a cunt" Brendon whispered in my ear and Ashley hit his chest "She's fine if you actually do work" She spat but he shook his head in disagreement.
I laughed to myself at their argument.


The first few classes passed by quickly and before I knew it it was lunch. I had trouble finding everyone so I grabbed my lunch and went to find a table.

I slowly started to eat the slice of pizza, carefully looking for everyone. My eyes did land on someone. But not the someone I wanted to see.

A smirk crossed Gerard's lips as he made his way over to me and sat down "What?" I asked, swallowing the mouthful of grease, cheese, meat and bread "You are seriously eating that?" He scoffed, a disgusted look crossed his face as he looked down at my fries and pizza.

My face fell and I pushed the tray away, A look of something crossed his face but I didn't stick around long enough or care enough to read into it.

I heard him call something but only caught part of it. wich added up into my brain to be "I think you're fat"

I made my way into the small bathroom and paced for a moment. Tears fell down my face and my breath quickened.
'stupid' 'fat' disgusting' 'over weight' 'pig'

Those were the words circled my mind as I crouched in front of the toilet, a shaking breath left my lungs as I forced my fingers down my throat willing myself to empty anything and everything I've eaten.

I tried my hardest to stay quiet but to no avail "Hey, Are you okay?" I heard a girl call "Yeah..." I lied "I'm good." I hear he scoff. I flushed the toilet and popped a mint piece of gum into my mouth.

Walking out of the stall I was met with the soft face of Melanie "Are you sure sweetie?" she looked concerned. "Yeah. Stomach bug I think" I laughed it off and she nodded "Want me to go get your brother?" I shook my head "Nah. He can find out when he gets home. I'll be fine till then" "Okay, as long as your sure"


Last class of the day. Art. My absolute favorite. Well was. I loved it until I realized I had the fuck wad in my class.

As I sat there I mindlessly sketched in my book. Mrs. Lexa's voice shocked me "Ah, Gerard. Your late" She scowled "Yeah. About 4 day's and five minutes late. I just didn't wanna accept semester two was here" He laughed, to which Mrs rolled her eyes "We'll there is only one seat left open. These will be your seats for the rest of the semester" My head shot up and I looked beside me. Sure enough, that was the seat she was talking about.

"Right there, next to Miss Iero" He voice was scratchy... This will be a long semester. "fucking great" I mumbled under my breath, Popping my earphone into my ear I completely ignored his presence.

"Jadie, Hey where were you at lunch?" Mikey asked as he caught up with me. The sun from earlier had vanished behind the clouds and another light snow had started falling "I sat at a table and waited, I couldn't find you... I um.. Gerard came over to me" He stiffened "What did he say" I shrugged "Made a comment about what I was eating... I think, As I was walking away he called me fat..." Mikey gave me a look "That doesn't sound like him at all" "Well, I could have heard wrong but" I shrugged.

Once I entered my house I heard laughing. Mikey said he had to get home so now it was just me and my brother... And I suppose whoever was at the house.

I didn't care to go see so I made my way to my room

"Jadie, That you?"

"Nah, Masked murderer coming to kill you"

"Ah, Can I at least finish my coffee first?" He laughed

"Nope, I'm going to tie you down and drink the rest in front of you THEN kill you"

I heard him gasp "Thats fucking harsh. I don't think we can be related anymore" He cackled "Good luck telling that one to Mom!" I shot back as I slipped off my sweater, not thinking about my door being open.

I didn't realize it till the toilet flushed that MY bathroom door was closed. and before I could do anything Gerard was walking out of MY bathroom in MY room.

He froze when he saw me, and I realized I was only in a bra. and was littered in scars

"What the fuck are you doing in my fucking room!" I screamed quickly wrapping a blanket around me. He just stood there "GET THE HELL OUT PLEASE!" I shouted Frank came running down the hall "What the fuck is going on?" I snapped my attention towards Frank "Why did he take a piss in my room, Frank!?" he sighed "Gee, I told you the door on the left. Not right"

They both mumbled a 'sorry' before exiting my room. and the only thought that sat with me was... How much did he see? and what did he see?

My questions were answered before he left "I saw literally nothing, By the way. I averted my gaze when I noticed you were half naked." He mumbled before leaving....

Well, what the fuck.


Should I do short, or longer chapters?

Also, I am still really excited for this to get going. But I don't wanna move to fast. Thank you to the one person who's enjoying this <3


@Kill joyz

Hey, I lost access to my other account so if you are still interested in this story it will be on this one. I am currently in the process of switching it over. Just thought I would let you know!

Kassidy Kassidy

Hey, I lost access to my other account so if you are still interested in this story it will be on this one. I am currently in the process of switching it over. Just thought I would let you know!

Kassidy Kassidy

That is completely understandable! You take as much time as you need! I'll still be here to read a new update whenever that may be though!

Kolivia Kolivia

Updateeeeee pleased
i read this over 5 times last night

Kill joyz Kill joyz

@Kill joyz

Thank you so much! I don't plan on stopping for a while. And a hint of advice, just try and describe in full detail in your stories, and synonyms are always good too! I have faith in you, never say you can't do something!