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If You Can't Handle The Heat...


Gerard woke with a start and a quiet cry. The room was dark and Frank was asleep beside him.

Quietly, he slipped out of the bed and picked up one of Frank's shirts, slipping it on before silently leaving the room.

He crept up the stairs into the sleeping house and headed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a jug of orange juice, then gazed around the large room, trying to work out where he'd be likely to find a glass. Not knowing what was where, he headed over to the sink, where he could see two glasses on the drainer.

He set down the jug and picked up one of the glasses. It was still wet, so he grabbed a dishcloth and started to dry it.

His eyes drifted up to the window over the sink...and he screamed, the glass slipping from his fingers to fall with a smash onto the floor.

He stumbled back, slivers of broken glass digging into his bare feet until he fell back with a cry to the ground, curling up in a ball and continuing to scream with his eyes fixed on the window.

Frank jumped awake at the sound of a scream and smashing glass. He looked at the bed beside him to see Gerard wasn’t there. He jumped out of bed and threw on some boxers before he ran up the stairs towards the sound of the scream. He found Gerard on the floor with what looked like broken glass around him. He moved over to Gerard and shushed him gently, trying to be careful of the glass on the floor. Tony came out in his pajama pants to see what was going on with a concerned Linda close behind him.

Frank was totally focused on Gerard though.

“What’s going on, babe? What happened?”

Gerard was shaking, his eyes staring wide at the window and his arms wrapped around himself.

"What's going on?"

Mikey appeared in the doorway in boxer shorts and a t-shirt, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Frank moved to pull Gerard into his arms, telling him it was ok in a soft voice.

“We’re not really sure.”

Tony frowned and looked around as Linda turned on a light. As light filled the room, Gerard panicked.


He screamed before burying his face into Frank's chest.

"Please no."

He whimpered, shaking violently.

“Who will? What happened, Gee?”

Frank cradled him and tried to calm him down.

"He's...he's out there. He's out there...oh God no."

“Who’s out there?”

Gerard sobbed as he clung tight to Frank, short fingernails digging into the other boy's biceps. After a moment he looked up at Frank, then around at the others in the room before bringing his eyes back to Frank's. Lip trembling and tears spilling down his cheeks, he whispered.


Before breaking down into desperate sobs again and hiding in Frank's chest.

"Oh shit!..."

Mikey hissed, looking over at the window...though he couldn't see anything but a reflection of the brightly lit kitchen in the glass.

"He must've followed us back from the diner or something."

Gerard shivered in Frank's arms.

"Please don't let him g-get me...please."

Frank cuddled Gerard close to him and kissed the side of his head.

“He won’t get anywhere near you.”

Tony looked personally offended that the brothers’ father would show up and went to check outside, grabbing a bat on the way towards the back door. Frank watched his father carefully.

Linda shushed Gerard gently and started cleaning up. She looked at his foot worriedly.

“You alright sweetie? Let me see.”

Gerard whimpered, pulling his knees up to his chest and his feet away from Linda, smearing blood on the tiled floor and crying out at the pain.


He sobbed into Frank's chest.

“I know, it’s ok. Let mom have a look so she can make sure there’s no glass stuck in your foot.”

Frank said barely above a whisper. Linda didn’t reach out to touch Gerard, she held out her hands and waited for him to come to her. Gerard sniffed, his whole body trembling as he slowly moved his feet back toward Linda. He knew there was glass in his feet...he could feel it.

“Mikey, can you go to the bathroom and find the tweezers, they should be on the counter, and a dark coloured towel or cloth?”

Linda looked up at him. Mikey nodded, taking a quick look at his brother before rushing off to the bathroom. He returned a minute later with the tweezers and towel, handing them over then moving over to the back door to see if he could see Frank's dad...he couldn't watch glass being pulled from his brother's pale feet as he cried into Frank's chest, clinging to him tightly.

"This is gonna hurt a bit, I'm sorry."

Linda frowned and quickly set to work trying to remove the glass carefully. Gerard whimpered and cried, flinching at the sharp pain. Frank shushed him gently and held him tight.

"It's ok, Gee, you're gonna be ok."

Gerard shuddered, his face buried in Frank's neck.

"D-don't let him...please."

"It won't happen, you're safe here."

"No no he's here...he came here."

Gerard started to panic again.

"But he won't get inside the house. I'm not gonna let him hurt you. I promise."

"No he'll get me, he'll get me. Oh God."

"No, he won't..."

Linda spoke up.

"None of us are going to let him get close to you. You're safe here. We'll make sure of that."

"But you don't know him. He'll f-find a w-way."

Mikey looked back at his distressed brother.

"He won't Gee. You're safe."

Gerard just shook his head violently, pressing himself closer to Frank.

“Yes you are...”

Frank brushed some loose strands of hair out of Gerard’s face.

“You are safe here.”

Gerard whimpered, his bottom lip trembling as he looked up with wide, scared eyes.

"Y-you're sure?...he w-won't get me?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Frank kissed his forehead. Linda sighed.

"I think I've got all the glass. It doesn't look too deep but I do want to bandage it and you should go to the hospital just in case."

"NO! No hospital, please don't make me, p-please Frank please?"

Gerard panicked, gripping onto Frank tightly.

"Ok, ok. Easy. No hospitals..."

Frank nodded and looked pointedly at his mother. She threw her hands up in defeat. He looked back down at Gerard.

"Promise me if something goes wrong and you need to go, that you'll let me take you though."


Gerard sniffed defeatedly.

"I p-promise Frankie."

“Alright sweetie, I’ll clean this and try to bandage it a bit.”

Linda said softly and went to find the stuff she needed. Gerard whimpered, shaking as his eyelids fluttered closed.

"T-tired F-Frankie."

Frank kissed Gerard’s forehead and sat there, holding him quietly.

“It’s ok baby, you can sleep in a bit. Let Ma get your feet bandaged up at least and then I’ll take you back downstairs and you can sleep.”


Mikey said nervously, backing away from the open back door.

"Does your room have a lock?"

Frank looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it does on both the outside door and the door into the house. Why?"

Mikey looked back at him with wide eyes.

"Cause dad's coming and I don't mean yours."

Frank’s eyes went wide and Linda came wandering back out with the bandages.

“Mom, downstairs now. Grab my cellphone when you get down there. It’s on the nightstand...”

Frank got up and carefully picked Gerard up to carry him.

“Come on you, I’ve got you. Let’s go Mikey, lock the door behind you.”

Mikey nodded, following Frank toward the basement door as Gerard started crying pitifully, his face buried in Frank's neck.

“It’s ok, Gee. You’ll be ok.”

He carefully set Gerard down on the bed, taking the bandages from his Mother as she grabbed his cellphone and checked to make sure the outside door was locked.


Don roared as he started bashing the door in with all his weight. Gerard cowered into the sheets, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to make himself as small as possible. Mikey crawled onto the bed next to him, wrapping his arms around him and trying to quiet him. He looked at Frank.

"Where'd your dad go?"

Frank’s eyes went wide. There was no way Tony would’ve let Don get past him.

“I…don’t know. Ma...”

“I’m calling.”

She nodded as she dialed 9-1-1. Frank looked at Gerard and Mikey...they both looked terrified, Gerard more so but he could see it in Mikey’s eyes. He looked at the door and at the brothers again, and at his mother. This was his family and he’d be damned if anyone would hurt them.


Don bellowed as the top hinge gave way. He continued to kick and bash the door.


Frank looked at his mother again.

“They’re on their way, five minutes, that’s all we need...”

She whispered and moved over to the other boys. Frank wasn’t at all surprised she treated them as her own children, and it came as no surprised when she cuddled them both close to her and shushed Gerard’s whimpers and cries.

“He’s not gonna get you, sweetie, you’ll be ok.”

Frank glared at the door and glanced at the drawer he kept his gun in. He didn’t want to use it, that was the last thing he wanted but he knew there was a chance he might have to. He wanted to lessen that chance if he could. Frank looked around and got up quickly to go move the heavy dresser in front of the door. The lock should hold for the five minutes but he’d rather not chance it. Mikey saw what Frank was doing and pulled out of Linda's arms to go help him. Gerard sobbed, trying to hide in Linda's robe.

“It’s ok.”

Linda shushed him. She watched Frank and Mikey move the dresser. Every bang on the door made them jump a little. They tried to be as fast as possible but Mikey was a skinny kid and Frank wasn’t very big. He was strong but there was a limit and that dresser was pushing it. They got it shoved against the door and backed away from it. Frank assessed it, unsure of how well it would hold.

"Why aren't the cops here yet?"

Mikey asked quietly. It wasn't the question he wanted to ask, but it was the closest he could come without breaking down at this point.

"We'll hear them when they get here."

Frank said and curled up on the floor by the bed. He patted the floor on the left of him for Mikey to sit. He decided it'd be easier to be able to reach the gun and put Mikey on the other side of him. He looked back at his mother and Gerard.


Mikey swallowed as he sat down next to Frank.

"Do you think they'll get here b-before he gets in?"

Frank sighed and looked at the floor.

"We'll be fine."

"How can you be sure?..."

Mikey asked, turning to look at Frank.

"Dad's really strong...especially when he's angry."

Gerard whimpered at their father being mentioned.

"Don't worry about it..."

Frank shook his head and looked at Mikey.

"I promise you that we'll be alright, and I don't make promises I can't keep."

Mikey nodded.

"Ok but wh..."


Don yelled, interrupting Mikey and making Gerard squeak in fear. Frank sat there and waited. This was going to go one of two ways and he would wait to see which it would be. Mikey was about to say something else, when the bottom lock on the door gave way and the dresser moved forward a couple of inches.


Gerard whimpered and peed himself in fear. Frank stared at the door and then at the nightstand. He didn't really want to, especially not with Gerard and Mikey here, but if that door was going to give, he wasn't going to chance it. He reached over and opened it to dig out the gun his father had given him after his mother demanded they both keep one just in case. It was just a 9mm but it was all he needed. He'd never used it other than when Tony had made him go to the firing range and learn to use it properly. He reached down beside the nightstand under his chips and grabbed the clip. He kept them separate because he wasn't an idiot. You do not keep a loaded weapon in your house, that's just stupid. He glanced up at his mother who nodded that she understood. He wouldn't use it unless there was an immediate threat, like Mr. Way getting past that door. Linda knew that and Frank knew that. He sat back the way he had been before, gun now loaded, sitting on the floor beside him.

"Just you try me, you fuck, not in my house."

Frank grumbled under his breath. Then he had the vague realisation that...Gerard knew about the gun, Frank had told him. Mikey, however, did not. He looked at the younger boy to see how he felt about the sight of the weapon. Mikey eyed the weapon warily, then looked up at Frank.

"You're...you're gonna shoot him?"

He whispered, worried about his frightened brother overhearing him. The dresser moved another inch, Don pushing his fingers through the gap between the door and doorframe.

“Only if I have to and I don’t shoot to kill, I’m not letting him hurt either of you...”

Frank said softly and felt his mother’s hand in his hair for a second, ruffling it approvingly and reassuring him.

“If I aim right he’s going nowhere but he’ll live so his ass can be thrown in jail where he belongs.”

The dresser shifted forward suddenly and Don was pushing his way into the room, face red with rage. Gerard's eyes rolled back as he passed out in Linda's arms. Don growled as he launched himself toward the bed, fingers aimed for Gerard's throat. Frank reacted quickly, aiming for his shoulder, the one facing him the most so he’d be less likely to miss, and firing without hesitation. Don roared as he was spun around, his attention suddenly switched from his son to the boy with the gun.


He yelled as he barrelled toward Frank. Frank shot him in the knee and shrank back into the edge of the bed.

“I don’t fucking think so.”

Frank paused as he heard the sirens finally. He grumbled, he’d have words for them when they got there. Don was on the ground now, clutching his knee and growling obscenities. Mikey huddled closer to Frank, shaking a little.

"I n-never thought..."

He trailed off with tears on his face. Frank looked at him, he saw how scared he was and put his arms around Mikey, hugging him and trying to calm him down a bit.

“It’s ok, you’re safe now.”

He looked back at his mother, still holding onto Gerard and she nodded.

He vaguely heard police in the house and he sighed in some amount of relief but knew chaos was going to ensue and a million questions would be asked of everyone before they decided whether or not to arrest Frank as well. Mikey looked up at the bed, at Gerard unconscious in Linda's lap and started to cry, more out of relief than anything as he knew that his brother was safe now.

"Fucking cry baby."

Don growled out through gritted teeth.

“No one asked you, asshole. Shut it.”

Frank glared at him before turning his attention back to Mikey. He stood up and sort of picked Mikey up with him but only to put him on the bed with his brother. Linda offered to let Mikey replace her so he could hold him. Mikey nodded, pulling Gerard into his lap and holding him close. Gerard stirred slightly, whimpering and Mikey hushed him, combing his fingers through his brother's soft hair.

As the police came down the stairs, Frank’s attention shifted to focus on that. One of them asked him to put down the gun and put his hands up. He complied easily and watched as they picked Mikey and Gerard’s father up to take him upstairs. He couldn’t help the happy feeling as they cuffed him before they did it. They knew he was an unwelcome intruder and would handle him accordingly. The room became a mess of people and Frank was handcuffed too until they were sure of what happened, simply on principle because he had a weapon and Mr. Way had gunshot wounds.

"He was just protecting us..."

Mikey said defensively.

"Let him go."

The cop holding onto Frank looked at one of the others, who shrugged and looked at Linda for a confirmation that this was the case. She nodded and they looked at Frank.

“Self-Defense?” the other asked.

“Self-Defense and defending my family, yes.”

Frank said as he looked between them and the others.

“We’ll need a full statement but it honestly looked like self-defense and the other guy reeks of alcohol.”

The one holding onto Frank said as he undid his cuffs. Frank moved away a bit and turned around to face them. The cop looked at Gerard and frowned.

“Is he hurt?”

“Passed out from fight, overstressed I think, and he stepped on some glass earlier when he dropped a glass when he saw him outside...”

Linda looked at Gerard in concern.

“But he doesn’t like hospitals and it didn’t look bad so we promised him he wouldn’t have to go if it wasn’t serious.”

The cop nodded.

“We’ll have a paramedic come in here and look at him.”

Linda nodded.

“Where is my husband? He went outside and we haven’t seen him since.”


The other cop asked, and Linda nodded.

“He’d been knocked out, he’s fine though. They are checking him over just to be sure.”

Gerard whined, his eyes fluttering open. He looked around and whimpered, pressing into Mikey's chest. Mikey looked down at him.

"It's ok Gee, it's over..."

He looked up.

"Frank?...Gee needs you."

Frank looked back at Gerard and immediately moved to sit down beside Mikey, holding his arms out for him.

“Come here, Gee.”

Gerard made a small happy noise and crawled into Frank's lap, pulling his knees up to his chest and curling up, his thumb sipping into his mouth. He looked up at Frank with wide, innocent eyes. Frank smiled gently at him and kissed his forehead.

“You’re ok now. I told you I’d keep you safe.”

Gerard nodded slightly, sucking contentedly on his thumb. Frank raised an eyebrow but shook his head and didn’t say anything. Gerard was stressed out and he’d ask him about it later when he was feeling better.

A paramedic came in as the cops buggered off outside finally, saying they’d like to talk to Linda and they’d take her to Tony. The paramedic kneeled on the floor by the edge of the bed with her bag and looked at Frank.

“His feet?...”

Frank nodded and moved the blanket so she could look at his feet and make sure Linda had been right that they weren’t too bad. She looked up at Gerard and gave a small smile.

“I’m just gonna look at your feet, ok honey?”

Gerard whimpered quietly but nodded after a moment. Mikey moved to whisper in Frank's ear.

"I think Gee...I think he peed himself before."

The paramedic went about looking at Gerard’s feet carefully and Frank looked at Mikey. He nodded and shrugged.

“I’ll get him into the bath and some clean clothes later. It’s fine. He was scared, I really don’t blame him.”

Frank said as quietly as he could. Gerard cried out, jolting as he wrenched his foot back sharply, tears springing to his eyes. Frank looked down at him and shushed him quietly.

“It’s ok Gee, she’s just trying to make sure you’re alright...ok? Come on, let her see.”

The paramedic smiled and patiently waited for Gerard to give her his foot back. Gerard pouted at Frank around his thumb, but slowly moved his foot back to where it had been before.

The paramedic tried to work as quickly as possible.

"It doesn't look too bad. Just gonna be tender for a while obviously, so try to stay off your feet."

Frank nodded and cuddled Gerard close to him as the medic bandaged his feet properly and went back upstairs, Mikey following after her and closing the door to leave Frank and Gerard in peace. Gerard yawned wide, squeaking slightly then looking up at Frank with wide eyes.

"Is it...is it over n-now?"

"Yeah, I think it is..."

Frank nodded and smiled at him.

"How about a nice warm bubble bath and then sleep? We'll just have to keep your feet dry."

Gerard nodded softly.

"I like bubbles."

He mumbled around his thumb.

"Alright, come on then."

Frank scooped him up in a bundle in his arms to carry him to the bathroom. It was an awkward way to carry someone taller than him but Gerard wasn't difficult to carry. Gerard lay his head against Frank's shoulder, nuzzling into his neck.

Frank carried him into the bathroom and carefully set him down to run a warm bath. He tested the water with his hand and made it a little cooler than he liked so it wouldn't be too hot for Gerard. He added the bubbles and waited for the tub to fill. Once it had he turned off the water and turned to Gerard.

"Ok, baby, time to get this off and get you in the tub."

He carefully unwrapped the blanket from around Gerard. Gerard shivered, curling in on himself.

"C-cold Frankie."

“You’ll be warm in the water. Come on, you gotta get undressed and then you can sit in the bubbles and warm water and I’ll get you some warm soft jammies. Ok?”

Gerard nodded a little, wriggling to get his shirt off.

"Will you come in with me Frankie?...please?"

Frank nodded and helped Gerard get his shirt over his head.

“In a minute if you want me too.”

"Yes Frankie..."

Gerard's fingers moved to the lacy top of his panties, a blush colouring his cheeks despite all the times Frank had seen him naked. Frank smiled a little at the blush and looked away for a minute. Gerard slipped down his panties, dropping them on the floor silently. He chewed his lip nervously, covering himself with one hand and reaching out to tap Frank on the shoulder with the other.

"I'm ready."

He whispered. Frank turned and very gently scooped him up again to set him in the tub.

”You’re gonna have to put your feet over the side so they don’t get wet. Ok?”

Gerard nodded, holding the sides so he didn't slide as he settled his feet up on the edge. His arms trembled as he tried to stay in place. He whimpered.


“You ok, Gee?”

Frank gathered up Gerard’s clothes and the blanket into a pile he could pick up easier. Gerard shook his head, feeling his fingers slip on the wet porcelain. Suddenly he was falling back, his head going straight under the water, his yelp of surprise turning into frightened gurgling as he tried to pull himself back up.


Frank panicked a bit, dropping everything to pull Gerard back up out of the water. He held him up and tried not to freak out, clearly everything else would be waiting until Gerard was done in the bath and that was the end of it. Gerard coughed and spluttered, his arms wrapping tight around Frank's neck as he shook.

“It’s ok baby, I’ve got you. You’re ok.”

Frank shushed and soothed him, kicking himself internally for even letting go of Gerard in the first place.

"I s-slipped F-Frankie."

“I know...”

Frank looked at Gerard's feet. They were wet now but what the hell could he do about it. He’d have to rebandage them after and hope the bubble soap didn’t bother the open cuts.

“You’re ok now though, I’m gonna set you down for a second so I can climb in, ok?”

Gerard sniffed, nodding shakily.


Frank very carefully set Gerard down and quickly got undressed. He climbed in carefully to sit behind Gerard and lifted him up to set him in his lap so they both fit better.

“This better?”

Gerard nodded, laying his head back on Frank's shoulder and sliding his left thumb back into his mouth with a contented sigh. He closed his eyes for a minute, then frowned and opened them again, pulling his thumb free from his mouth.


He took a breath and tried again.

"They won't let him out...will they?"

Frank shook his head and hugged Gerard tight.

“I don’t think so, not for a really long time anyways.”

"And I'll be safe here, with you?"

Gerard asked quietly, turning his head to look up at Frank hopefully.


Frank smiled and kissed his forehead gently. Gerard smiled softly before slipping his thumb back into his mouth and closing his eyes.

Frank starting humming softly and grabbed a cloth near the tub to dunk in the water and gently brush it over his skin. Frank knew the feeling was soothing and that was all he wanted for Gerard right now. Gerard let out a soft sigh, his eyes fluttering slightly.


He murmured.

“Yeah, Gee?”

Frank looked down at him. Gerard pulled out his thumb again, his forehead creasing a little.

"I think...I think he d-did something...bad."

Frank raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

Gerard twisted so he could see Frank.

"The day you took me home on your bike...when d-dad came outs-side to yell?..."

He took a breath.

"Mom wasn't there and...and I think dad might've d-done something. She...she should've been there."

Frank frowned deeply and hugged him tight.

"We'll have to let the police know so they can look into it and find her. I'm sure she's alright though. Is she nice to you?"

Gerard shrugged slightly.

"S-sometimes...but, but she m-mostly ignored what d-dad d-did."

Frank sighed.

“Maybe she was afraid of him...”

Frank looked around and frowned.

“My mom has my phone. Shit.”

Gerard whimpered slightly.

"Do you...do you think she's ok?"

Frank thought about it for a second and nodded.

“Yes, I think she’ll be alright.”

He wasn’t really sure what to think but he wasn’t going to tell Gerard that. He hadn’t thought Mr. Way would come after Gerard but he had, he doubted he’d do anything to his wife but he’d surprised Frank before. He sincerely hoped she’d be alright, but either way his main concern was Gerard and Mikey. He and his family could give them a safe home and a proper family and that was the best he could hope for. Gerard nodded.

"I...I guess."

He put his thumb back in his mouth and tried to relax. Frank started with the cloth again and rested his chin on top of Gerard’s head. Gerard yawned, feeling himself drifting off to sleep.

Frank smiled as he heard the little yawn and felt Gerard relax against him.

“Go to sleep, baby, I’ve got you.”

Gerard hummed, his head lolling to the side with his thumb still in place between his soft pink lips.

(time passes)

Mikey couldn't sleep after what had happened, and although his father had been arrested, he was still jittery and was sat on his bed at 4am with a baseball bat in his lap, jumping at every little sound.

At 5:15, he couldn't take any more. He grabbed his cellphone and dialled Andy's number. It rang twice then it was answered. Mikey spoke before Andy could.

"Andy, I need you."

"Woah woah, slow down. What's wrong?"

Andy said groggily. Mikey dug his fingernails into his thigh to stop himself from crying.

"I'm...I'm kinda freaking out and I'm sorry for calling you so early but I need you...I need to feel you...can you come round mine?...please?"

"It's ok...lucky my phone actually woke me up I guess. Send me the address and I'll try and be there as quick as I can. You'll be ok."

Andy looked at the time and shook his head. He wasn't sure what was going on, but Mikey sounded really scared.

"Thank you Andy."

Mikey said quietly, then hung up and typed out a quick text with his address and two kisses. He hesitated, looking at the kisses before deleting them and pressing send. He slid the cell into his pocket and quietly left his room to go wait in the living room so the whole house wasn't woken up when Andy arrived. He sat on the window seat and watched the street through a crack in the curtains, watching the sky lighten as a new day began.

Andy looked at the address and nodded. Not too far. He could walk. He got dressed quickly and headed out the door as he pulled on his jacket. It was a little cool still but it felt nice. He was worried about Mikey though. He kind of speed-walked to the street Mikey said he lived on. He looked at his phone and wandered down to the house with the right number on it. He raised an eyebrow at seeing what looked like the cook's bike in the driveway but texted Mikey.

*I'm here...think I have the right house.*

He walked up toward the front of the house. Mikey opened the door before Andy could knock. He looked at him with wide, slightly tear stained eyes and a trembling lip.


He murmured quietly. Andy frowned deeply at the look on Mikey's face and moved forward to wrap him up in a tight hug. Mikey tensed for a second, then went limp in the older boy's arms, burying his face into Andy's neck and sobbing softly. Andy sighed and moved them both forward a bit to close the front door. He looked down at Mikey and kissed the side of his head.

"It's ok."

Mikey shook his head against Andy's shoulder.

"No it's not. Dad found us and he hurt Frank's dad and scared Gee half to death and Gee's hurt and I...I just don't know how to help. I don't know what to do."

He babbled before sobbing heavily and clinging to Andy like he was a life raft.

“You be there for your brother when he needs you. Help where you can but it’s not just on you, ok?...”

Andy wasn’t sure what was going on but it didn’t sound good and Mikey was really upset about it.

“So maybe it’s not ok right now, but it will be and I’m here for you if you need me.”

Mikey sniffed, looking up.

"Really?...would you...help me take my mind off things?..."

He asked, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"I need you, now."

Andy paused for a second in concern, but the more he thought about it, the more he realised he couldn't argue with Mikey. From the sounds of it, it seemed like he could use a distraction.

"Whatever you need, baby."

Mikey took Andy's hand and pulled him toward the stairs.

"Come on, I'll show you my room."

Andy let himself be led towards Mikey’s room and smiled at him. Mikey led him inside and quietly closed the door, before pressing Andy back against it and kissing him hard, his knee pushing between the older boy's legs, forcing him to spread them. Andy gasped a little in surprise and complied with what Mikey wanted, kissing him back and reaching out to grab a hold of his hips. After a minute, Mikey pulled back, panting.

"I wanna fuck you...can I fuck you?...please?..."

Andy groaned and nodded, shocked but not arguing because it sounded so good right now. Mikey pulled Andy away from the door and pushed him toward the bed.

"Take your clothes off..."

Andy shrugged off his jacket and grinned a little as he pulled his shirt over his head but moved much slower with his jeans, teasing Mikey just a little. Mikey watched him for a moment, enjoying the show before starting to pull off his own shirt. He liked the ink he could see, and later he would enjoy licking every inch of it...but for now he just needed to get naked and get inside the other boy as quick as possible. Andy kicked his jeans away and his boxers with them. He looked at Mikey and waited to see what the boy was going to do to him.

"Get on the bed...hands and knees..."

Mikey's said with a little growl in his voice. He was already incredibly turned on and he wanted to get Andy there too. Andy couldn’t help the tingly feeling that sent through his body, he kind of liked Mikey like this and was slowly getting over the surprise of him not being quite as sweet and cute as he looked. He crawled up onto the bed like he’d been told and waited. Mikey pushed down his pyjama pants, revealing that he had no underwear...and an extremely hard cock. He stepped up to the side of the bed and wrapped his thin fingers around his thick length. He saw Andy lick his lips, his eyes wide.

"Like what you see?..."

He smirked. Andy nodded with a crooked little grin. Mikey stroked himself slowly.

"You wanna taste?..."

He stepped closer to the bed.

"Come here."

Andy crawled over like he'd been told to, looking up at Mikey and waiting. Mikey reached out the hand that wasn't around his own cock and tangled it in Andy's hair, pulling him forward gently.

"Suck me babe...get me nice and wet, then I'll eat you out and fuck you hard. Sound good?"

Andy nodded and opened his mouth as Mikey pulled him forward, teasing him a little before taking him in his mouth. Mikey groaned low, letting go of his cock so he could gently hold Andy's head with both hands and thrust his hips slightly. He didn't want to hurt him, but fuck that felt good.

"Oh yeah, you're s...*uh*...so good at th-this..."

Andy hummed happily at the praise and put his hands on Mikey's thighs to get a better angle.

"You better stop unless you want a mouthful."

Mikey said with a chuckle, moaning right after. Andy pulled off and looked up at Mikey, a crooked smile on his lips. Mikey raised an eyebrow.

"That what you want?...or do you want my cock in your tight ass?"

"Want you...fuck me...please."

Andy shifted back a bit, smile still clinging to his lips. Mikey nodded, knowingly.

"Get on your hands and knees. I'm gonna open you up with my tongue."

Andy shuddered at the thought and did as he was told, leaning forwards so he was resting on his elbows instead of his hands. Mikey licked his lips and crawled onto the bed behind the older boy. He squeezed both of Andy's cheeks, spreading them apart before leaning in to run his tongue flat over the tight puckered muscle revealed. Andy moaned quietly and closed his eyes. Mikey decided that he wanted to get the house to himself sometime so he could make Andy scream, but for now he was happy with the soft noises he drew as he licked around the rim, then pushed the tip of his tongue inside. Andy moaned a little bit louder but stayed quiet and tried to stay still. Mikey pushed his tongue in further, pressing a finger in beside it as far as it would go. Andy let out a soft open mouthed moan and gasped a little at the feeling.

"You like that babe?"

Mikey said with a smirk, pushing a second finger in and twisting them inside.


Andy's breath caught and he groaned.

"You want a third, or you want my cock?"

"Holy fuck...you...please...want you."

He lifted his head and looked back at Mikey. Mikey winked, crooking his fingers into Andy's prostate...just to watch the boy tremble. Andy gasped and whined a little, his eyes pleading with Mikey.

"Alright alright..."

Mikey said with a chuckle, carefully removing his fingers and reaching over to his nightstand for the almost empty lube bottle. He popped the cap and squirted some into his hand before dropping the bottle and giving his cock a couple of quick strokes. He wiped his hand on his sheets then used both hands to spread Andy's cheeks again and lined himself up.


Andy nodded and smiled at him. Mikey smiled back, squeezing Andy's cheeks as he pressed himself inside, moaning quietly at the tight heat.


He groaned and pushed back a little, making him bite the inside of his lip and furrow his brow. Nope, too fast. He fought to stay still and wait for Mikey. Mikey gently rubbed Andy's hips soothingly.

"Do you want me to stop?"

Andy shook his head.

"No...just shouldn't have tried to move...'M fine."

"I'll go slow, just relax. You want me to stop...tell me..."

Mikey slowly continued to push in, his fingers gently massaging the older boy's hips to help him relax. He didn't want to hurt him. Mikey stopped when he bottomed out, leaning forward over Andy's back, peppering his pale slick skin and the tattoos he could reach with kisses, while he waited for the older boy to adjust to him.

"Take your time. Tell me when you're ready."

Andy nodded and took deep, even breaths. He didn’t do anything for a few seconds, letting himself relax under Mikey’s touch. He moved a little and it didn’t hurt. He tried again and it felt good. He smiled faintly and hummed quietly.


Mikey smiled, rubbing slow circles against Andy's hips for a moment or two more, before pulling out a couple of inches, then pushing slowly back in. The friction was driving him mad, and he really wanted to just fuck the boy hard and fast...but he wouldn't, not yet at least. Andy pushed back against him a little bit, shifting his weight only slightly and glancing back at Mikey.


Mikey asked with a raised eyebrow. Andy nodded and did it again.


Mikey leaned over Andy's back again to press a kiss to the side of his neck.

"Whatever you say..."

He murmured before pulling almost all the way out, and thrusting back in...hard.

"Like that?"

Andy groaned and nodded, the feeling sending little sparks through him. Mikey loved the sound, so pulled back and slammed in again. He hoped no one else in the house heard as the bed thumped slightly against the wall. Andy bit back the moans that threatened to escape him and whined quietly at the effort.

"I’m gonna fuck you so hard..."

Mikey muttered, speeding up his thrusts as he dug his fingertips into Andy's narrow hips.

"Tell me if it’s too much."

Andy moaned and whined letting out a breathy and broken;


Mikey grinned, then started to speed up more, slamming into Andy's tight hole, hard and deep. He grunted with each thrust and he knew he wasn’t going to last long...he really needed this. Andy grabbed fistfuls of the sheets under him and let out little open mouthed gasps and met some of Mikey's movements.



Andy groaned and bit his lip hard trying to last a little longer. Mikey couldn’t hold on, that noise coming from the other boy's lips was enough to send him crashing over the edge with a moan that was definitely louder than it should be when so many other people were in asleep in the house. Andy gasped louder than he'd dared to before and pushed back against Mikey as he fell over the edge with him, shaking as the feeling crashed through his body.


Mikey pulled Andy up against his chest and held him close, stroking his hands gently over his abs and panting as he came back down...softly cooing to the older boy close to his ear.

"It’s ok *pant* baby...I...I got you."

Andy hummed and turned his head to look up at Mikey and give him a soft smile. Mikey smiled back, pulling out slowly with a tiny wince at how sensitive he was now. He carefully eased Andy over onto his side, and out of his mess.

"Rest babe, I’ll fetch a cloth."

He leaned in to press a small kiss to the boy's forehead, then climbed off the bed and headed to the bathroom. Andy nodded, mostly to himself and watched Mikey go. He smiled a little wider and shook his head.

Mikey cleaned himself up with a wet rag, then rinsed it out and took it back through to the bedroom, along with a dry towel. He smiled as he walked in and saw that Andy had fallen asleep. Carefully and quietly, he cleaned as much of the cum from Andy's body as he could without waking him, dropped the rag onto the floor by the bed, then dried him off and lay the towel over the stained sheets before climbing onto the bed and pulling the blanket up over them both. He curled up into Andy's side and softly kissed his cheek, then closed his eyes tiredly and sighed in satisfaction.

"Night babe."

He murmured, before slipping into a deep and peaceful sleep.


Hi there chipmunks, how’s you?

So so I bet you thought we’d forgotten about this fic, didn’t you...well, we didn’t!
We've both had issues to deal with and we’ve been writing like a line a week, but we’re finally back!...and we wrote you an extra long chapter for being so good and patient for us.

We think there is probably going to be just one chapter after this one, and we’re going to start writing that as soon as we’re both free at the same time...living on opposite sides of the planet doesn’t make coordinating our schedules very easy, but we WILL get this written...whether there is anyone left here to read it or not.

Until next time...PLEASE COMMENT and peace out babies!


@That one friend
Glad you enjoyed it.

Yay that was good. There is still a bit left unsaid, but the story feels complete.

That one friend That one friend

@That one friend


"sorry for nearly killing you"

great quote.

@That one friend
Sorry for nearly killing you. Hopefully we will be writing again soon and you’ll get the final chapter of this...but we’ve both been dealing with life stuff for a while, so it’s been hard.
glad you’re enjoying this.