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Battery City Boys

Run Frankie, Run!

And so he ran.

Racing out of the cornerstore, the doors of the building slamming to the sides. There were only a couple of men out there, but they all brandished weapons.


Run faster.

Don't let them catch you.

If they catch you, you're dead.

Don't let them catch you.

This is all that was in Frank's head at the time. He knew that they'd get him if he went for his bike. They could get him in the alleyways next to the establishment, also. His chest was bad enough, might as well give himself an asthma attack while running. He narrowed down his only escape route.

The roof.

Dodge the crazy ass laser beams coming at him, run through the alley to a nearby ladder, and try to climb up before the catch him. There's plenty of fire escapes. It'll be easy to pull up the ladder and stop them from following him.

Better to keep Adrian safe.

But who the hell were they? Who the hell were the guys he was trusting his only brother with?
Not knowing the consequences of what his options were, he decided to go with the best one for Adrian.

Keep running. Keep Addie safe. Don't look back.

The roar of motorbikes were breathing down his neck, the sick stench of carbon monoxide filling his nostrils. They were getting closer now, but he couldn't stop running. Not yet. He had to keep them distracted.

He kept running until he heard the motors becoming less violent and more of a buzz.

The sound of a laser gun going off nearly gave Frank a heart attack, barely missing the left side of his head.

Cursing under his breath, Frank swallowed the panic in his throat and kept dodging the lasers.

Don't stop running, you dumbass. They're still chasing you. Let them chase.


Frank nearly collapsed when a beam managed to snag him in the leg. Looking up, Frank saw the white mask of what he could only describe as Dracula on crack and three hours of sleep, walking towards him.

"Wow, dude. I've heard horror stories about you guys, but you are some fugly sons' a' bitches."

The creep in the mask tilted his head to the side, as if he didn't understand what Frank was saying. Ignoring the comment, the masked figure raised his gun at the teen.

Thankfully, our hero's story doesn't end there. The great god of writing (me) granted the characters impeccable timing.

All of a sudden, the sound of a powerful engine roared through the alley.

Looking around the asshole blocking his view, Frank saw the beautiful Trans Am roaring past the abandoned cars, Addie nowhere to be seen.

Funny thing is, creep-a-zoid also saw the car. Well, mostly the underside of it, but he saw it, nonetheless.

Stopping the vehicle in front of him, the driver rolled down the windows, and Frank could see the strawberry redhead poking said head out of the driver's window.

"Hey, thought you might like a lift."

Frank rolled his eyes, and with a shaky laugh, and an injured leg, got into the car.


Chapter Four is now done! I may go back and edit this, with the lack of a beta, but I like how it came out. (Looking over it again later, I may disagree).

School is out once again, for me, so I am hoping to be able to update more often.

This is good news for both you and I.

Anyways, time for the question of the day/night. (Joke Edition):

What did the father buffalo say to his son when he left for school?

Leave the answer in the comments, and I will see you, with an update, sometime today or tomorrow. It all depends on when I feel like updating.

Until we meet again,
Sweet Horrors, And Terrible Nightmares,
Screaming Tears


I'm Uploading it now. Accidentally put it on sleep mode, but luckily, I had saved. It should be up by 8:30 Eastern Time.

@Screaming Tears
Great! I can't wait to read it:3

That answer is correct!
I also plan on finishing up the second chapter tonight and hopefully, have it up later tonight, or tomorrow.

There's only one chapter but it's already amazing! :0 please carry on with it, I love it already! :D and the answer is a person as they grow, ;D