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I Wanna Sleep With Common People Like You

The Common Flirtatious Words

Gerard and I talked for a little while, then we had to part ways. He was definitely the cutest person I've ever met. I suddenly remember I didn't get his number. Fuck, guess that's another loss of a beautiful relationship. I thought and reached into my pockets.My hands started to fiddle with the piece of paper with an unknown number. I wonder who's number this is, I pulled out the number and my phone. Should I call or? I thought and decided to not call. I put my phone and piece of paper back in my pocket. I'll do it when I get to the apartment.

It took me about thirty minutes and I was back at my apartment. I take out my phone and look at the piece of paper, "This could mean two things Frank, one you meet the love of you first few months or you meet a new friend. Yeah." I said to myself and dialed the phone number.

The dials echoed and then they stopped, "Hello?" I overheard a familiar voice.

"Gerard?" I asked.

"Frank?!" He asked with more excitement.

"This is your number?" I questioned as I fiddled with the piece of paper.

"Yeah. How'd you get it?"

"I found a phone number in my pocket and decided to call it. I could've ignored it but I was curious."

"Well did you know that curiosity killed the cat?"

"But satisfaction brought it back."


"That's the whole saying." I answered him as I entered my room.

"Oh. Well, I'm actually glad you called. I forgot to give you my number and I was like sort of freaking out."

"Why were freaking out?"

"Because I lost a start to a great relationship. Friendship or not."

"Oh, well I guess you're lucky."

"Or maybe it's faith!" His voice echoed throughout the line.

"Well, that too." I responded, laying down on my bed.

"Okay," He chuckled, "You want to hang tomorrow? Got nothing to do."

"Sure, where'd you like to meet?" I asked.

"Umm...do you live anywhere near the following coffee shops? Starbucks, Balcony, or Fresh & Hot." He listed the coffee shops and I thought about the names.

"I think I live near the Balcony one. I think." I responded.

"Okay, well we can meet there then." I could sense the smile he had on his face. It was in his voice.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I laid on my stomach acting like a loves truck teenage girl.

"Um, after getting our coffee you want to see a movie?"

"Sure, I'm not busy tomorrow. You have a whole day with me and if you want a whole night. You got 24 hours."

"Really!?" He screamed into the phone.

"Yeah. If you want."

"Wow, well you're going to be pretty busy tomorrow. I get to take you to places. Okay, so what time do you want to meet?" He asked, his excitement was causing me to smile.

"Around 10 o'clock?" I asked.

"That's perfect."

"Okay cool." I smiled.

"Alrighty, I got to go now. See you tomorrow Frank."

"Okay, see you later. Bye."

"Bye love." His voice echoed and the line went dead. He just call me love?

After about a few minutes of laying on my bed I decide on taking a shower. I felt very disgusting, how did I look when I met Gerard? I grabbed a pair of plaid pajamas and a Descendants t-shirt. Before I hopped into the shower my phone was buzzing. I looked at the caller ID and it was Gerard.

"Yeah?" I picked up the phone.

"Do you like meat? Also, are you a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins and are you busy the day after tomorrow."

"Well gees Gee, I'm vegan, yes, and no." I responded.

"Okay, well then you're mine for 48 hours babe starting tomorrow." My face was burning.

"O-okay th-then. I'm y-yours."

"Okay, well bye." He chuckled.

"Bye." He hung up and my heart banged against my chest. "Fuck me up." I sighed and walked to my bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Fuck me up.


Another update and then GHOST will be updated...yay! If you haven't checked that one out check it out yo..I also updated another story today and that's the Can You Hear Me Cry Out To You? AND that's a shit story and I also have another story called To Write Love On His Arms...that's a sort of shit story...but you know whatever anyways bye



I love pulp


Twisted X Space Twisted X Space

You got this, boo! We believe in you <3

Please update again soon!

Electric Siren Electric Siren

This is awesome
