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Hidden in the dark

Chapter 9

Frank's POV:

He got out of the car and walked around to me. He covers my eyes as he carries me to his house. We walk in and the lighting is much better. Not as bright anymore.

"Now you see why I keep it dark hey?" He says with a bit of a giggle. I smile and hug him. Something I haven't been able to do in the real world until now. "Sweetheart, I'm gonna make your life a lot better okay sweetie? Where does your mom work? We have to keep her away from that angel too." He coos and holds onto me gently. He's like a soft teddy bear. I love him.

"This lighting is so much better. Thank you so much Gee. My mom works at the hospital. She should be finishing work soon. I just have one question though. What am I? You are the devil so I'm obviously not that. But I look more like you than any of the other demons." I say. He grabs two pairs of sunglasses and tosses a pair to me. I swiftly catch them.

"Nice catch. We have to see your mom quickly. These should help with the light. What you are, well its complicated because you are my boyfriend. That being said you are the devil as well. Welcome to hell honey. Two kings rule. You and I." He says and kisses me softly. I hum into the kiss and hold onto him. We walk back out to his car and we drive to the hospital while listening to music. We pull in and walk to the front desk. "Hello, we are here to see Mrs. Iero." He says to the lady at the front desk. She recognizes me and smiles and nods. I see my mom walk out to us and she gives me a confused look.

"Oh my god Frankie, you are so pale sweetie, are you okay?" She says rushing over to me. I giggle and lean into Gee. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "What are you doing wearing sunglasses inside silly?" She asks. I smile and Gee looks down at me and smiles at me.

"I'm fine mom. It's just a bit bright in here. Mom, this is Gerard. He's my boyfriend. We need to talk to you about something in private though and it's urgent." I say. She looks at Gee and smiles.

"Nice to meet you Gerard. Please take care of my son. He's been through a lot. I am almost done work Frankie, can we talk then?" She asks. I look at Gee and give him a nod. Everyone around us freezes but my mom doesn't seem to notice yet.

"Nice to meet you too Mrs. Iero. I do everything in my power to make your son happy. He's amazing. We have plenty of time to talk now though. Just take a look around. The thing we need to talk about is very important to your health though. I've been able to stop it from hurting your son but it can still harm you. Just please don't freak out and please listen." He says and my mom looks at him with a confused look. She looks around and sees everyone but us frozen in our spots. I grab her hand and bring her to a room with an empty table and three chairs. I sit beside Gee and across from her. Gee dims the lights and we removed our sunglasses.

"Mom please don't freak. He has helped me so many times and he's the most amazing being ever. He wants to save us from Dad." I say and Gee holds my hand.

"Okay. Why is everyone but us frozen? You said the only person you told was your teacher. Do you trust him as much as you trust your teacher? Thank you for helping my son by the way." She says softly. She seems fairly relaxed for now.

"That's a long explanation. I am his teacher Mrs. Iero. Your son and I haven't gone any further than a simple kiss and holding hands though. I love him and I wouldn't take it any further than he wants to go. He is very important to me and I would never use him. I've been protecting him for four years and making sure he's okay. I don't let our relationship come between his school work. He's actually the best student in my class. He pays attention and gets his work done on time. I couldn't ask for a better student and boyfriend. We aren't here to talk about that though. The real threat is your husband. He's trying to kill you and Frank. Me and my brother are doing our best to protect the both of you. It's harder for him to get to Frank now but since you are pure human he can easily get to you. My brother is the one watching over you. He has been protecting you from your husband. You may not notice it but he's always there. Come out Mikey." He says and a shadow appears soon turning into a person. My mom lets out a small shreak. His brother just stands at the end of the table.

"What's going on? How did you just appear? I won't say anything about your relationship yet but someone please tell me what the fuck is going on." She cursed. I giggle slightly because I know she rarely curses.

"Mom calm down. We are the good guys here. Just stay calm. You won't believe what we're about to tell you but please trust us. Gee's done so much for me already. Just please don't freak." I say and she huffs and nods. Mikey sits on the table and sways back and forth.

"I have many names to your people. At the moment you know me as Gerard or Mr. Way. People also call me names like Lucifer, satan, the devil, the king of hell, names like that. Really though. Hell is where you should want to go. Heaven is filled with evil. I used to be an angel. The reason I fell is because I helped the humans instead of reigning power over them. It has been hell's job to take care of humans. Your husband happens to be an angel. Trust us. We would never hurt anyone." He says. I put my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head gently. "I know. He can't hurt you. Not with me and Mikey around." He says to me gently. I wrap my arms around him and hold onto him tightly.

"Frank seems to trust you so much. How are you the devil though. You are here on earth. You are even dating a human?" She asks. I frown slightly.

"I trust Gee more than you think mom. He is the devil. He's here on earth to protect humans. I've been to hell and honestly it's one of the most welcoming places I've been. He isn't dating a human. I tried to kill myself because I was going through so much. He saved me the only way he could. I'm like him mom. That's why I was wearing the glasses and why I'm so pale. He made sure I was okay. He wouldn't have been able to call the hospital in time so he saved me. I can't thank him enough mom. Please trust him." I beg and hold on to Gee tightly. He rubs my back.

"Please Mrs. Iero. I love Frank. I wish there was a better way to save him that wasn't what I did. I need to keep you safe. Mikey only has so much power. He can defeat your husband but we want to make sure you are safe first. Will you please let us help?" He asks softly.

"Um, hi I'm Gerard's brother Mikey. I may not be as strong or as powerful as Gerard but what I can say is that we need to get rid of these angels because they are becoming more of a threat to humans. We need to get you to safety so your life won't be at risk." Mikey says and Gee smiles softly at him. Mikey the ever so still face actually smiles back.

"Show my what you guys are. Where would we be going also?" She asks. Both Mikey and I look at Gee and he nods to us. Gee and my eyes go white with a red glow and Mikey's eyes turn red, Gee and I grow long sharp nails, we all grow big black wings and Gee and I grow fangs. My mom looks at us and is stunned.

"We are going to go to my house. It's safe there. Angels are forbidden to enter. We would never hurt anyone. Please let us protect you." He says and my mom snaps back from the stunned phase she was in.

"I guess so. We need to talk about your relationship though." She says and I jump up and hug her. She freezes but eventually hugs back. I know this devil thing isn't quite normal for her. I mean her son is dating the devil and is also partly the king of hell. "Fuck this is strange. First I find out my son has a boyfriend, then I find out it's his teacher, then I find out that his teacher is the devil, then I learn that my husband is an angel and that hell is good and heaven is evil. Finally I find out that my son isn't even human anymore. God this is strange." I hear her mumble to herself and I giggle. We both let go and sit again.

"What would you like to know about or relationship or what would you like so say about it?" I ask as we all revert back to our human looking forms. Gee slides his hand into mine again and I rest my head on his shoulder. He's such a soft and loving person. It's beautiful. He's beautiful.

"I'd like to say to Gerard, I no longer care if you are my son's teacher. You seem to make him happy. Thank you for saving him. He's the most important thing to me. With that being said I only ask of you to treat him good and with respect. If you do not I will cut every limb from your body and completely rearrange you. I will send you back up to heaven if you dare hurt him. The only thing I would like to ask is how long have you been together and do you mean it when you say you love each other? Call me Lynda by the way." She says sternly. Gee smiles at her and me. I lean up and kiss him softly. My mom lets out a small aw.

"Thank you Lynda. I know how important he is to you. I will treat him with upmost respect and I will treat him like a queen. I would never harm him or hurt him. We have been together for approximately 3 days. I mean it when I say I love him. I wish I could give him everything in the world and more. He deserves so much more. I love him to absolute hell and back. Thank you for giving birth to the most amazing person I've ever met." He says to my mom as Mikey disappeares again. My mom smiles and nods. We all leave the room and Gerard resumes time. My mom finishes work and leaves with my beautiful boyfriend and I.


I have nothing against heaven but I just wanted to write kind of an inverted supernatural story.


@the dark receiver
Thanks so much! I'll be writing more soon!

AlexInMCRland AlexInMCRland

Can't wait for more...

@The pink flamingos return
I love your enthusiasm! I love to hear reactions! Sorry about the cliffhanger by the way. I actually hid in my covers after writing that chapter. I'm writing so much more and there is a big scene coming up soon! Be prepared!

AlexInMCRland AlexInMCRland

Reaction over past few chapters: "so...still casually dating devil, how have you not figured it out yet Frank? Frank, are you serious?! Even Ray knows! Even i know! How many clues do you need Frank?! Oh, you're surprised now. Gerard, where the fluff are you going? Yeah, frank you go talk to him! Frank where the fluff are you going?! No! Frank if you even dare! No! This can't happen! *almost cries* You can't just cliffhanger it there! Oh wait....there's another chapter.... *laughs* I hate the sunlight too Frank."

this story is so good (if you couldn't tell by my reaction). and I can't wait for Mikey to appear. Thank you for writing. (Sorry if I was a little over enthusiastic) :)

@The pink flamingos return
Mikey's coming soon ;) Might even add some other bands. If you have any suggestions hit me up! I am really enjoying writing this book. The plot is easy to flow with. Next chapter should be here soon!

AlexInMCRland AlexInMCRland