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Bully Me


"Blu wake up its time for your first day!" These were the words I awoke too on a cloudy Monday morning.
A loud sigh escaped my lips as I crawled out of bed and into my bathroom. After a quick shower I lazily threw on my new school uniform. The pleated skirt was a lot shorter than expected, going down to about my mid thigh. This was my first time at a school that enforced uniforms. I was not looking forward to it at all.
I let out yet another unimpressed sigh whilst taking a glance at my self in the mirror. My hair was just above my shoulder, it was a dirty golden color, I had a set of deep green eyes that went well with the light dusting of freckles on my rosy cheeks.
I absolutely despised my self.


My bag was slung over my shoulder, packed to the brim with text books. It was time for me to leave.

After saying goodbye to my parents I set off to the bus stop. It wasn't too far away luckily considering I was quite a lazy person.

Before I knew it I was sitting on a soft bus chair. I looked out the window, admiring the gray sky, I felt peaceful and at ease but that didn't last long.

The bus came to an abrupt halt, stopping so it could let more passengers in. As soon as the bus door opened my ears were met with obnoxiously loud voices.
"I fucked her good and hard she loved it, the slut!" I looked over at the boy who had just said this, bragging to his friend about fucking a girl. It made me sick.

I couldn't help but stare at him. There was no denying his beauty, it was such a pity that a boy as beautiful as him had to be a twat.

"Calling girls sluts is highly disrespectful." I stated, quite calmly. A set of hazel eyes met my gaze, glaring at me slightly.
"Well, well, well," He started, "What do we have here? You don't look familiar, are you new around here doll?" He smirked at me dirtily.
"Yes I am." I tried to keep my composure.
"You should know that I don't like dealing with girls who have big mouths.I suggest you don't talk back to me unless you want me to teach you a lesson." He winked.
"What the hell do you mean?" Everyone on the bus around us was silent.
"Let's just say that I make ignorant girls like you put their big mouths to a better use." He licked his lips."I'll let you off for now because you're new but just be careful doll." The last part of his sentence came out as a growl.
I was completely disgusted and confused. My mouth was about to open again when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"It's best you keep your distance from him, he's really not one to mess with." A rather short boy with dark brown hair said. He scooted in next to me.
"He can't just say that to me though, who does he think he is?" The boy shook his head at my ignorance,
"He's Gerard Way, the school jerk, he does as he pleases.Seriously just be careful okay, you seem like a nice person I wouldn't want him to hurt you."
I gave him a slight nod,
"I'm Frank by the way." His grin was slightly lopsided, it was cute.
"I'm Blu. It's nice to meet you frank." We shook hands, at least I'd made one friend.


This bus trip seemed to be going on forever. Frank and I got lost in conversation. He was honestly such a cool guy, we had heaps in common. Just as we were debating over which was better, The Misfits or The Smashing Pumpkins, the bus came to a stop in front of a large dull looking building. My new school. Everyone tiredly exited the bus and walked into the large doors of the school. I really was not excited for this.


sorry this chapter is really bad but I promise it'll get better <3


Update soon please ☺

Kill joyz Kill joyz

Update please!

Kill joyz Kill joyz

Curious to know what happens next!!!!
update soon plz-

Maila Yasmin Maila Yasmin

This is good! Please update soon.

Mystique Rose Mystique Rose