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*Gerard's pov*

September 1st, 1995

Dear diary, I believe I'm a good person. Ya know, I believe there's good in everyone, but here we are! the first day of senior year! And I look around at all these kids I've known all my life and think, what happened?

I close the book I was writing in fast as I see people walk down the hall yelling insults at people







'I mean we were so tiny, happy, and shiny, playing games getting chased' I write

"FREAK" someone yells, aimed at me




'then we get bigger that's the trigger, like the Huns invading Rome'

"AH, sorry" I say after running into someone

'welcome to my school, this isn't some highschool, this is the thunder dome, I'll just hold my breath and count to ten, I'm graduating soon"

"WHITE TRASH" someone yells pointing to a ginger kid wearing a flannel

Someone gets knocked down just at my feet by some prep kid

'just not today' I finished and close the book again

"hey are you okay?" I ask

"GET AWAY FAG" they say loudly

lovely, such a lovely place to live







I sigh, god arent they just soooo creative

I open the book again, leaning on my locker

'things will get better soon as my letter come from Alfred, Cooper, or Tisch'
'away from this coma'
' take my diploma'
'then I can burn this town'
'I dream of the ivory covered walls and smokey french cafes'

some kid bumps into me

"WATCH IT" they yell

'I fight the urge to blow this place sky high'

The same kid from before knocked my books out of my hand and made an exaggerated 'ohhhhh' noise

"Hunter Sweeny, third-year linebacker, 8th year smaking books out of people hands and BEING A HUGE DICK!" I yell the last part so he can hear, instantly regretting it as he stalked back over

"what did you say FAG" he asked

"EH,H, nothing" I say walking the other way

'but I know, I know, I know, life can be beautiful'
'I pray, and pray, and pray for a better day'
'we were kind before'
'we can be kind once more'
'we can be beautiful'

Someone taps my shoulder causing me to jump

"AH, hey Ray" I say turning around


'Ray Toro, my best friend since....diapers!'

"we on for movie night?" he asked

"Yep, you're on jiffy pop detail" I say

"I rented the evil dead" he said smiling

"Again? don't you have that memorized by now?" I ask

"its a classic"

"WHOA PRINCESS FROFRO! NEW DRESS?!" Hunters right-hand man Bob laughed knocking Ray's text books from his hands

I open the book again, determined to write everything down

'Bob Kelly, quarterback. He is the SMARTEST guy on the football team, which is like being the tallest dwarf'


"are you talking to me?" bob asked

"YEAH, what gives you the right to pick on my friend? you are a high school dead beat, a future gas station attendant waiting to happen"

He pauses looking me in the eye and pointing to his cheek

"you have a zit...right there" he said before bursting out laughing

the doors fly open to the hall and three girls walk in, and everyone stops, the lyn-zs, ironically enough, only one of their names in really lyn-z but hey, go with it

still, they float above it all

Jennifer Dunn, or Kitty, head cheerleader, her dad is LOADED...he sells engagement rings.

Hayley Williams, runs the year book, no discernable personality but her mom does pay for her makeup and hair

and finally, Lyn-z Ballato, that almighty...she is a mythic bitch

they are solid Teflon, never bothered, never harassed...I would give anything to be like that.

"I want to be their boyfriend" someone said

"If I sat at their table, guys would notice me" said another

"I'd like them to be nicer" Ray said from beside me

"I want to kidnap one of them, photograph them naked then leave them tied up for the rats" the bell rings before the kid could continue his odd fantasy.

It was halfway through fist class when I escaped to the washrooms, our school invested too much into sport and we now have unisex washrooms, yaaaay, sarcasm.

"grow up Kitty, Heroin is sooo '94" Lyn-z said, rolling her eyes

"maybe you should see a counselor?" said Hayley

"yeah, maybe I should..." Kitty said from the stall

"AH, Lyn-z and Hayley" said miss Flemings

the shall door opens widely

"and kitty" she said again

"maybe you didn't hear over all the gossiping but class started"

"Kitty didn't feel good, we're helping her" Lyn-z said

"not without a hall pass, weeks detention" Miss Flemming said

I scribble on a piece of paper before I step out

"actually miss Flemming, were all out on a hall pass, all four of us" I say handing her the paper.

"Very well, hurry up then"

Lyn-z rips the paper out of my hand

"this is good forgery..who are you?"

"Gerard Way, I crave a deal"

"What deal?" He asked harshly

"Let me sit with you at lunch today, no talking needed, its just if people think you tolerate me they'll leave me alone...."

they laugh lightly

"Before you answer, I also do absent notes and report card"

"How about prescriptions?" kitty asked

"SHUT UP KITTY" lyn-z yelled

"Sorry lyn-z"

Lyn-z and Hayley walked over to me, basically grabbing at me

"you know, for a greasy haired nobody, you do have nice bone structure"

"and a symmetrical face, if I were to take a meat clever to your face Id have two equal sides, that's very important" Hayley said

"you know, you know, you know, he could be beautiful, tighter fitting clothes and maybe a shower"

"lets make him beautiful, okay?" She asked

"Okay!" I reply quickly

It was a good hour or two later when I walked out again following behind them.

"GERARD!" ray called out looking at who I was walking with

'it turns out when you're with the powerful people, its a beautiful fricken day'


this took sooooooo long


@my chemical spooks
I get it, life gets busy

Rose Rose

Yay, hope you like it, though updates will be scarce

Omfg this is perfect

Rose Rose