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Spirits of the Dead

Isn't that something?-Ray Toro

Frank's POV
As I walked in to my house, I was greeted by the scent of coffee. "I'm home mom!" I yelled. Footsteps were heard coming closer by each second to where I was standing. "Hi honey." My mom said once she was in clear view. She gave me a tight hug, and I actually enjoyed this side of her. She was acting like..well..a mom. I smiled and hugged right back. "I have a lot to tell you Frank. Take a seat, I'll bring the coffee." She said. I nodded and made my way towards our couch. I made myself comfortable then started wondering what she wanted to talk to me about. I'll figure it out soon, I thought to myself. At that moment my mom made her way towards the seat next to me, with the cup of coffee that she said she was going to bring. I gladly took it while muttering a thanks to her. She nodded and began to speak. "Well, you know that I told you I had a day off?" She stared at me waiting for an answer. "Yeah, I do." "Well, I actually lied. I quit my job this morning. I just didn't wanted to tell you over text." I literally spitted out the coffee that I was about to drink. "Wait what!? Why!?" I started asking crazily at her. "Geez! Calm down Frank. Right now you'll clean the mess you did though. I quit my job due to never being home. I realized that it must be hell for you. I mean, not having your parents together, having a work-alcoholic mother who is never home, with school, and with being a teenager now a days. I also quit it since they decided to promote me. I was to move all the way to another state and of course I had to take you. But, that's the reason my mind sort of clicked to realization. Also since you weren't to text me that you were going to hang out with a friend and stay over at their house, which reminds me you have to tell me everything about them, I would've probably except it. So, I'm glad you did!" I just stared at her in admiration. She literally quit her job just because of me, and even declined a promotion! Ugh I just love her so much! "Mom! You literally shouldn't have done that! But, I appreciate it tons! You don't know how much that means to me to be honest. I love you so much." I finished by hugging her half to death while giving her kisses all over her face. She started laughing and did the same. "Of course I had to hun! After leaving you alone all this time I think you deserve an apology, so my Frankie boy, I'm terribly sorry for not being able to be here. I hope that what I did will make you forgive me. I'm honestly sorry and I love you so damn much too!" She said while tearing up, along with me. I wiped some tears away and attempted to speak. "Mom..you know you're forgiven! I understand that you wanted the best for me, but all I ever wanted was you to be here with me." I said with tears streaming down my face. We both hugged each other while trying to calm ourselves down. After some good five minutes we finally did calm down. "So, where are you planning to work now?" I asked. "Definitely somewhere where I spend much more time in the house, that's for sure." She replied. I nodded and sat more comfortable. "You never told me about your new friend though." A blush quickly rose up onto my cheeks, feeling them become more hotter. "Well...umm..his name Is Gerard Way. We got assigned to do a poem together and we actually worked great, despite him being a jerk at times. But, In reality, he isn't one. He would pretend to be cool due to having the most amazing, yet not so amazing, girlfriend in high school. He used to act liek a jerk but it turns out he's just like me. We both like the same bands, we both love comic books, and we're horrorholics as well! Isn't that awesome!" I said, leaving quite some big information out. She nodded happily. "Of course! Aside for him not being himself just because he was dating the most "Amazing" girl of your school. How come she's not that "Amazing" though?" She said, a glint of curiosity displayed on her eyes. "Well, he came to me for advice a couple of days ago since I offered help. He said he was noticing her being distant regularly, and he didn't know what to do. Everytime he would invite her to come over or go somewhere she said she was busy doing god knows what. So, I adviced him to go to her house to see what's up. And that led for him to realize she was cheating on him. He was devastated due to him truly believing she was the one so I came for the rescue." I finished off proudly. "Darn it! I feel bad for that poor boy! You should invite him over! I'd love to meet the first ever friend of my baby! And....I've been meaning to ask, "Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?" She said, looking at me with eyes that could see straight towards my soul. I nervously started to shake my head, but of course I looked so obvious that I was Indeed, hiding something. "Spill it." She simply said. "Gerard asked me out to go on a date! Yeah that's it!" I said, rather quickly. She quickly smiled bigger than any other smile I had ever seen. "Oh gosh! I knew it! God, my baby boy is growing up! You better invite him to dinner soon! I would like to join this young gentleman that asked out my Frankie!" She said, rather quickly as well. I was utterly confused. I had totally expected for her to be angry for me not coming out to her sooner. "Wait!? Why aren't you mad? I thought you weren't going to accept me." I said. She stopped her dancing dance and turned her attention towards me. She laughed...she just laughed. She was in tears now, just laughing. Rolling all over the floor. "Mom, are you okay?" I asked a bit scared. She managed to put herself together and answered me. "Frankie boy, I already knew you were gay! A mother can sense it. Since you were a kid I've started to notice. I was just waiting for you to figure it out. And of course I'm going to accept you! You're my son! Who you choose to love is not my choice. I don't mind at all! But I only have one question though, do Gerard's parents know?" She said. I was extremely glad she did accept me, boy I was lucky! " Thanks mom, you're truly the best! And yeah they actually do! They approved of us, since they both apparently adore me. And they think I'll do Gerard happy so yeah they're A-OK with us!" "Awwwee well I'm glad that they think very higly of you! Now, I will need to invite them all over! They seem like such nice persons! Ask Gerard for his parents phone numbers so I could invite them over!" "And Gerard also has a brother. He is also awesome and is basically like both Gerard and I. So, in all total you would invite four persons to dinner just to let you know." She nodded and I started to head towards my room but was stopped midway. "Uh uh sir. I'm not the one who's going to clean up your mess." My mom said while moving her finger stating a "no." I sighed, so close!


Guys! I'm extremely sorry for the delay! I was going to update sooner but I've been kind of busy. And well, I tend to waste time. So, I hope you guys enjoy this lovey-dovey chapter! Also, my apologies for typos!

Well, are you ready, Ray?
How about you, Frank?
Oh, I'm right there, baby!
How about you, Mikey?
Fucking Ready!
Well, I think I'm alright.

(Actually I'm so not ready for tomorrow!)
Yours, Bloodsucker.


@axl killjoy
Hope that's a good thing! I just updated, I hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

Thank you! Just updated, hope you enjoy!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331

I'm dying!

axl killjoy axl killjoy

Fucking awesome

@axl killjoy
Well then I'm fucking glad!

Sp00kykid1331 Sp00kykid1331