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Evil Hearted You.

A Fucked Up Moment

It was quiet as he crept down the hall. He was exhausted and tonight's excitement didn't help. He stood in front of the door and lifted his hand. He knew he shouldn't be doing this and that is would cost him, but he couldn't...not after everything he did for him. He concentrated sending wave after wave of magic from deep inside himself and sealed the door. He nearly dropped with exhaustion as he stumbled back to his room once more.




Mikey woke up feeling worse than he ever had before. He had a headache and felt like he was going to throw up. Even being trapped between his friends didn't help.


Pete opened his eyes...he wasn't sleeping, just resting...and looked down at his friend.

"Easy Mikey, we've got you."

"What's the matter, Mikey?"

Patrick lifted his head to look at him.

"Feel sick, dizzy, out of it."

"I'm not going to say I told you not to go back, but...I told you not to go back."

Pete said with a fond smile. Patrick reached over Mikey to swat him.

"Ow!...what was that for?"

"Don't pick on him, you little shit."

Patrick shook his head at him.

"Just rest Mikey, don't think you need to worry about anything today."

"I can't…I have to...Frankie...Gee..."

"They're fine Mikey, don't worry."

"They are locked in their rooms, they can't really get into any trouble there, can they?"

"No, I have to..."

Mikey tried to get up.

"No, hey, you're gonna hurt yourself. Just rest."

Patrick tried to get him to lay back down

"You don't have to do anything."

"No please! I need to see them!"

"Michael, they will still be there when you are better."

Patrick gave him a look. Mikey began to shiver.

"P-P-Please...take me there."

"We can't do that Mikey."

Pete said, forcing himself to stay strong for his friend. Mikey began to keen and wail. He needed his Alphas. Patrick tried to shush him.

"Making a fuss isn't going to convince us."

"Yeah, we're not that easy Mikey."

Mikey started to growl.

"You will bring me to my Alphas or you will SUFFER!"

"Mikey, it's our job to not take you!...Gabriel would have our heads."

"Mikey, you don't scare us. Gabriel is scarier."

Patrick looked at Pete and tried to come up something to get Mikey to cut it out but he had nothing and Mikey had enough. He shoved Patrick off the bed onto his ass. He then turned to Pete and gave a feral grin.


Pete swallowed nervously.

"I can't do that Mikey."

Mikey's grin widened. He grabbed Pete and tossed him like he weighed nothing. Then he practically ripped the door off its hinges and ran down the hall. Pete hit the floor with an "Omf." And lay still. Patrick pushed himself up off the floor.


Patrick ran over and picked Pete up, checking to make sure he was alright.

"How'd he get that strong?"

Pete mumbled, his eyes closed.

"No idea, probably something to do with us pissing him off."

Patrick sighed and frowned.

"What the fuck do we do now?"

"We go after him?"

Pete said, opening one eye to look at Patrick.

"How the hell are we going to stop him?"

"I don't know, but we gotta try."

"Well come on then."

Patrick helped Pete up. Pete leaned on Patrick as they headed out of the room and toward the guest wing.




Mikey was still dizzy as he climbed the stairs to the guest hall.

"Alpha Alpha Alpha Alpha"

Gerard opened his eyes, he thought he could hear Mikey. He got up off the bed and crossed to the door, pressing his ear to the wood.

"Need Alpha, need need need need..."

"Mikey?...I'm in here Mikey."

Mikey looked back and forth between the two rooms. He knew that his Alpha was in one.



Gerard called to him. Frank lifted his head from where he was curled up as he realised the voices weren't just in his head. He frowned and listened. It sounded like Mikey and the Incubus. He pushed up and wandered over to the door, staying still and listening for a minute.


Mikey started to whine and scratch at the door.

"Mikey?...what's going on?"

Frank leaned against the door. He couldn't get through the barrier and it was pissing him off. He'd be out there with Mikey if it weren't for the seal.

"Oh my heeeead. What happened lassssst night?"

Rasputin found himself in the middle of the hallway. He tried to figure out everything, but his head was in a fog. He was wandering back when he saw the Prince collapsed on the floor on his knees. He was about to say something when the intoxicating scent hit his nose. His nostrils flared and he growled low as he stalked up to him.

"Weeeeeell little Princcccce. What are you dooooing here?"

Mikey looked up and him and whined.


"Awwww, there there, liiiiiittle one. I haaaaave you."

Rasputin reached down and picked Mikey up.

"Come let usssss go relaaaaaaax in my room and your can tell meeeeee all about your pain."

Gerard heard the douchebag's voice and knew this was really bad. He put his shoulder to the door and started trying to knock through the barrier.


He continued bashing at the barrier with little to no effect. Frank heard the other voice and growled at the door. That stupid asshole was out there with Mikey. He looked at the wall between his and Gerard's rooms and the seal was back on Gerard's room. Frank was stuck.


He heard Gerard and frowned deeper. Rasputin laughed as he passed the other two Alpha's doors.

"Guesssss I win boyssss, but don't worry, I make sure to killll you after I fuck him."

Gerard raged, throwing himself at the seal hard.


Frank growled louder and looked at the wall between Gerard's room and his again. All he needed was to get through it. He moved over and pushed at it. He furrowed his brow and wondered who put it back up. It wasn't Gabriel or it wouldn't have so much give. He wondered if maybe the whole seal on Gerard's room was weaker than if Gabriel had done it or if maybe whoever did it didn't consider the dividing wall holding the Nightmare in.


He called out to him and kind of got an idea. He wasn't sure it was going to work but it was worth trying. Gerard paused in his vain attempts to get out, and looked over at the wall that separated him from the Nightmare.

"What Frank?...I'm kinda busy here, y' know?"

"Shut up and listen to me for a second, I'm trying to help asshole."

Frank growled at him. Gerard rolled his eyes.

"Fine, what?"

"The barrier is back but it's not as strong as before, Gabriel isn't the one that put it back. I can't get through on my own. I think maybe you can help me with that."

Frank leaned against the wall, hating this stupid barrier.

"How?...what can I do?"

"You're an Incubus, jackass. You said your powers deal in attraction and repulsion. How does that work? Can you do that over distance? Can you draw people to you?"

Gerard frowned.

"Well yeah, I can...who are you thinking?"

Frank sighed in frustration.

"Me! Wow, you are dense. If you are pulling me to you I might be able to push through this barrier a little easier."


Gerard frowned.

"Yeah, that could work but...I gotta warn you...the kind of pull we're talking about me using, you're not going to be able to resist...you will probably try to kiss me when you get through..."

He smirked to himself.

"You still want to try this?"

Frank grumbled, he didn't like that idea but he was sure he could try and exercise some restraint.

"Just fucking try it ok, I don't even know that this will work."

"Ok then, you asked for it."

Gerard closed his eyes and concentrated, sending a strong wave of his heaviest attraction scent directly through the barrier toward Frank. He knew the moment it reached the Nightmare and wrapped itself around him...he gave a little mental tug.

"Come to daddy."

He muttered under his breath with a smirk on his lips. Frank's first instinct was to pull away from the feeling, it wasn't right and he didn't like it, but he knew he had to push that aside and let himself be pulled. He sighed and let the feeling pull at him. He faded into the shadows, he'd been keeping his room dark. He pushed at the barrier and I t had give but it wasn't quite ready to let him through. He gritted his teeth and let more of the weird pulling feeling in, He wanted to be on the other side of this wall. He wanted to go to Gerard. He gave one more good push and found himself falling into the room, and out of the shadows. Bumping into Gerard in the process. Gerard caught him with a smile.

"Hi there sugar."

Frank groaned and looked up at him, it took a second but his brain clicked back into functioning and he jumped.

"Get the hell away from me!"

He moved back away from him, shuddering and making a face. Gerard laughed.

"I was kidding before you know...I cut off the pull as soon as you were through the wall. I want you kissing me about as much as you want to do it."

"Yeah whatever, you ready to try and Shadow Walk?"

Gerard's eyes went wide and he swallowed, stepping back slightly.


"How else are we getting through that wall do you suppose?"

Gerard looked at the door he had been throwing himself against and sighed, looking back at the Nightmare.

"Fine, let's go."


"Shhhh, I haaaaave you my sweeeet Omega."

Rasputin removed the last of Mikey's clothing and took a moment to look at him. He was pale and had perfect child bearing hips. He licked his lips obscenely. He didn't care what the over grown centaur wanted, he just wanted to claim the child. He began to remove his own clothing as he continued to drink in the young devil with his eyes.

"I bet you tasssste sweeter than you looook."

He removed his shirt and then climbed on top of the boy and nuzzled his neck. The Omega whined and bared it and Rasputin smiled.

"You're miiiiine now."

Frank grabbed Gerard and hauled him over to the Shadows at the side of the room.

"Alright, it's going to feel really weird but don't fight it and don't look at anything other than me ok. I don't need you going mad between here and there."

Gerard nodded with a nervous grin.

"Ok, just be gentle...it's my first time."

Frank rolled his eyes at the stupid comment and grabbed Gerard's hand, slipping into the Shadows and willing them to accept Gerard too. Gerard kept his eyes on Frank, shuddering as the cold shadows surrounded him.


"Goooood boy, cuuuuum for your Alpha."

Rasputin was jerking the Omega off quickly. Knowing he was young and not very sexually experienced, he would cum quickly and therefore be more pliant when he enters him. He was so entranced with the boy that he didn't see the ripple behind him.

Frank pulled Gerard into the room and kept to the Shadows a bit till he was sure they had the element of surprise. He brought Gerard out of the Shadows and they slipped away from them, making them solid again. Gerard staggered slightly but held himself together, Mikey needed him on his feet right now. Frank reached out to steady Gerard a little, he knew how shitty your first time Shadow Walking could be. He assumed it must be harder on species that weren't meant to do it. Gerard took a breath, then nodded to Frank to tell him he was ok. Frank let go of him and growled quietly, glancing at Gerard as if to ask what the fuck they were going to do. Frank was not a fighter and somehow he didn't really envision Gerard as one either.

"Thaaaat's it baby, leeeeeet me seeee you fall apaaaaart."

Mikey arched his back and came all over Rasputin’s hand. He fell down to the bed again breathing heavily.

"Noooow it's my tuuuurn."

Rasputin licked his palm and then moved his fingers down to press them in. Gerard growled angrily, but quietly, then broke into a grin. He leaned in close to Frank's ear to whisper.

"Can you get to that corner?"

He pointed across the room to a corner right in front of the asshole. Frank nodded and looked at Gerard. He whispered back.

"What'd you have in mind?"

Mikey's body clenched when Rasputin touched his opening.

"Shhhhh, eeeeeeasy my Omega, I haaaave you."

"Just get there, then step out...get his attention."

Frank nodded and grinned viciously. He slipped back into the Shadows and moved around the room, careful to stay away from any light, to stand where Gerard had indicated. He looked over at Gerard before stepping out into the light, growling to catch the Devil's attention. Rasputin looked up and saw the Nightmare. He smiled as he extended his nails aiming for the boy below him.

"Well you are cleeeever aren't you Niiiightmare. Hope you are cleeeever enough to staaaay back or I wiiil end the Prince's liiiiife."

"You wouldn't dare harm him, Gabriel would skin you alive and you certainly wouldn't get whatever it is you get out of being Satan's Choice for his son, which clearly doesn't include being locked up."

Frank refocused on the Devil, grumbling at him.

"Ahhhh, but thaaaat's where you are wroooong small one. I haaaave already beeeen chosen. He isssssas gooood as mine and you arrrre as good as deeeead."


Rasputin looked down at the boy.

"What diiiid you say?"

"I said no, you will not harm my Alpha!"

Mikey grabbed at Rasputin’s throat and started to squeeze. Gerard's eyebrows raised high, this Omega was more impressive than he already thought. Frank looked at Mikey with wide eyes, he was surprised but impressed. He hesitated before he stepped forward to try and grab a hold of Mikey to keep him from doing something that would bother him later. He looked at Gerard, as he wrapped his arms around Mikey and pulled him back, to tell him to do something about this idiot. Mikey continued to choke the devil.

"Mikey, let go, let Gerard deal with him. I got you."

Frank tugged at the Omega lightly. Mikey stilled at Frank's voice, but still held on.

"Come on, let go baby. Gerard and I will protect you. He's not worth your effort."

Gerard grabbed the back of the Devil's hair and yanked his head back before sending an intense and concentrated wave straight into the asshole's face. Rasputin began to scream and his eye's bulged out. Gerard whispered in his ear.

"You want no one."

Then let the asshole's hair go and stepped back. Frank looked at Gerard and furrowed his brows together. Gerard grinned.

"I'll tell you later."

Rasputin coughed and threw up and then turned to Gerard.

"I wiiiillll kill youuuuuuuu!"

He surged up and punched Gerard up under the jaw. Gerard hit the floor with a thud and a grunt.


Mikey pulled away from Frank and jumped on the devil's back knocking him to the ground. He ripped at his hair and his tail.

"Holy fuck!"

Frank exclaimed, but moved over to help Gerard up instead of the devil that was being destroyed. Bastard deserved it anyway. He raised an eyebrow at the idea that Mikey seemed to truly consider both Gerard AND Frank to be his Alphas. He didn't know how much he liked that. Gerard groaned, rubbing his hand over his jaw as he struggled to sit up...he was seeing stars, and not the pretty kind. Mikey started to smash the devil's face into the floor.

"You do not hurt my Alpha!"

"I'm o-ok Mikey."

Frank looked at Mikey and at Gerard. He frowned and tried really hard to sound like an Alpha.

"Mikey. Enough."

Mikey ignored Frank and continued to mutilate the would be suitor. Gerard shook his head to try to clear it, but that just made him feel dizzy and sick. He groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"Oh for fuck sakes."

Frank pushed up away from Gerard. He may be little but Mikey wouldn't hurt him, not if how protective he was, was any indication to go on. He wrapped his arms around Mikey's waist and pulled him away, letting go of him only to put himself between the Prince and the asshole. He held Mikey back by his arms and stared at him hard, he didn't care if he had to scare Mikey a little to get him to stop.


He spoke more firmly. Mikey stopped and looked up. His face was covered in ichor from the body.


"Yes, Mikey, I'm right here. Go sit with Gerard."

Mikey started to shake and lose his ability to stand. Frank frowned and softened his voice, pulling back any kind of aura he was giving off that could frighten Mikey.

"Hey, it's ok. Just sit with Gerard, ok? He'll make you feel better."

He held onto Mikey gently and looked at Gerard hopefully. Mikey turned and looked at Gerard.


Gerard looked up, his vision starting to clear a little, but his head pounding like a dozen little demons were using jackhammers inside his skull. He smiled softly at the trembling Omega and held out his hand.

"It's ok sweetheart, come sit with me."

Mikey moved from Frank to Gerard's waiting arms. He sighed as soon he was safely held. Gerard wrapped his arms gently around the boy and hummed to him quietly...it was a human song he'd heard a long time ago, but he didn't remember the name of it. Mikey sighed again cuddling in close. He looked at his hands.


"It's ok, we'll get that cleaned off soon."

"Where did it come from?"

Mikey looked up at the incubus innocently. Gerard frowned slightly, but pulled the boy in closer against his chest and set a soft kiss to his forehead.

"That doesn't matter sweetheart, you don't need to worry about that."

"Okay Gee."

Mikey started to purr. Gerard stroked his fingers through Mikey's hair.

"We're gonna look after you, everything's ok..."

He looked over at Frank.

"Right Frank?"

Frank nodded firmly and looked at Mikey. He sighed and moved over to check if Mikey had killed the Devil or just really fucked him up. Gerard returned his attention to the Omega in his arms, stroking his hair and humming quietly to try to keep the boy calm.

"I fucking told you we should've gone left dumb ass. Where the hell are we?"

Patrick grumbled and glared at Pete. He couldn't have picked any worse of a time to be dumb.

"I'm sorry Patty, I should've listened to you...it was definitely left."

Pete said as they tried to find their way to the guest corridors to find Mikey.

"Well let's just go back then and see if we can't find where we are actually supposed to be before Mikey gets himself I'm shit."

"Ok, lets go...you lead the way."

Patrick rolled his eyes and turned around to haul Pete in the other direction.




Running down the right hallway...at last...Pete and Patrick stopped suddenly when they heard loud crunching noises coming from the door they'd just passed.

"Was that?..."

Pete said, wide eyes looking from the door to Patrick.

"I don't know but it didn't sound good."

Patrick frowned deeply. Pete took a breath and pushed down on the door handle, then tentatively swung the door open. He gasped at what he saw... Frank was leaned over what looked like it could have been that asshole Devil that Gabriel had chosen...it was hard to tell with all the blood...while Mikey, also covered in blood, was curled up in Gerard's lap while the Incubus stroked his hair and hummed to him. Pete looked at Patrick then back at the scene.

"What the fuck?"

"Oh shit."

Patrick looked at the mess and at Mikey. He wasn't sure what happened but he knew nothing about this could possibly end well.

"Uh, hello?..."

Pete said, gaining the attention of the room. Gerard looked up, eyes going wide.

"Someone care to tell us what the fuck happened here?"

Frank looked over at the other demons and back at Mikey.


He didn't really want to talk about it right now with Mikey in the room. They'd just got him to settle down. Pete frowned.

"Is any of that Mikey's?"

"No, I don't think so."

Frank looked over at Mikey, he didn't look hurt at all. Not physically anyways. Pete walked over to Frank, stepping over some entrails and a large puddle of ichor. He lowered his voice.

"Is that Rasputin?"

Frank nodded and glanced at Mikey again.

"Pete? Patrick?"

Mikey looked up with glazed over eyes. Pete looked over.

"We're here Mikey, everything's ok..."

He looked back at Frank.

"We need to get him out of here."

"Yeah, would be a good idea."

Frank nodded. Patrick moved forward to take Mikey from Gerard.

"Come on, let's get some clothes on you and get you somewhere safe."

*clomp clomp clomp clomp*

They all heard it before they heard his voice.

"What is going on in here!?"


Hi there chipmunks, how's you?

Yeah, so THAT happened! Looks like Mikey might not be quite as helpless as we thought, huh.

Until next time...PLEASE COMMENT, and peace out babies!


Yep, them knots musta hurt like Hell...oh wait, they're IN Hell, so that makes sense. Lol.
thanks for sticking with this to the end.


domebedward domebedward

And we love you too. Thank you for continuing to read and comment on this.

I'm teased and terrorized to the limit with this. I'll finish reading and commenting on this fic when its done. Just wanted to let you know I love you guys. I can't handle the stress!! #1ShittyFangirl!!

domebedward domebedward

@the dark receiver
Thank you, will do!