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Art teachers are better than you think

And what the fuck do you want

Franks POV
(AN: these next few chapter are probably going to be in Franks POV because of the content)

"I'm sorry but did you not hear my question? What The Fuck Do You Want?!" I'm almost at the point of shouting at the woman in doorway who was supposed to be my mother. She just stood there. Looking like a deer in a set of headlights. I don't know what else I'm supposed to do. "WELL?!" that's it now she's pushed me past the verge of staying calm through out this. My voice echoed ever so slightly in the hallway of Gerard's house and apparently it shocked them both as you could see my boyfriend jump several feet in the air, with his eyes wide. My mother on the other hand a slight whimper but that's all. She's not interested in me. She never has been. You can see she's thinking hard on what to say next. She probably wasn't banking on this situation. After all the times I protected her from that dick and held her when he was out. Nursed her cuts and bruises. She repays me by throwing me out of our hostel and screaming homophobic slurs my way. Shame on you "Mother". Jokes on you "Mother".

She looks at me tears falling down her cheeks, giving me the look that used to hold so much love, but I have since learnt that's when the pity party starts " I love you so much frankie! You're my darling boy. You're my funny, clever, handsome young man. It hurts me everyday knowing that I can't hold you when you're sad anymore" she takes a break to sniff back the snot running out of her nose. I sigh my face has changed slightly it's gone from thunder to a motherfucking storm. Gerard is still standing beside me at the bottom of his stairs. He's looking at me already with eyes that's full of worry and angst.
Its as though he could hear my thoughts over my mother constant Drabble. In sync we just slammed and locked the front door in her face. Almost instantly I phoned the police on my mother. The wait for this seemed like forever due to her constant banging on the front door screaming my name like a deranged ex. Obviously if they asked for a statement from me and Gerard we would have to hide our relationship one way or another because I still have a week of school left.

Within what just have been 10 minutes after I phoned you could hear the sirens whirring up Gerard's road, and cars screech to a stop, and 2 male voices reading my mother her rights and her still screaming my name as she was dragged up the path and forced into the car. I had to look out the window to see what happened and as I move the curtain in the corner one of the police guys is walking back towards the front door. I turned to Gerard with a look he just instantly knew it was time to cover up the relationship.

A knock at the door came, I just slumped onto the chair that's just underneath the window as Gerard went to let the guy in. They both walk back into the front room

"hi I'm PC Stump. I was wondering if you had any idea of why the woman was pounding at your door and screaming a name?" He's a short ish blonde haired guy he's not exactly skinny but he's not fat either. His thick rimmed glasses are making it hard to see the rest of his face.

" the name? Frank? Yeah that's my name and that was my mother." Quick, sharp, and straight to the point. I'm not interested in answering anything I don't want to.

"what's your surname?" He asked he seems tired but also seems to be worried but it's more empathy than sympathy.

"Iero. I E R O" if I don't spell it out for him he will spell it wrong.


Hey guys sorry about the abrupt ending but hey shits starting to get real!

Please keep commenting, subscribing and voting on this darling little story of mine.

love love


@daughter of the dead

Shits gonna get real in some up coming chapters,


Maryslambwas007 Maryslambwas007

Uh oh

@What the fuck way
Haha thank you sugar plum!! I'm super glad you're enjoying this!!! Xoxo


This is great xx