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Evil Hearted You.

Flesh For Fantasy

Gerard watched from across the room, anger starting to boil in his belly to the point that the tips of his hair turned red. His eyes flashed green and he growled...how dare that little...He was fuming as he finally managed to break through the crowd that he was now unintentionally attracting with his scent. Before, he had wanted the attention, now he just wanted everyone to get out of his way but the problem with that is that an incubus' attraction scent gets stronger whenever their emotions do, and anger can be a very strong emotion. His hair was red almost to the roots now, and he was about ten seconds away from ripping someone's head off...literally. As he broke through now, he was in time to see the Nightmare get up and walk off toward the buffet, leaving the boy in red alone on a sofa. He took a breath...now was his chance. He walked over to the boy...he could deal with the Nightmare later.

"Hi there, I am astonished that anyone would leave you sat here, all alone. May I?"

He indicated the seat beside the boy with a nod of his head and a smooth smile.

"Oh...well it's kind of taken..."

Mikey was intimidated. This was an incubus and all the ones he had met were very pushy. Gerard nodded, sighing sadly.

"I understand, I was just worried that you being who you are, that you may become victim to one of the less desirables here...there are a few more vampires here than I would consider to be safe, and they are awfully good at tempting sweet little things like you but...if you are alright with that, then maybe I should go. I don't wish to bother you."

Mikey felt bad. He didn't mean to dismiss him.

"Wait...um...you can use that chair if you want and bring it over. I just meant that I was sitting with someone."

Gerard's smile spread wide.

"Really?...thank you."

He grabbed a chair from a nearby table and set it at the boy's table. He flopped down onto the chair and let out a relieved noise.

"Ahh, that's better...I haven't sat down since I got here, my feet are killing me."

"I did notice that you were surrounded quite a bit."

Gerard frowned slightly, looking down.

"Yes well...I'm guessing you know what I am, right?"

He looked up, almost shyly.

"It's kind of hard not to."

Frank wandered back over with two drinks and spotted none other than a stupid Incubus sitting in the chair near Mikey talking to him. He cursed under his breath and sighed. He continued over and caught the last thing Mikey said.

"Yeah, you couldn't be any more obvious about it."

Mikey looked up and smiled at Frank.

"Hey, you returned."

He patted the seat next to him.

"Of course I returned."

Frank smiled at Mikey but shot a glare at the Incubus. This act the damn thing was putting on was going to nauseate Frank if he listened to too much more of it. He sat in his seat beside Mikey and handed the Prince his drink. Mikey beamed. It was his favorite.

"How did you know that I like Devil's Spring?"

Lucifer's Lane was a drink that his father held dear to his heart and became Mikey's favorite quickly.

"Lucky guess."

Frank smiled widely at him as Mikey took a sip and hummed happily. Gerard knew that the red in his hair...that had faded to near nothing while talking to the Prince...was returning, brighter than ever, but he kept his cool.

"Well, I was not expecting to see any Nightmares here tonight...however did you score an invitation?...sorry to be crass, but I'm not sure that Gabriel would've put you on the guest list."

Frank frowned and glared hard at the Incubus out of the corner of his eye. Was it really going to start this shit with him? He didn't really know how to respond without being rude and he'd rather not start in front of Mikey. He was getting real tired of the stuck up attitude the Incubi all seemed to have. He kept his mouth shut and pretended he hadn't heard it.

"Hey, don't be rude to Frankie, I am sure he is here for the same reason you are too."

Mikey turned to Frank and blushed a bit.

"I mean I'm not wrong am I? You wanted to be the...well I mean...it is a party for me and..."

"I did hope to meet you, yes, though I didn't actually expect any result."

Frank smiled at the nickname and at the light blush creeping back into the Prince's face.

"Well...I think everyone should have a chance to show who they are."

Mikey reached out and touched Frank's hand.

Gerard couldn't believe this...how was a Nightmare of all things managing to make the boy blush?

"Yes, I agree with you on that...but apparently not everyone gets that chance."

Mikey turned to the Incubus and gripped Frank's hand feeling bad.

"No, everyone...which means..."

He turned back to Frank.

"I need to mingle more before my performance piece, but I am sure we will find each other again."

Mikey stood up.

"It was nice to meet you Frankie...oh and you too."

Mikey bowed and then left.

"Nice to meet you as well Mikey."

Frank smiled at him. Gerard watched Mikey walk away, then turned and narrowed his eyes toward Frank. Hair now completely red and eyes glowing green through his long lashes.

"Right, quit the shit Nightmare...what the fuck are you doing here?...do you really think you stand a hope of winning that beautiful boy's affections?...I mean, what are you, three foot tall?"

"Out of the two of us I'm the only one that didn't put on a fake act for him, so shut your trap slut-demon. For starters I'm five foot six at least..."

Frank glared at him and growled.

"You don't scare me, I'm here because I want to be not because of some dumb social construct or power play."

"Really, well I'll be interested to see how Gabriel reacts when he finds out that you've been talking to his only child...I will pay for ringside seats to that for sure. Just try not to get blood on my suit when he disembowels you, yeah?"

Frank rolled his eyes. Of course the Incubus would bring Gabriel's likely disapproval into it.

"I doubt he'll be any more impressed by you. At least I was genuinely polite and kind to the Prince. That's more than can be said for you."

"I didn't see him telling me to leave...I was the very epitome of politeness..."

Gerard leaned a little closer.

"Epitome means a perfect example...I know your kind aren't that big with schooling."

He sat back with a smug smile.

"I do actually understand the English language and unlike you, I also understand that just because he didn't tell you to leave didn't mean he liked you. He was simply not an asshole and didn't tell you to fuck off."

Frank smiled back and sipped at his drink. Gerard laughed.

"For a midget Nightmare, you're actually quite amusing...you do realise that just because he didn't tell you to leave, it didn't mean that he liked you either, right?...he probably felt pity on you because you were sat here all alone."

Frank rolled his eyes again and looked at the Incubus.

"You go on thinking that sweetheart, I have better things to do and more appealing people to talk to."

Frank finished his drink and decided that maybe now was the time to go find Bob. He stood up and looked around to find his friend.

"Going so soon?...aww, such a shame. I'll tell Mikey you said bye."

He spotted Bob and glared back at the Incubus.

"I ain't going far, just going to find some better company than you. Which, honestly, could be a vampire for all I care."

"And I hope it is...I hear they can suck a Nightmare dry in two minutes flat."

"And funnily enough I've met Vampires that are far more attractive and fun to hang out with than you. So what then does that say about you as an Incubus, thought you guys were supposedly so great. Unlike your kind, Nightmares are low enough on the food chain that Vampires actually tolerate us. I haven't met one that's ever tried to attack me actually."

Frank laughed and shook his head, his tail twitching in irritation. This thing was really annoying.

"No well, they probably realise that you're too small to make a decent meal."

Gerard smirked.

"Or they realise that Nightmares are no real threat to them because we get treated just as shittily as them. Plus, I don't know if you are aware, but Nightmares travel in groups, pairs at the very least. We've learned our lesson about not having a friend close by."

Frank sassed back, watching Bob move and keeping tabs on where he was.

"Besides, they don't drain you if you willingly share. Lower level creatures tend to be more willing to help each other out. You wouldn't know anything about that though, would you?"

He commented snidely. Incubi weren't really known for being all that friendly with others of their own kind too often. They kept one or two friends but for the most part he knew this creature likely didn't have many friends his own species. He may talk to other Incubi but he likely only trusted one or two. Frank rolled his eyes again before fucking off to go find Bob, who he'd lost track of. He was bored with the Incubus and yet amazed at how goddamn stupid the creature really was. Frank swatted at Bob when he finally found him hiding by the food.

"Thanks for ditching me, asshole."

"You seemed to be pretty cozy there with the Prince. Didn't think you needed me."

"It was great until that stupid incubus took up residence on the chair."

Frank growled low in his throat.

"Saw that too."

Bob ate another sandwich. Fucking pretentious food was smaller than his hand.

"We ready to blow this place?"

"I think I've had about enough of this fancy crap, you?..."

Frank looked around. He didn't really see anything promising in the way of entertainment in this place. Then he frowned and looked back at Bob.

"Though I'm not sure if it's considered rude to leave early at these things."

"Hmmm I think maybe you should stay."

Bob pointed at where the Prince was being surrounded by a group of demons, but he looked towards where he and Frank were and gave a small wave.

"You are not fucking abandoning me here, we are the only Nightmares in the whole place and you are not leaving me here by myself with an Incubus roaming around."

Frank gritted teeth.

"Shut your mouth and open your fucking eyes stupid. The Prince is looking at you!"

Frank waved back at the Prince and looked up at Bob.

"That doesn't help."

"I never said I would leave either, I just asked. Besides, I hear the performance is pretty sweet this year. He does something with a torture rack."

Frank raised an eyebrow and looked back at Mikey in mild confusion. He wasn't real sure what to expect to come of that at this point.

"What the fuck?"

"Rumor has it the Prince is quite the masochist..."

Bob tossed another sandwich in his mouth and took a drink.

"Fuck, this Devil's Spring vodka is good shit. Need to steal a few bottles when we are topside..."

Frank looked at Bob and furrowed his brows. He didn't really know much about Mikey, he didn't pay attention to the rumors and talk. He was surprised Bob even did.

"Guess we will find out them huh...or did you still want to leave cause I think you would disappoint the Prince...who is still looking. Bet he wonders who I am."

Bob smirked and hung an arm around Frank's shoulder raising his glass to the Prince.

"You're an ass is who you are, one who doesn't know shit and needs to shut up. And no I think we'll stay and see what this is about..."

Frank elbowed Bob in the side for putting his arm around him.

"Why the hell is he still looking over here?"

Mikey looked a little sad when Bob did his move, but seeing Frank push him away just confirmed Bob's hunch.

"Looks to me like he's into you. It made him happy you pushed me away."

"You are full of shit."

Frank frowned and looked over at Mikey. Mikey gave a smile and waved again as a demon tried to put his arm around the young Devil. Mikey looked uncomfortable. Gerard could see everything right now, from his place curled up on the sofa. He could see the pretty young Prince wave to the rude Nightmare as he stood with another Nightmare, and he could see the Devil trying to hug the Prince, and that it was unwanted. Gerard slipped his legs out from beneath himself and stood up. He took a breath. That Devil was significantly bigger than him, and he was likely to get his pretty little ass handed to him tonight but hey, what's a party without a bit of a fight. He took another breath, knowing his faded red hair was brightening by the second as he saw that Devil trying to touch Mikey...for fuck sake, he was feeling protective of the boy. He started walking before he could talk himself out of it, it got harder as his attraction scent got stronger and creatures started turning toward him, but after a minute he was there.

"Excuse me..."

He looked at the Devil and slightly gritted his teeth.

"...but the young Prince promised to show me the courtyard...if you'll excuse us?"

He sent a cold smile to the demon, then a warmer one to Mikey as he held out his arm to him, hoping he would accept this attempted rescue.

Mikey looked at the Incubus and then at the very pushy and handsy Devil.

"Yes, how rude of me. Sorry...uh...I missed your name."


"Right, well Razapan, I did promise earlier so I will see you another time."

The Devil bristled at his name being mispronounced. Still he let the Prince go instead of making a scene. As they made their way to the doors Mikey leaned up.

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name before."

Gerard smiled softly, waving away Mikey's apology.

"My name's Gerard, but my friends call me Gee. So, is there actually a courtyard for you to show me?...or did I lie entirely to that Neanderthal beast?"

"Well we don't have a courtyard, but we have a balcony overlooking the city."

"That sounds nice...would you care to show me the view?"

"Sure, this way."

Gerard smiled at the young Prince and let him lead the way.

"Are you enjoying your party Mikey?"

"Um is it wrong to say no?"

Gerard frowned slightly, looking at the boy on his arm.

"If that's how you feel, then it's not wrong to say it...but may I ask why?"

"Its just..."

Mikey sighed.

"Everyone is here to try and convince me to marry them. How do I know if they are even being themselves? Like that demon you rescued me from, he's an asshole and I know he is and he is trying to pretend..."

Mikey walked to the balcony and hung his arms over it. The landscape was as red as his suit.

"...I just want someone who likes me for me, not cause I am the Prince. Like that Nightmare. He was the only genuine person I met so far..."

Gerard internally groaned, but outwardly, he only sighed, copying Mikey's stance by leaning on the railing.

"Do you not think that I'm being genuine?...would you rather I left you alone?"

"Oh no! I didn't mean you too!"

"It's ok Mikey, I understand...an incubus isn't good enough for the son of the devil...I get it."

"That's not true. I don't think there is such a thing as not good enough. Why some will say that Frankie isn't good enough for me either, but that's not true. I think that he has as much a chance with me as anyone does."

Gerard looked up at the young Prince.

"But I don't, do I?...you've already made up your mind about me, haven't you."

"Is that why you came? To see the Prince and vie for his hand?"

Mikey turned to the incubus and frowned folding his arms over his chest.

"No...that's not why I came..."

Gerard sighed.

"I came to celebrate your birthday...I didn't even think that I would get a chance to meet you but..."

He sighed again, looking away.

"...but now I have met you, and you're the only thing I can think of...is that wrong?"

Mikey felt bad now. He had misunderstood the incubus's intentions. He leaned over and touched his arm.

"Hey no sorry, I just get defensive. It's no fun feeling like a prize to be won you know?"

Gerard looked up with a slight smile.

"I know...everyone just thinks that because I am what I am, that I will accept anyone's advances...it's not nice being stereotyped. I do like you though, and that's not because I'm an incubus, it's because I'm a man, and you are lovely."

Mikey blushed.

"Uh...we better get back. I have my performance soon. This was nice though. Thank you for rescuing me again."

"It's ok, I couldn't just sit and watch that...and wave."


"Yes well, it's probably not my place to say...but when I saw that thug touching you, I presumed for a moment that Frank would assist you, as I had already seen that you two were becoming friends but...well I looked over at him and, and he was waving at you..."

Gerard looked down.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

"Oh no! Razapan is huge! Poor Frankie would have been crushed and I sadly heard them not saying nice things about him and his...well the other Nightmare he was with. That was what he said before you arrived. I am glad you are not closed minded like him."

Gerard's fingernails dug into his palms as he held himself back.

"That is true, I'm not sure that Frank could protect you from a beast like that, he probably would get hurt. And I try not to be closed minded, I only take exception to people who've done me wrong in some way."

"That is nice to hear you say Gerard."

Mikey smiled and then leaned in.

"And between you and me, I heard Nightmares can be pretty fierce when they want to be."

Mikey giggled.

"I bet Frankie can be a force when he wants to be."

"My Prince, it is time."

"Oh...please excuse me Gerard. It was a lovely talk."

Mikey squeezed his hand and then left with the servant. Gerard shivered, feeling a trickle of blood run through his fingers from his nails in his palm. He growled under his breath, before deciding that he should probably find Ray and get out of there soon.




"Fuck guys, I am so nervous! I know we practiced, but what if I fuck up? What if it doesn't look as good as it did to us? What if everyone hates me and starts booing!"


Pete patiently adjusted the heavy black collar around his friend's neck.

"You are going to be perfect. You are going to look beautiful and I'd put money on the loudest noises in that room being moans...not boos. There...you're ready I think."

"I'm just scared. I think...I think I might have met two that I want to give a fair chance to. I mean besides that ones that I have to give a chance to cause of Father."

"Two?...tell us more."

"Nah, I don't want to jinx it."

Mikey blushed a bit. If he was still wearing his suit, it would have blended right in.

"Well, I guess it's time...you want to throw up first or are you good?"

"Nah, I'm alright. Hey Trick, you got your whips and floggers set up?"

"Of course I do, Mikey."

Patrick smiled at him and chuckled.

"Just take care of me please/"


"It's show time."

Mikey took a deep breath and then followed the servant out with Pete and Patrick behind him.

"Honored guests, thank you for your patience, my son is now ready to perform for you. Please welcome to the floor Prince Michael James."

Mikey walked out wearing a simple pair of black leather briefs and a black heavy collar. He bowed to the audience and then stepped to where a heavy red curtain was raising revealing Patrick and Pete standing next to the torture rack. It was old fashion, but Mikey had medieval taste. He said nothing, but allowed himself to be strapped down trusting his friends to know what to do.

Gerard had been heading toward Ray, who he'd just spotted across the room, when his attention was caught by the gasps and murmurs of appreciation. He looked over to the performance area, and let out a gasp of his own. Maybe he'd stay for the entertainment after all.

A gag was placed in Mikey's mouth and then the two demons stepped forward. Pete picked up one of his shiny toys. It was metal with a wheel of spikes and about a foot long...and heavy. He loved how it felt in his hand, and the marks the other end would leave on Mikey's pale skin made him want to cum. He held it up to show the audience, then turned to show Mikey with a wicked smirk. Mikey made no move. Pete stepped to Mikey's side, so he wasn't blocking the audience's view, then ran the toy from Mikey's right shoulder, down and across to his left hip. It left three rows of small but deep holes in the boy's skin as the little wheel turned. Mikey shuddered a bit, but made no real noises. Pete moved to Mikey's other side, then made a matching mark from the boy's left shoulder to his right hip, crossing the first line in the middle, and pressing down harder this time. Tears started to form in Mikey's eyes. Pete leaned in and flicked his long, snake-like forked tongue over Mikey's right nipple, then moved up to whisper in his ear.

"You're doing good Mikes...beautiful."

Then he stepped back to let Patrick have his turn. Patrick moved over with a grin at Pete, he looked over the marks Pete had left behind. Patrick always had more fun with teeth and claws, but his whips were fun too and something Mikey had requested. He picked up his riding crop and lightly traced it over the tender skin of the curve of Mikey's hip, the Devil shivering under the touch.

Gerard was entranced. He'd moved closer to the show now, and was watching with wide eyes and a hard cock. He was really glad they decided to come now.

Frank watched from his corner of the room where he and Bob had decided it was best to hide. He watched as the demon left a few faint red marks on Mikey's skin amongst the marks already there.

Gerard licked his lips, ignoring the Wendigo who had caught his strong attraction scent, and was now sniffing the back of his hair as discretely as it could...which for a Wendigo, isn't very discrete.

Patrick stepped back from Mikey, smiling at the Devil and looking towards Pete. Pete gave him a small nod, then went to his table of toys. He picked up one of his favorites; a cat o' nine tails, but with a difference...this one had many long, thin, shiny metal chains instead of the traditional leather "tails". He lifted it up to show the audience. Gerard felt his cock twitch hard, and the Wendigo who was sniffing his neck growled low. Gerard rolled his eyes, then threw his hand up and back hard into the creature's face, sending it crashing to the floor...where it stayed. Gerard didn't want to miss a second of the entertainment tonight.

Frank grinned and shifted his weight to the other leg as he watched, glad they'd stuck around now.

Pete showed the nine tails to Mikey, gave him a tiny encouraging smile while his back was turned to the audience, then brought his hand back before snapping the chains down hard across Mikey's naked thighs. Gerard came in his pants a little at the noises the boy made...he knew now that he had to do whatever it took to make Mikey his. Mikey was in heaven...well in hell, but still you get it. He was enjoying all the attention from his best friends. Originally he was going to be blindfolded, but changed his mind at the last minute and he was glad. When Pete was happy with the multitude of chain marks across Mikey's thighs, the skin red, raised and angry looking, he set down the cat o' nine tails and nodded to Patrick. Gerard pressed the heel of his hand against his crotch discretely for a moment, then continued to watch with interest. Patrick looked at Mikey and grinned widely as he took in Pete's handiwork. He moved around Mikey, deciding what he'd do to him. He could keep at it with the riding crop, a break of simplicity between what Pete was doing. He nodded as he decided to stick to that for now. He struck a little higher this time, aiming to make Mikey squirm a little at the sting of the crop on his skin.

"Hey Gee, enjoying the show?"

Ray came up next to Gerard. He was sporting his own hard on like many in the room. Gerard's eyes were practically glued to the scene, he hadn't been this turned on or genuinely interested in years.

"Hmm...yeah, yeah absolutely…“

Ray laughed and patted his shoulder.

"Me too Gee, me too."

"Damn, he's really a masochist isn't he?"

Bob ate another piece of that weird dragon fruit as he watched the show.

"I guess so..."

Frank grinned and watched Mikey.

"He's doing really well too."

"Oh bullshit Frank, this shit is right up your sick minded alley."

"I didn't say it wasn't."

Bob nudged him lightly and then went to find something to wash this weird ass taste out of his mouth.

Pete moved in close to Mikey's side and looked into his eyes.

"Are you sure you want me to do this one...no one will know if we miss one out."

He whispered so the audience couldn't hear, while pretending to adjust Mikey's collar. To be honest, this one worried him. Mikey looked at him. In truth he didn't, but it was important to show what he could take to his future...whatever. He held back his real tears and nodded. Pete took a breath, then let it out slowly.

"You know what to do if it gets too much."

He turned and went to his toys. It was right there where he'd put it, but part of him kinda wished it hadn't been. He picked up the toy and turned to face the audience. He held it up and heard a collective gasp go around the room. Gerard's eyes widened...if the boy could handle this then he could have his pick of any creature alive. Pete turned to face Mikey, and showed him the heavy metal cock cuff, complete with spikes...on the inside!

Frank's eyes widened and he choked on the sip of his drink he'd taken.

"Wow, alright...I may have underestimated him then."

Mikey did his best not to tighten up, it would be the worst thing for him. He knew the spikes weren't sharp, but still...pain is pain. He felt it close around the base and then both Pete and Patrick stepped back. It felt like teeth and it made Mikey even harder. Biting may have been a kink for a lot of underworld creatures, but it was his favorite.




"Damn, it's been like 15 min!"

Ray watched as the ring was removed from the prince.

"Now that was impressive!"


Gerard breathed.

"I wonder what's next, cause they don't look like they've finished."

Patrick smiled and dragged his claws up Mikey's chest, digging into the skin, not breaking it but leaving marks like all the others. Patrick smiled at Mikey's reaction to it. He knew a slow burning pain would be best, Mikey had tough skin so he could apply a good amount of pressure without doing any real damage. He didn't do extremes or much in the way of toys, that was why he balanced out Pete. It wasn't the play that would make the finale, it would be Mikey's reaction to it. They weren't showcasing Pete or Patrick's ability, only Mikey and his reactions. Patrick dragged his claws harshly down the Devil's sides. Now Mikey squirmed. It was funny that everything that Pete did to him he could take cause it was all objects, but Mikey's major weakness was personal contact. As the demon scratched him, his breathing started to labor. The cock ring had done it's job keeping the blood back and now with Patrick's administrations to his body, it rushed forward in a torrent and within minutes his cock was spewing cum out of it. The orgasm lasted a good minute or two and his body arched off the rack as he pulled as his restraints till he was spent and collapsed. There was a gentle applause and then he felt himself being disconnected from the device and everything removed. A black blanket was draped over him and he felt his father's strong hands holding him. He was carried out of the party to one of the guest rooms to recover.

"You did well my son."

"Thank you father."

"You will have many suitors after this."

Mikey just smiled lazily and then passed out as his body hit the soft bed.


Hi there chipmunks, how's you?

So, we hope you liked that as much as Mikey did.

PLEASE COMMENT, and peace out babies!


Yep, them knots musta hurt like Hell...oh wait, they're IN Hell, so that makes sense. Lol.
thanks for sticking with this to the end.


domebedward domebedward

And we love you too. Thank you for continuing to read and comment on this.

I'm teased and terrorized to the limit with this. I'll finish reading and commenting on this fic when its done. Just wanted to let you know I love you guys. I can't handle the stress!! #1ShittyFangirl!!

domebedward domebedward

@the dark receiver
Thank you, will do!