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Spirits of the Dead

Isn't that something?-Ray Toro (Continuation)

Frank's POV
"What movie do you want to watch?" My mom asked me, she was currently popping some popcorns for our movie night. She had gotten an application on a beauty salon, which of course would be part time, she will work in the morning so she could be at home in the afternoons. "Uhh...how about The Shining!?" I said excitedly, it's been long since I've seen it. "Definitely, go get it." I headed towards our pack of movies, mostly horror movies. Both my mom and I love them, and seriously we have tons of horror movies that would make horrorholics say 'Goals!'. I finally found it and popped it into the DVD player. My mom came afterwards with the bowl of popcorn and some blankets to cuddle with. "God, I fucking love this movie!" My mom said, she was obviously excited. Thinking, I realized that she hasn't only had time for me, she hasn't had time for herself too, she must be exhausted. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead, "I love you mom," I said. She looked at me with loving eyes, the ones that mothers give to their children once they say something nice towards them. "Oh Frankie, I love you too baby." She caressed my cheek and turned towards the television, where the movie had already started.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Frank, Frank, Frank!" Was all I heard, coming to my senses I figured it was my mom calling me. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that it was Monday, and I had school. "You'll be late for school if you don't get up." My mom said, handing me a cup of coffee. I muttered a 'thank you' and took a sip of it. "So, I fell asleep, I'm guessing?" I asked, she nodded and laughed. "Yeah you practically fell asleep once Danny was screaming REDRUM! REDRUM! REDRUM!" I laughed at both me falling asleep on that scene, and my mom's impersonation of Danny. She laughed along but then took notice that I still had to go to school. "Come on, or else you'll really be late." She said. I nodded and got up from the couch, making my way towards my room. I slipped out of my clothes and took a quick shower. I then got ready and headed towards my car, not before giving a quick kiss on the cheek to my mom and saying goodbye. Once I turned on my car I headed straight towards school.
~~~~~~~Skipping to lunch, hope you don't mind~~~~~~~
"Hey Frank, over here!" A voice yelled after me. That voice belonging to Gerard Way. I walked towards him and the guys. They were now standing besides the cafeteria doors, as If they were waiting for someone. That someone being of course me. I smiled and waved at them. A collection of 'Hey Frank' were heard with an extra hug from Gerard, which totally did not made me blush...totally.... Another collection was heard, only this time being 'Awws' and 'Oohs' I flipped them off which made everybody laugh. "Well, I enjoy this lovey dovey thing, but I'm fucking hungry! So can we head to the cafeteria!?" Bob said. We laughed and agreed with him. We all lined up and headed towards an abandoned table once we had our food. "How was your 'Mom and Frankie' day?" Gerard asked me. The guys were all having their own conversations. "It was fine actually, turns out she quit her job to spend time with me. So, we went job hunting for a job that would allow her work only mornings so she could be home once I get out of school. She fortunately did, and she got an application for it, so I'm hoping she gets it. We also had a movie night and we watched 'The Shining' so that was fun as well." I replied to him. "That's really nice of her to do that. I'm sure you appreciated it. I hope she does get the job though, it would be awesome is she would! And that sounds like fun! I love that movie!" He exclaimed. I nodded excitedly. "Yeah I hope too as well, and totally! Also, that movie is the fucking best!" We then started fanboying about The Shining, brining the guys attention onto our conversation due to us squeaking and making whale noises. 'Sorry' both Gerard and I said. They were about to say something but the bell interrupted them. "Saved by the bell," both Gerard and I said at the same time. We both turned to look at each other and laughed.


I'm terribly sorry for the late update guys! But, on the bright side, I got to see Batman V. Superman! I'm a loyal Batman fan so seeing it first in my hometown was a dream come true! It truly was an amazing movie that I still can't believe I saw it! It seems so unreal! Ever since I heard about the making of it I just couldn't wait to see it!!!! Anyways do I have some Batman or Superman fans in here? And also any 'The Shining' admirors?
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!<3
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331