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Get a Grip

Have you ever sat on your ass for so long you can't even feel it anymore? This girl, halfway through her first day of eleventh grade was getting a load of that. Of course she was thankful for the position she was in, she could be starving in Africa or be in serial killer's hands. But that doesn't mean a numb butt doesn't suck. Especially when she knows there's all this mcrx drama and she wants to be on for all of it.

Lunch was an hour ago, but her stomach was already growling. You can't blame her though, school cafeterias serve no more than a sandwich and some fruit. If these kids are really growing they're gonna need a bit more than that, especially since there's almost no time for them to eat breakfast.

Mira was reminiscing about the 50 cent cookie that beat the quality of everything and everyone in this school. It was like it was in her hands again.................................

And it was?

Mira inhaled some cookie dough before coughing it up and having her friends laugh at her.

"Okay it wasn't that funny," Jo giggled, mistaking Mira's near death experience for abrupt laughter.

She faked another laugh and drank water. Her butt was numb in English two seconds ago and now she's back in the cafeteria? It seemed a situation not to complain about, but still terribly confusing nontheless.

"I've gotta go pee, be right back," Mira told her friends and swiftly headed for the stinky bathroom. What? It's true, and it's not like she can go anywhere else to be alone.

Comic books weren't really her thing, she never read them more than once a month or so, but she still felt cool because she seemed like she was in one now. "If I have powers, I have to be able to control them right?" she thought.

Mira's fists clenched and she envisioned herself back at the table again. It took a few seconds but when she opened her eyes her friends were staring at her. She waved it off as being tired as hell, and it was an easy excuse. They continued chattering about Twenty One Pilot theories.

If she could travel back in time, could she travel forward as well?

It was worth a try, at this point anything seemed possible.

Within seconds she was back in her chair in English, luckily her butt wasn't as numb as before. Mira tried envisioning being on the bus, going home, but it didn't work. This stumped her for a while. Then she figured she could only go to time that's happened, that her future was the only future, and she couldn't access it.

She found herself slightly wishing she paid more attention in science, because this stuff is going to turn out more complicated than she wants.

It seemed the best thing to do was leave the time shifting for after school, since it doesn't really do much to benefit her. When she got home, she stared at the clock, watching herself go back, and back, and back. It was really disorientating. After a nap, and waking up with a My Chemical Romance poster in her view, she got an idea.

Her hands clasped together nervously. How far back could she go? Could she go before humans even existed? Before the Earth even did?

She couldn't test it by going back to family memories, they would see her, and going back as a baby might mess things up. Out of all the famous events, the only one she could think to try, that would be safe, was last New Years Eve ball drop. Mira wasn't sure if her clothes would change so she bundled up in all her winter wear and stared at a picture of Times Square.

It took a while, it wasn't like a blink of an eye like before. It was a few seconds of noises of wind and laughter, until she was standing firmly in the freezing cold of New York on NYE. There was so much noise, and Mira can't remember the last time she'd been in a city like this. It was kind of amazing, in a way that no one could understand.

There were tiny snowflakes falling, and it had just been spring. Mira was something bigger than a human, and she couldn't believe that. Her brain had convinced her that she was nothing more than average girl who couldn't do anything more than something average.

But she just traveled to Times Square on a date months before her present. "What's the time?" she asked the woman next to her.

"11:33!" she yelled over the crowd with a smile. Would she stay for the ball drop? Mira smuggled a pair of 2016 glasses and shimmied throughout the crowd, smelling alcohol and.. urine? Somehow, she made it so close to the ball. The time on the clock showed it was 11:43. She saw Ariana Grande perform a quick show, then we counted down. It was madness. She closed her eyes and then she was back home, covered in snow, and wearing 2016 glasses.

"I could save lives," she whispered. Although she was naive, she wasn't so naive to think she could save people from hurricanes or tornadoes, people wouldn't listen to her. She could take out Hitler, stopped Nero from burning Rome, or Al Qaeda. Of course she wasn't thinking of this at the moment.

She was holding her Gerard Way poster, still shivering slightly from the cold, and she knew that what she was gonna do, was change his life, make it so he never had to feel the pain he had to.

Oh Mira, I hope you realize what this means.



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