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I mean This, I'm Okay (Trust Me)


"Mr Iero, tell us again, where were you that night?" He said breaking the silence.

I hadn't even realised I was day dreaming again until I snapped back to reality, this wasn't my reality though, it was someone else's... or was it... I don't know. I remember the question but was at loss for words, I don't know where I was that night, hell, I don't even know where I was last night or the night before that.

"Where I was what night?" I replied innocently before scowling... I just answered a question with another question, my therapist does that... his therapist does that... I hate her, she's a condescending bitch... he never liked her... I never liked her.

"The night of February 24th, the night Raymond Toro...your friend Ray disappeared" The police officer said in a serious tone.

I laughed to myself, ah good old ray. He never could contain that crazy hair, no matter how hard he tried. I love the way it bounces with every step he takes, back and forth, back and forth. I wonder how Ray is, I haven't seen him in a while, maybe I should send him another letter, but then again he never replies anymore..."

My train of thought was interrupted by the police officer clearing his throat. The sound echoed and ricocheted off the old grimey tiles of the room labelled "interrogation room" on the door. Interrogation... interesting word... 5 syllables... interrogate... interrogated... Interrogating...why am I being Interrogated? By a man who is Interrogating... in a room for Interrogation... but why interrogate?...why....me?....

"for God's sake! This is hopeless, he's a lunatic... he doesn't even know where he is! Just send him back!" The officer barked

And with that, a man in a white coat put his arm firmly around my shoulder leading me down a corridor, the fluorescent white lights irritating my eyes. I squinted under the harsh beams and before I knew it I was outside. It's cold... he's cold...why don't these people give him a jacket... give me a jacket... I was ushered into a van where I sat on a cold metal seat bolted to the wall. I looked through the tinted glass at an unfamiliar Street sign

... am I still in Jersey? He's still in Jersey... I am too... but he's not... and I'm not... where even is Jersey... here is Jersey... but where...why...

I hadn't even realised the van had started to move, the engine rumbled under my butt... for some reason that made me laugh, definitely a childish thing to laugh about but hey, there aren't enough smiles to go around these days so I'll take a smile when one comes my way. Way... something about the word 'way' sparked a memory... almost... it's like I remembered for a split second but before I had the chance to grasp the memory it was gone...

More time passed, I don't know how much time... 10 minutes... 20 minutes maybe. I looked out the tinted window again at a dull grey sky, the same sky I see almost every day, the weather here never changes. We passed buildings and trees, so many buildings it's almost as if every day there's a new building.

The streets grew quieter, less buildings, less cars and less people with every passing second until the roadways grew silent except for the roaring engine of the van I'm in. The roads turned from smooth concrete to crunchy gravel and the trees loomed over the van on either side of the road closing us in. I was almost starting to feel claustrophobic when we broke out of the trees into a clearing and there was a tall grey building, why is there a building in the middle of nowhere? There's bars on the windows, is this a prison?!... hold up... where's my trial... I wasn't sentenced by a judge... they can't put me in jail like that...what's happening to me...he wasn't sentenced either... I can't be incarcerated... is he incarcerated... he's not... I am... I'm not.. I...

The doors of the van swung open and two men in white coats grabbed me on either side ushering me towards the prison. Next to the entrance was a sign, it read 'sanitorium' I didn't know there was a prison named sanatorium...





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