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A Soul I Cannot Save...

Chapter 1

Frank was nearly at his wit's end. Two weeks of hedge clipping and scrubbing floors was enough to drive him mad. He'd only taken this shit-barrel job at God's request. God never demanded anything of his angels, only requested. God's request's were always reasonable-this, of course, was the humble opinion of one of Frank's elder Angels, and boy did Frank beg to differ.

Gerard Arthur Way was Frank's very first assignment. He was a hot mess and Frank knew it. He also knew that every guardian angel's first assignment would be their soulmate, and would be given the chance to live as long as they liked with their angel. This was an extreme source of anxiety for Frank, even more so, seeing as he'd never even been on earth before.

Gerard on the other hand, had become a very spiteful, angry person as of late. Cursing out his and his brother's new foster parents on a daily basis and sneaking out to nowhere in particular just to upset them were his new favorite pastimes. Mikey, Gerard's younger brother, didn't have hobbies anymore. Simply living had become a pastime after his parents were killed.

The killings had been all over the local news channels. The victims were a very unlucky couple, Donald and Donna Way. Police investigators concluded that they were chosen at random by a deranged maniac who'd mutilated both bodies after shooting them dead, in their home. Mikey didn't understand a lot of things. Why his parents had suffered such horrible luck, how his brother could have been upstairs in his room AND out with his boyfriend at the same time during the killings, but mostly, why his brother never shed a single tear throughout this whole painful ordeal. And about the latter, Gerard was equally as confused. He and Mikey both changed after the killings. Mikey stopped talking. He didn't consider himself mute. He just couldn't bring himself to speak when he felt there was nothing he could say. Gerard began to develop delinquent behaviors. He no longer showed compassion for anyone other than Mikey, anymore. He didn't even see his lover again after the incident. Bert was the last thing on Gerard's mind, or so he'd like to have thought.

Truthfully, Gerard couldn't really remember much about the last time he'd seen Bert. He knew, from what he was told, that he was with Bert was when his parents were killed. Gerard had decided that he'd let the past stay the past. He wanted to get on with life. He refused to accept that it'd never be that easy.

The Way brother's were moving into a group home. Their foster mother decided that she wasn't quite ready to be a mom. This, of course, was a decision made after Gerard tried to set her on fire after an argument. Mikey and Mr. Price pulled Gerard away and calmed him down until their social worker arrived. The name of the boys' home was 'Mr. Casper's Home for Parentless Youth'. Parentless youth, huh? Gerard thought. That's what he and his brother had become.

He was dropped off at the door with Mikey. Gerard carried both of their bags. Mikey silently wished that he was allowed to carry his own things. He gave up his right to do anything for himself when he stopped speaking. Gerard was just worried about him. He didn't want to inconvenience Mikey with things he could do himself.

Frank was waiting to greet both boys when they pulled up. He observed the boy who would soon be his lover, and the other, who would become a brother to him. Frank liked Mikey, immediately. Gerard just seemed like a dick from want Frank had heard. He loved his brother, though. That was clear.

They walked up the stairs. Frank continued to watch. Mikey was graceful, graceful in the structured and robotic way that most teenagers developed year by year. As adulthood, stress, and boredom overtook them. Each step seemed calculated.

Frank watched until the front door closed and he was once again alone. He turned back and walked to his tiny little hut which consisted of a cot, some blankets, various gardening utensils, and cleaning supplies, and carried on with his day.



I understand that, it's an amazing accomplishment! I'm so excited for the sequel!

Lilyisascarf Lilyisascarf

YAAAY! I'm glad you enjoyed, I'm working on the first chapter of the sequel now. It's really exciting to get that kind of feedback because I've literally written a story till the end.

far-from-lonely far-from-lonely

Yes, I beleive it does require and interested audience to be a cliffhanger, because you just left me hanging on the edge. Amazing story, I'm really excited for the sequel!

Lilyisascarf Lilyisascarf

thank, dude!

far-from-lonely far-from-lonely

