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Wild Card.


Franks POV

I woke up and wasn't in the room I was in last night which made me sit up and look round from the bed.
I looked over at the sofa and saw bright red hair and I knew then that I was in Gerard's room.
I heard Gerard grumble from the sofa and he sat up and looked at me.
"Hey Frank." Gerard said sleepily and got off the sofa and walked over to the bed and he climbed into bed not giving a shit about me being in his bed.
I just looked at him really confused.
"Lie back down and go to sleep. Its still dark out which means you should be asleep." Gerard muttered sleepily.
"But your in the bed." I said.
" My bed. Your welcomed to stay in it unless you want to get in a cold bed where this bed is nice and warm." Gerard mumbled.
I weighed up my options and decided to stay as there was nothing worse than getting into a cold bed when you was nice and warm.
"Fine I'll stay, but no funny business." I said and lead back down where I heard Gerard chuckled.
"Just shut up and sleep." Gerard muttered and he was out like a light.
I settled down and fell asleep myself.

I was woken by everyone talking downstairs but I could hear them since I was clairvoyant which has its ups and downs.
This was one of the downs.
I groaned and rolled out of Gerard's bed and walked downstairs.
"Gee has himself a boyfriend." Xander said.
"He's not my boyfriend, he fell asleep outside and I couldn't back in his room since Quinn was fucking someone so I had no choice but to have in my room." Gerard said.
"So nice everyone talks about me behind my back." I said sarcastically as went over to the kettle and made myself a coffee.
"Technically we was talking about Gerard." Xavier said.
"I don't give a shit." I said loudly and bang my hand down on the side and the side was on fire.
"Don't fucking talk about me." I said through gritted teeth.
"Frank calm down, your gonna set the kitchen on fire." Gerard said softly and touched my arm.
Like normal loads of visions went through my head.
I snatched my arm away from him and glared at him.
"Don't fucking touch me." I growled and walked off willing myself to stop the fire which I must of done since no-one came after me.

I was sat on the porch smoking and trying to calm down when someone sat next to me.
"I don't want your fucking speech Gerard." I said and the person chuckled.
"Would help if I was Gerard, but I'm not so your safe." Xander said.
"I'm not in the mood for your happiness." I said and Xander chuckled.
"I can sense you don't want me to spread my happiness onto you. But I can tell you need a friend." Xander said and I looked at him.
"Leave me alone." I said and looked back out to the garden.
"I wasn't always this happy you know. I was a bit like you when I first came here." Xander said.
"I don't need to hear about your life story." I said.
"Wasn't going to give it to you. But what I'm trying to say is that Gerard is good at what he does. He will try his hardest to help you keep your powers under control. Especially the pyrokinesis that can be deadly if you don't get that under control Frank. I should know." Xander said and I looked at him.
Xander was looking out ton the garden.
"What happened?" I asked and Xander chuckled.
"That little man is something I'm not sharing right now." Xander said and got up and looked at me.
"But seriously, you need help with keeping your powers under control before you kill someone." Xander said.
"Who said I already haven't." I said.
"Well, that's for you to know and for you to tell us when your ready. Well part from Alexis, she knows all our secrets since she's clairvoyant." Xander said.
"So am I." I said and Xander smiled.
"Then you must not say a word about what you hear from us." Xander said.
"Its all safe with me." I said and Xander smiled and again and walked off leaving me on my own with my thoughts and everyone else's.


such a shitty update...
Im so tired right now and I have stupid training tomorrow for work which I'm not looking forward too..
Hopefully there will be a update tomorrow but not promising anything..


AHHHHHHH I'm in love with this story
Keep it up! <3

Lyarica Lyarica

Loving this ❤

Mortie Mortie

This is great so far xx