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Disarm You With A Smile

Mikey Way was a serial killer and the only one that knew this was his brother. His first kill was when he was eight. He killed the dog that bit Gerard. He killed the kids that bullied Gerard at school. Never just hurt them. No, that would give them a chance to tell on Mikey. No, he just killed them. He killed anyone that hurt his brother... ANYONE. It got easier as time went along and by the time Mikey was 18, he had well over 20 kills under his belt. You would think this made him shy and introverted, but it was quite the opposite. Mikey was popular and with the in crowd. By the time he was 21 he was a full on scene queen and up to 75 kills. Mikey would be lying if he said that he only killed people that hurt his brother. Sometimes he just killed for the thrill of it. Those kills were usually quick and painless so that he could spend time with the dead body. Not that he was into necrophilia or anything nasty like that. He used those opportunities to make sure that he learned where the major arteries were as well as the organs and muscles. Mikey could have been a promising surgeon in another life. Gerard on the other hand became the introvert. He didn't hide in the basement or anything like that, but he lived a quiet life with very little friends and no relationships. This was mostly due to the fact that if anyone got close to Gerard and then hurt him, they would be featured in the paper the following week...in the obituaries. Gerard only had one rule for Mikey. He was not allowed to kill anyone that had siblings. Gerard's biggest fear is Mikey getting caught and him losing the only thing he had left. Of course this did not count for people that hurt Gerard, then all bets were off, but any extra killings, as Mikey called them, he made sure to interrogate his victims before he decided to end their life. It was a twisted relationship, but it worked.

"Mikey, I'm going now."

"Have a good day at work Gee."

"You too."

Gerard got in his car and drove to the nondescript office building that had been his home away from home for the past four years. Gerard left college after Mikey killed one of his professors for offering him a better grade if he sucked him off. Gerard was such a mess after being molested by the guy that he didn't even realize that he had broken down to his brother. That was a Friday. Monday his professor was missing from class and Gerard already knew he was dead. He dropped out and got a job as a receptionist in an office building in town. They liked him cause he was quiet and polite and caused no trouble. Gerard kept to himself mostly. He had caused the death of two coworkers in those four years. Mikey was relentless.

"Morning Gerard."

"Morning Harriet."

Gerard waved hello to the secretaries outside drinking their coffee from the street vendors. He bought himself a hot chai tea and a current scone and then went in the building. He placed the tea and the scone on his desk and turned on his computer. He shuffled his art work to the side and hid it in a folder. All of Gerard's art work was based on the stories that Mikey told him about each killing. They were abstract so that no one would ever connect the two, but it was how Gerard coped with all the macabre things that Mikey told him. He looked on today’s schedule and saw that they had a UPS delivery at eleven. He sent a mass e-mail around the office to let people know if they had anything they wanted sent out, they should have it to him before that time. He sipped his chai slowly so he didn't burn his tongue and nibbled on his scone as he began his day's work.




"You sure Azure?"

"Yeah, i got it."

"Okay thanks."

Martin Azure thought he was God’s gift to everyone. He had bedded most of the women that had walked through the building and a few of the men. He was proud of the notches on his bedpost. He waved bye to his colleague as he stepped on the elevator. He had a date with a beauty. As the number brought him closer to the lobby he checked his tie and teeth in the mirror. He popped a mint and smiled.

"He'll never know what hit him."

Martin had his sights set on the shy receptionist for the last two years. He had flawless skin, a submissive demeanor, shimmering hazel eyes with flecks of green in them, a mouth that looked like it was made to suck cock and hips that were made to be gripped as he was fucked hard in the ass on his knees.

"Easy boy."

Martin talked his hard on down.

"We mustn’t scare the prey before we go in for the kill."

He chucked as the doors open and he stepped out.





Of all people for them to send down with the UPS stuff, it had to be Martin. Gerard had been pushing away advances from this asshole for two years. He came really close to telling Mikey about him, but decided not to. He had not crossed any lines so far, he was just a dick.

"Good morning Gerard and it is a beautiful morning is it not?"

"Yes Mr. Azure, it is. Is that all the items for UPS?"

"Now Gerard, didn't I tell you to call me Martin? Come on, we have known each other for two years now."

"Yes Sir, but it is not proper for a receptionist to call an executive by their first name. It is dictated in the hand book and..."

Martin laid a hand over Gerard's and felt him shiver.

"Now Gerard...we don’t always have to follow the rules do we?"

Gerard looked for an escape from this slime ball. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the UPS truck pull up and Frank got out. Frank had been the pickup man here for five years. One year before Gerard started. He was always polite and gave Gerard's art small compliments. He always had good timing too.

"Good morning Frank."

"Hi Gerard."

Frank waved as he approached the desk, a big grin on his face.

"How's your morning going?"

"It's going okay. I have a few packages for you."

Gerard saw that Martin was leaning on them still.

"Uh Mr. Azure. I kind of need those."

Martin smirked.

"How bad do you need them?"

Gerard shivered at the double entendre he was trying to pull. Frank looked at the older man in the slightly shiny suit, and immediately labelled him as a sleazy creep. The guy was obviously hitting on Gerard, and the pretty receptionist was looking distinctly uncomfortable about it.

"Well I'm here to collect them, so..."

Frank cut in, grabbing the creep's attention, and gaining a grateful half smile from Gerard.

"If you wouldn't mind?"

He raised an eyebrow, and one side of his mouth.

"Right sure. Must have you on your way right?"

Gerard giggled quietly at how flustered Martin was.

"Here Frank. Let me sign for the other package."

"Speaking of packages Gerard. I have two tickets to a show in the city on Friday. Of course we would stay overnight, but I am sure you won't mind that."

Martin leaned in while Gerard was signing. He felt trapped. He looked at Frank as he handed the device back.


"Sorry dude. No can do!"

Frank cut in, sensing that Gerard needed help here.

"Gerard and I are actually going out on Friday. It's been planned for a month now, right sweetie?"

Martin was a gast. There was no way that this little blue collar shit was able to do what he could not in two years.

"You are telling me that you have a date with the UPS guy?"


Frank smiled at Gerard.

"Oh, sweetie. I was going to buy you your chai tea and scone today. You beat me to it."

"What the fuck is a scone?"

Martin was letting his flustering get the best of him now.

"Um...this is."

Gerard held up his breakfast that he had been slowly nibbling over the past two hours. He always was a slow eater. He turned to Frank.

"Next time?"

"I'll hold you to that."

Frank winked.

"You are still up for Friday, right? That gallery show is only on for two nights, and I had to murder someone for the tickets."

Gerard's eyes lit up. He had wanted to go to that Gallery show badly, but he could not get tickets before they sold out.

"Oh my...Frankie you are amazing!"

He didn't mean to call him that. It was way too informal, but the idea even for a moment that this could be real took his breath away.

"Well then, I guess there is no need for me here."

Martin stalked off to the elevator grumbling. Gerard watched him go and then the moment was over. He looked at Frank blushing madly.

"Hey...thanks for saving me like that. I guess I owe you one."

"Then you can come on Friday?"

Frank grinned.

"Wait...you were serious?"

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to, but yeah. I was gonna go with an old friend, but he dropped out."

Frank raised his eyebrows hopefully.

"Be my plus one? Just as friends, or as my date, your choice."

"Um...well I really don't date so...I guess we could go as friends."

Frank's smile slipped, but only a bit, then returned to its 100 watt brightness, almost immediately.

"I can work with that."

He grinned, cheekily.

"But don't be surprised if I try some of my worst ever chat up lines on you. I bought a book."

Gerard laughed.

"I am sure I have heard them all."

He took a sip of his chai and then thought.

"How did you know about my chai and scone?"

"I'm observant."

Frank shrugged, leaning one arm on the desk.

"You always get them. I've seen you at the cart outside."

He frowned slightly.

"I'm not stalking you, if you're worried."

"Oh I wouldn't think that it's just...nobody really notices me."

Gerard won't admit that it's because he doesn't let them, but it’s nice to know that Frank does.

"That surprises me."

Frank quirked an eyebrow.

"You are almost as beautiful as my sister. But well, you know, that’s illegal."

He held a straight face for a second then burst into laughter.

"See? I said my chat up lines were awful!"

Gerard couldn't help it...he cracked up.

"Oh man, if I were your sister I would smack you for saying that!"

Frank giggled.

"If I had a sister, I'd smack me for that!"

"Oh...you have no siblings?"

"I had a step-brother, but we haven't spoken in years. What about you any brothers or sisters?"

"I have a little brother."

As if summoned Gerard's phone rang.

"Excuse me."

Gerard took a breath and answered.

"Hey Gee. I'm checking out a band in the area and decided to take you out for lunch. Be there in five."

"Mikey wait..."

He was gone. Gerard swallowed and then looked at Frank with wide eyes.

"You have to leave! I-I've kept you from the rest of your route with my stupid talking. Look, I'll meet you at the gallery on Friday okay?"

"Um. Yeah, uh okay."

Frank stumbled, confused at the sudden change.


"Sure, sounds great. I'll see you then."

Gerard started to frantically clean up his work space.

"Oh one more line before I go?"

Gerard looked up. Frank was smiling at him so earnestly that he could not say no.

"Okay, just one."

Frank grinned.

"I lost my keys. Can I check your pants?"

He giggled, then waved.

"See ya Friday Gerard."

Then he was out the door. Gerard watched him go and not a second too soon as Mikey walked right past him. He had on a sleek leather jacket.

"Hey Gee, check it out!"

Mikey turned around so that Gerard could read the jacket. It said ‘Cute But Psycho’.

"Cool huh? It's the new band I signed yesterday. Rocker chicks."

The words on the jacket were so close to the truth.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah sure, let me grab my coat."

Gerard did so and then Mikey took his arm as they left the building.

***Time Stamp: Friday Night***

Gerard was nervous. He told Mikey that he was going to the library to look up some stuff for work. Mikey dismissed him saying he had a gig. Gerard knew this so he was in the clear. He wasn't sure what to wear to the opening so he tried to pick something a little avant-garde.

"A little late."

Gerard was wishing he got Frank's number to let him know he was running a bit late. It was not like he would need it though after this. It was most likely a onetime thing anyway. As he pulled in he saw Frank waiting. He parked quickly and then ran up to him.

"Sorry, I'm late I..."

"Hey, don't worry 'bout it."

Frank grinned.

"That's a nice shirt. Can I talk you out of it?"

He giggled.

Gerard laughed with relief, happy that Frank was not upset.

"Man, that one is pretty bad. How many are in this book?"

"500 and I'm pretty relentless."

Frank grinned.

"Shall we?"

He waved a hand toward the entrance of the gallery.

Gerard smiled and they got in line.




"Ugh, that one piece just took my breath away! I mean the colours and the position and...I must be boring you. I have done nothing but talk about the art all night."

They had stepped out on the veranda for Frank to have a cigarette. They ate the little hors d'oeuvres that were offered along with the white wine spritzers.

"I like art Gerard. Why do you think I got the tickets?"

Frank took a drag on his cigarette.

"And I like listening to you talk about it. You're so passionate; I can tell how much you love it."

"I took a lot of art classes when I was in high school. I couldn't decide what I liked best you know?"

Gerard took a sip of his drink to wash down the puff pastry he just bit.

"Did you decide?"


Gerard was confused by the question.

"What you liked best."

Frank elaborated.

"Like…painting? Sketching?.

"Oh...that's kind of over for me. I mean..."


Now Frank was confused.

"You love art so much. I've seen all the little doodles you do on the corner of practically every piece of paper that lands on your desk. You can't hide the fact that your passion is still there."

He frowned slightly, flicking the cigarette butt out into the darkness, then gently laying his hand over Gerard's, on the railing.

"Why would you give up something that means so much?"


Frank had seen those? He saw a part of himself that Gerard kept to himself for so long.

"I'm sorry."

Frank withdrew his hand, seeing the uncomfortable look on Gerard's face.

"I just want to get to know you. I didn't mean to pry."

Silence fell between them as they sipped their drinks.

"Your hand is so soft and delicate; my dick would look huge in it."

Frank laughed.

"Sorry. Couldn't resist."

He looked at Gerard, hoping he'd succeeded in lightening the mood again.
It was not what he expected to come out of the young man's mouth. His eyes went wide and then he laughed so hard he needed to hold himself up on the railing.

"Oh my God Frankie, that is the worse one yet!"

Frank grinned wide, showing every one of his teeth.

"Believe me baby..."

He laughed.

"…the worst is yet to come!"

After that things relaxed again. Gerard let Frank in a little bit more. Not much, but enough that the young man seemed satisfied. Before long though the showing had ended and they found themselves outside with Frank lighting up again.

"I think you smoke almost as much as my brother does."

Frank chuckled around his cigarette as he flicked his lighter shut and stuffed it back in his pocket.

"You don't talk about your brother much. What's he like?"

"He's the complete opposite of me. Social butterfly. He works in the music industry signing bands. He has lots of friends and... yeah, the opposite of me."

"Bet he's not as pretty as you though?"

Frank wiggled his eyebrows, a smile spread on his lips.

"Nah, he's very handsome. He can pull off eyeliner and that dark brooding look very easily."

"I didn't say handsome. I said pretty."

Frank turned to look into Gerard's eyes.

"You're very pretty."

"Well that isn't an original line is it?"

"No. It's just the truth."

Frank took a drag on his cigarette.

"If I was gonna use a line right now, I'd probably say... Why don't you surprise your brother and not come home tonight?"


Gerard was looking for something to say when his phone rang.

"Hey Mikey, what's up?"

"Hey Gee...I'm gonna be busy tonight."

Gerard froze. Another one already?

"Okay, should I..."

"No, don’t wait up. I'll see you tomorrow after you get home from work."

"Right, just..."

"I will."

Gerard hung up.


Frank asked, finishing his smoke, then chucking the butt away.

"No...not really."

Gerard was exhausted just thinking that Mikey was out killing again tonight. He really needed chocolate, but he didn't want to gain any more weight.

"Do you want to get a coffee or something?"

Frank pointed to the no name coffee shop across the street, hopefully.

"Or do you need to get home?"

His tone dropped slightly.

"I'm actually not a coffee drinker and no that is not a line, but I could get some tea I suppose."

"Tea's cool."

Frank smiled, offering his arm.

"And maybe we could share a slice of cake?"

"That depends on what kind?"

"Well, I'm partial to raspberry cheesecake myself."

"If we can drizzle chocolate on it, you got a deal."

"Sounds good to me."

Frank grinned, opening the door to the coffee shop, and holding it for Gerard to enter first. As Gerard passed, Frank leaned in and whispered..

"By the way, my face will be leaving in a half an hour and I'd like you to be on it."

He giggled, following the other man inside.


Hi chipmunks.. how's you?

So we meet Frank and his dreadful chat up lines, that I have had great fun incorporating into this.

As always, please check my lovely co's notes and fics on AO3.

Til next time..
PLEASE COMMENT and peace out babies!


This was a fun one to write, which is why it got a one shot sequel...and why that got a sequel too.

You guys are so good at writing, I love all of your stories so much. I love Mikey's character and how he's a murder and I gonna go read part 2 right now

To_Emo_For_You To_Emo_For_You

@my chemical spooks
Psssst...so you know, ALL our fics are gay!

thanks for reading and commenting.

Me, reading this fic: 'that's a bit too gay for me thanks"
Also me: *is a raging gay* "nvm sign me up satan"
